
Scribbled, with Love. [Long One Shot]
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This will be long. Read only if you have time.  :)

I'm very bored right now. Ms. Kim's history class is so boring. I might as well die from too much boredom~

  I laughed as I read the tiny note that was scribbled on the side of my desk during english time. I wonder who sat here for History period? Plus, isn't the prof in History, Mr. Jung? Or is there a new one?   I shrugged to myself, not really caring so much since I was bored myself. Before I knew it, I found my hands searching for a pen to write a response.   Ho-hum~ History ain't the only boring one. English is the life out of me too. D: PS. Isn't Mr. Jung the teacher in History? Or is there another one?   I stopped writing when my seatmate, aka my bff, Haneul, elbowed me that class was over. I smiled widely, finally! The only bad thing is that we have tons of assignment plus we have an upcoming History test three days from now. Argh. Oh well. Who cares? Haneul will probably let me copy. Keke.   I looked at the note I  scribbled on the desk one last time. "Hey,Haneul!"   "Yeah?"   "Do we have another History teacher aside from Mr. Jung?"   She frowned a little, thinking. "None that I know of."   "Oh." Who's Ms. Kim then?   --   The next day, I was still so tired and sleepy from the countless assignments I did last night.   Of course it didn't have anything to do with me being on the net for almost five hours, awaiting SHINee's release of the Sherlock album. Of course, being a loyal Shawol, first things first, right?   Once again, Mr. Choi droned on and on in English class, talking about verb tenses and such, it's not exactly my cup of tea. The only thing I want to do right now is to sleep.   But then, a new note, scribbled in the same handwriting as before, caught my attention.   English huh? Yep. Don't give much of a thought about it. Most of us guys like it though, Ms. Park is so hot! would probably be better if we understood what she was saying most of the time. Keke. PS. Hm. What? Ms. Kim is our History prof. She's been our History prof forever. She's been here since this school was built. She's practically an institution. ;) I smiled at this dude's humor. Ha. He sounds like a dumb jock or whatever.   I wonder which one is he?   Most of our jocks in this school are definitely gorgeous, it's just sad that they couldn't balance all those killer looks with brains.   Well. I wrote.   Good for you that you're enjoying English even though learning isn't really your top priority. Lol. Btw, who's Ms. Park?! Our prof is Mr. Choi. Tall, dark, and handsome. But then, I couldn't understand what he's saying most of the time, too. Maybe he and your Ms. Park would make a lovely couple? Lol. :)) PS. Seriously?! I thought there was only one History prof! And as much as this Ms. Kim should be honored (since she's an institution already), I'm afraid I don't know her. Hm. Maybe she's not assigned in any of the junior classes? Wait. You are a junior, aren't you? Lol. Speaking of History, FML. We have a freaking long test on Thursday. I hate it so much. :x   I looked at the note that I just scribbled, it was long in my opinion. Thank goodness for my tiny handwriting, though.   I doze for the rest of the class.   Haneul shook me awake when class was over, even scolding me a little. "Yah. Is English too boring for you?"   "Of course not. English is such a fundamental subject." I mumbled, gathering my stuff.   "Uh-huh. Why do you have all that bags under your eyes anyway? We don't have too much homework for you to be staying up late."   "Sherlock." I explained.   Haneul sighed. "Of course. SHINee. Is it worth it?"   "Of course!" I say indignantly. "They've been gone for a year and a half, you know!"   "Yeah, okay. Hold your horses, please." She rolled her eyes. "Just don't forget to study for the History test."   "It's only Tuesday today, Han."   "Yeah. But it's a long test."   "Okay." Better not to argue with the study freak. As much as I love my bestfriend, I will never be able to match her enthusiasm when it comes to studies. "I'll call you later."   "I thought you're going to study?"   "I am." I lied smoothly, realizing my mistake. "I meant you know, if I don't understand some stuff. I'll call you up to explain it to me."   She nodded, satisfied. "Sure."   I absently gave her a sweet smile, my mind flying. Time to go back to my SHINee babies!   --   For our History class, Mr. Jung reminded us about the test tomorrow. "It's going to be a long one, class! Most importantly, it will contribute for 30% of your class standing! Make sure you study well." He dismissed us after that.   I was aware that I was one of those who had groaned about the 30% thing. I think it's such a big percentage for one test.   When English came, we switched seats again, according to our last name.   Once again, I sat on the same desk, it was clean except for the scribbles on the corner. I squinted my eyes when I noticed an added note to mine yesterday.   Who says learning isn't my top priority? Learning is fun! :)) and hey, what's all this matchmaking between my future girl and your future boy? No way. We are not pairing the English teachers up! Especially since I don't know who Mr. Choi is. Lol. But since we both don't understand what the love of our lives are saying, I guess we should stick together then. At least we understand each other. Keke. No one really responded to my scribbles before. I never really expected anyone I guess, we're kinda friends now? ;) PS. Say what? You don't know Ms. Kim?! You're missing half of your life, lady! Haha. Kidding. And yes, I am a junior. You are one too, right? Or maybe you're a noona, huh? ;) or am I an oppa? Hmm. Wait. History test? Is that the long one that accounts for 30% of our class standing? Because if it is... Then don't worry. :) I got you. ;) yep. Leave it to me.   I scoffed at the last part of the message. Pfft. Seriously? I can 'leave it up'  to him?   Ha. Looks like this person could really be my friend.   On the other hand though, how in the world can he not know who Mr. Choi is?! Boring as he may be, he's really popular around school! Girls would do anything to top his class to get noticed (except me. lol. to be fair though, he ain't my type in the first place) and boys hate him for obvious reasons.   This deskpal of mine must be living under a rock or something.   Haneul once again elbowed me after class. To be honest, I think I'm gonna have a bruise with all that hitting. "I'm awake! I'm awake!" I protested, rubbing my arm.   "Sorry. Just making sure."   "Hey. You want to go out for milk tea?" I asked her while gathering my stuff.   "Don't you have some studying to do?" She asked snottily. I rolled my eyes. Why am I even friends with this girl anyway?   "I was just being polite. Anyway, do you know who Ms. Park is?"   "Mrs. Park? Our librarian?"   "No!" I shook my head. "Not little old lady Mrs. Park! A hot english teacher named Ms. Park!"   Haneul looked at me weirdly. "No...I don't think we have an english teacher that goes by that name. Also, why are you always asking about these all unknown professors anyway?"   I shrugged. "Just asking. I'm not always updated, you know."   "Whatever. I really need to go now and borrow a book in the library!"   "What for?"   "Uh. We have to analyze a work of Keats, remember?"   I groaned. "Man. Mr. Choi is such a geek. Why do we need to do those stuffs?!"   Haneul sighed. "It will pay off someday. Hey, I really, really need to go. I'll see you tomorrow, okay? Make sure to study!" She shouted, walking backwards.   "Fine!" I shouted back.   Sure, I'll study.   After I'm done spazzing over SHINee's Full Sherlock MV! It's being released today! Yay! Ah, being a fangirl is such hard work.   --   The next day, I dragged myself to History class, it's our second to the last class and the period before English. Today though, I didn't sit in my assigned chair. Actually, no one did. We sat according to 'cheatmates.'   Oops. I'm not supposed to say that.   Anyway, it's the same seat I occupy for English, since it's the only way I can sit next to Haneul aka The Great Historian!   "Yah, Haneullie~ I like your hair today!" I gushed, running my hands through her curls.   My bestfriend rolled her eyes. "I didn't wash my hair today." I grimaced, true enough, it felt kinda oily.   "Oh..." I secretly wiped my hands on my skirt. "It's still great!"   "I know what you're doing." She glared at me.   "Being a great friend~?" I suggested.   "No. Being a leech."   I pouted. "Buuttt Haneul!"   Mr. Jung entered the room in quick motions. "Clear your desks guys. We're starting right now. The test is pretty long!"   I made a face. ! How come I only got to study Chapter 1 of our book anyway?! What happened to the five more chapters I was supposed to study?   Oh, right. Lost in all my spazzing over the Sherlock MV. Oh well, I bet not one Shawol would blame me if I give this reason as to why I wasn't able to study.   Anyway, the test is departmental and that means, the test is standard for all and has been created ages ago. I'm bound to find easy questions, right?   "Hey, Haneul. Chapter 1 is all about the Fundamentals of History right?"   "Yes."   "What about chapter two?"   "I forgot."   "Really?! Didn't you study??"   "I did!"   "Then why can't you remember?"   "Because the coverage of our test begins at Chapter 5, silly."   I gasped. "You're kidding!"   "Let me guess, you only read chapter 1."   "Ngh."   "Well said." She giggled and I glared at her. Stupid bff. Doesn't she know it's her responsibility to inform me about these things?!   Soon, all the papers were distributed.   First part is Modified True or False. Find the thing that makes the statement wrong and give the correct answer.   Ah, FML! How am I going to do this?! I skimmed over the 20 questions.   I only managed to answer three with assurance. The rest were foreign to me.   4. Silla Dynasty lasted for five centuries.    "Han." I murmured. She continued to furiously write away in her paper, I can see she's already on Part two: Analogy. "Han!" I murmured louder this time.   "What?" She murmured back while still writing.   "Share your blessings! Jebal~"   "What?" She made a face. "Wait. Mr. Jung is looking. We can't risk this. Later." Then she went back to writing.   Argh. What am I supposed to do now?   I am so tempted to write True to all the questions I don't know the answer to, but then, a lot of these questions are obviously false. I just didn't know what was supposed to be the correct answer to modify it.   I tapped my pen softly against my desk, bored. Some were answering fast like Haneul. Others were like me, bored and doesn't have a clue as to what we should answer. Absently, my eyes ran over the notes scribbled on the side of my desk. I smiled at our previous responses to each other, my eyes stopping at his last message to me.   Then don't worry. :) I got you. ;) yep. Leave it to me.   "Yeah?" I said softly. "You got me, huh? Where's your 'help' now, Mr. Deskpal?" I scoffed silently.   Suddenly, the wind from the overhead fan blew, lifting my paper up a little. Then that's when I noticed something. Below his last note to me...   Were numbers. With answers.   I sat up straight, squinting in my desk. Wait. What? Seriously?!   1. True 2. True 3. False--Emperor Minjung Wang 4. False--Joseon Dynasty 5. True...   The list went on. Up until part two of Analogy.   I stared at it in disbelief. How can I not notice this when I sat here?! Oh. That's right. The paper covered it...but still!   OMG! Seizing this opportunity, I found myself writing down the answers on my desk to my test paper.   There was one time wherein Mr. Jung came in too close to me and I felt cold sweat breaking out of me, with the amount of scribbles here in my desk, it's almost impossible I won't get caught. So I hurriedly covered the scribbles, praying hard Mr. Jung won't lean anymore closer. But he did, and I almost gasped in surprise, some of the answers can't be covered by the paper! I'll get caught for sure! Just one flickering glance at the side then he'll see the answers and it's too late to cover this up! One wrong move and...   But to my surprise, he just nodded at my answers and went to another student.   I was very much relieved when he went away, but also quite puzzled. It was impossible he didn't see the scribbles at all.   But then, who am I to complain?   --   "You seem to be in a good mood after that horrendous test." Haneul said, stretching her stiff arms and neck.   "Mmm..." I just shrugged, not saying anything, but it was quite true that I can't keep the smile off my face. I got the answers for the test~teehee.   "I wonder why." She looked at me suspiciously and I laid my notebooks on my desk, careful to try to cover up the answers.   I grabbed a tissue and some alcohol, surreptiously trying to erase the scribbles, but after minutes of trying, the ink didn't even fade. WTH. Someone might see this! What am I going to do??   "What are you doing?" I jumped at Haneul's voice in my ear.   "Nothing!" I said guiltily.   Haneul narrowed her eyes at me and forcibly removed my arms off my desk. I squeezed my eyes shut, readying myself for her no cheating lecture.   "Pfft. That's what you're hiding? Why?" She shook her head, uninterested, and returned to reading. I looked at her, baffled. She just saw my cheats! And she didn't say anything!   It's a miracle! A miracle, I tell you!   I didn't dare question her for her lack of scolding, she might change her mind and I didn't need that.   I leaned my head on my desk, Thank you. I wrote, smiling to myself. You were a great help to me. To be honest, I didn't take your assurance seriously Really. Thank you! PS. Btw, what's your name? :)   I need to know my savior's name, of course! Plus, he's kind of my friend now...   Yup. Anyone who helps me with tests generously is definitely a friend.   --   The next day at English, I found myself sitting in my assigned desk eagerly. Why was I eager? I really can't explain it myself.   Because you're going to know his name today. A voice in my head said and that made me frowned.   So what if I'm going to know his name?! It's not like I'm interested in him that way... No, of course not. God, I don't even know what he looks like. He probably looks disfigured or one of those weird, creepo types...   Or he could be really handsome, with a bright smile. His eyes could be the one that were hard to look away from because they're beautiful. Maybe his skin is so smooth, his height would probably be something to swoon over. Maybe his hands-- His hands that wrote these things. That had became your communication... They could be big, maybe a little rough? But that was okay, right? Because he'd still hold yours in that lovingly sweet way... I shook my head fast with all these bizarre thoughts entering my head just like that.   WTF?! It's just a name! It's not like I'm inlove! Besides, I have my SHINee. Period.   Haha. I'm guessing you made it out of that test alive. You're welcome. Even though I'm hurt that you doubted my help in the first place. I'm a man of my word, you know. When I say something, I always do it. ALWAYS.   I smiled at how he wrote always in block letters, even underlining it.   Anyway, you gotta let me know how you did at that exam, okay? Those were my answers in the test and they're not the actual answer they might have some mistakes. Haha. PS. It's Seungho. Yang Seungho. And may I know yours? I'm sure your name is as pretty as you are. ;)   Seungho... His name is Seungho...   Okay, so maybe he's not disfigured or a creepo. Maybe he really is that goodlooking guy with the nice smile. Nevertheless, I raised an eyebrow at the winking smiley at the end. It almost feels like he's flirting with me. Also, he's talking as if he's seen me already or something.   Which is impossible, of course. Unless he's stalking me or whatever.   I did. I'm alive and kicking, thanks to you! :D Man! The answers were so good! I can't believe that's not the actual answer key! Anywayyy, no need to feel hurt. Haha. I mean, come on. Anyone who says they 'got you' in tests and someone you barely knew says it, there really is a tendency you won't take it seriously. Haha. But don't worry, you've proven yourself worthy! PS. My name is Lee Hee Jin. :) I don't think my name is as pretty as me. Pfft. If you ever saw me...haha XD I hardly fix myself. Keke. Thanks again!   This time, I avoided Haneul's elbow attack on my poor arm. Yeah, that sure is something worth celebrating~ "Where are you going?"   "Library. Returning this Keats book I borrowed."   "You're done analyzing? Already?" I was surprised.   She shrugged. "It's easy."   "Is that so? Can you do mine then?" I asked eagerly.   "No." She rolled her eyes.   "I'll pay you." I offered.   She laughed. "No, Miss Lazy. It's easy. Plus, we're only required to write a page, sooo~ should be easy to do, right?"   "When's the submission?"   "November 22nd."   "You're kidding me!" I stared at her. "That's like, next month!"   "I don't like to keep things waiting. Why put it off for tomorrow if you can do it today?" She shrugged.   "Man. You're like, the perfect student!"   "Thank you!" My bestfriend beamed. I chuckled at her reaction.   Suddenly, out of my peripheral vision, I saw someone watching us outside the room. It was a guy. He was leaning against the post on the halls. There wasn't enough light for me to see his face, but I felt it.   I felt his stares.   I craned my neck, trying to see who it was, but when I managed to gently push aside my bestfriend, the person wasn't there anymore. "What's wrong?" Haneul raised an eyebrow at me.   "I thought...I thought I saw someone. Outside."   Haneul looked behind her. "Where?"   "Outside the room. He's a boy...and he was staring at us."   "Maybe that's the new student in section 3-B." She said dismissively.   "Oh..." I blinked.   A new student? Not really interesting news for me...   So why do I feel weirded-out all of a sudden?   --   The next day, at History class, I caught myself yawning, and that's just when Mr. Jung entered the room. See how much this class bores me? "Good afternoon, class! Settle down because I have the results from your last test!"   I studied my fingenails, not all that much concerned. I usually get a B- to a C-. Rare are the occassions that I get an A. But of course, SHINee is not to be blamed!   "Will Ms. Lee Hee Jin stand up, please?"   I looked at Mr. Jung. Did he just say the name?   Hyoyeon, who's my real seatmate during History, hissed at me. "That's you! Mr. Jung is calling you!"   "Me?" I asked, surprised, while pointing at myself and reluctantly standing up.   "Yes, Ms. Lee. You."   What did I do? OMG. Did he caught me cheating from before??   Mr. Jung walked towards me slowly. I was frozen in place, readying myself for the screams and the accusations. I closed my eyes, I felt my face starting to turn red from the embarrassment that will ensue. "Congratulations, Ms. Lee!"   My eyes snapped back open. Wait. What?? "What?!"   "You got the highest score! One mistake! Good work!" He gave me my paper and I stared at it. 79/80. OMG. Seriously?!   "Wow!" Hyoyeon snatched the paper from my hands, amazed.   "You can sit now, Ms. Lee. Here are your papers, students."   My heart was still pounding when I sat down. "Wow..." I whispered to myself, still not quite believing it.   Seungho must definitely know about this.   -- I rushed to my desk for English class, scanning our scribbles hurriedly.   Well, I'm so glad you're alive. It must be great, huh? Lol. I'm glad I've proven myself worthy to you. Pfft. Haha. Seriously though, you can count on me for help. ;) So come on, what did you get for the test? I'm kinda excited to know. Don't know why. Haha. PS. Hee Jin? A pretty name, yes. But I think you're prettier. ;) Wait, what? You're not fixing yourself at that point?! I don't believe you! Haha. Nah, I'm kidding. I haven't seen you yet. I just feel you're pretty...much like how you think I'm hot, right? Haha. Kidding. :D   I can't help the smile on my face from widening with his jokes. Haha. Knew it. He hasn't seen me. Yet.   Yup! It's definitely a good day to be alive today! Know why? Oh. Only because I got the highest mark in the History test! 79/80! And it's all thanks to you! Seriously!!! I'm so thankful I COULD HUG YOU RIGHT NOW!!  I LOVE YOU SOOO! Lol. Haha. In a platonic way of course. Rofl. PS. You flirt! Haha. Kidding. Yep. That's me. The girl whose name is prettier than she is. Hahaha XD Plus, who told you that I think you're hot?! Pfft. Okay, just this once. Because you helped me ace my exam. Hahaha.   "Why are you always lying in your desk like that? Even sporting that big, happy grin." Haneul shook her head at me, after class.   "No reason. I'm just high right now." I laughed.   "Yup! You were really sly!" She playfully slapped me on the arm.   "Ow. Why?" I pouted.   "Pretending you didn't study or something then getting such high grades?! Ha! You should have totally let me copy!"   "What did you get anyway?"   "75."   "That's still high!"   "Hmm...guess so. Anyway, we must study together next time, Ms. Historian!"   "I didn't study at all." I shrugged and she rolled her eyes.   "Pfft. You can't fool me! It's either you studied so hard or the answers just floated to your paper." She giggled.   I smiled back weakly. More like the latter. Except that it floated on my desk, which I then transferred to my paper. I actually feel guilty that I got a higher score than Haneul, seeing as how she was the one who studied so hard...   I happened to glance outside, once again, that tall, new student was there, leaning on the post outside the halls. His hands were on his pockets, the shadows made it hard for me to see his face again.   "Hey, there's that new student again." I nudged Haneul.   She shrugged, not looking. "So? Is he your type?"   "No...but do you know his name?"   "He's not your type but you want to know his name?" She chuckled and I continued to watch the guy.   He stared at us for a few more moments then walked away, going to his left. I was almost mesmerized with how fluid his motions were, as if he wasn't walking at all. As if he was on air.   "Hee Jin?? Hee Jin!" Haneul was snapping a finger in my face.   "Y-yeah?" I blinked, trying to keep the dazed feeling away.   "I said I don't know his name. But do you want me to investigate for you?" She smirked.   I stared at my bestfriend, but my mind was still flying. "You do that." I said, my eyes drifting away.   I can't help but look outside again.   What is wrong with me?!   --   The next day, I was once again scribbling on my desk, we were almost filling up the left side of the desk so I had helpfully divided the desk into five columns so that we can maximize the space.   Pfft. I know. Crazy, right?   But this is the only thing entertaining me during English time so...   WOWWWWWW!!!! SERIOUSLY?!! YOU ACED ITTTTT!!!! YEAHHHHH. You know that this calls for a celebration, right?! Haha. You totally owe me one! Yeah, go on ahead. Hug me. My arms are open. Hahaha. ^^ PS. What? Me? A flirt? No way. I'm a totally good boy, you know. Keke. Plus. I'm hot. Yeah, I am. Ask any girl around. Haha. PPS. Class is still boring. Why don't you give me something to read while I go through this? :/ Make it long, okay? Tell me about yourself. Just go crazy. Lol.   I picked up my pen and started to scribble.   So true! We need to celebrate, asap! Your treat, of course! Haha. Say what? I ain't running into your arms! Haha. Kidding. PS. Yes, you are. But it's all good, because I really do owe you one still! Let's not push the 'I'm Hot' thing though, okay? Lol. Joke. PPS. Pfft. Using my notes to you as a way to escape boredom huh? I'm flattered. XD Fine. I'll tell you stuffs about me. I'm Lee Hee Jin. 16 years old. I'm an only child. My bff's name is Kang Haneul. I don't like studying all that much...I love sundaes. :3 especially hot fudge. Yum. Haha. I am not sporty at all. I don't like to read, unless it's fanfics and if it's about my SHINee babies. Keke. I love to doodle and...I'm a shawol. Surely you know what that is, right? Haha. Anyway... what else...Hmm...I love movies! My favorite color is yellow and pink~ I did ballet when I was little but I stopped already, it wasn't really a passion for me. Uh...I love any other girl. Haha. Am I boring you yet? No? Haha. What's my passion, you ask? This may be odd, especially for a girl, but I really want to become an astronaut one day. Don't laugh! Yeah, I hear you. Haha. The stars are telling me you'll be laughing at this. Lol. Astronomy has always been fascinating to me so...yeah. I have tons of books about it. I have a special telescope given by my dad when I was ten, so I could gaze at the stars. I can tell you which planet is on the sky, even though it only looks a star, with just one glance. Do you think I'm crazy? Haha. It's just that I think there's more out there, you know? Not like I don't love earth, I totally do. But I'm always curious as to what's ahead. What's out there? In space? Planets, asteroids, stars, the sun, the moon, maybe other lifeforms? I just think the possibilities are endless and I'm inlove with it...<3 haha. Yeah, I'll stop now before I fill up the whole column and bore you to death. I still need a deskpal for English, you know! Haha. So it's your turn, okay? Tell me about you. And no, you don't need to tell me you're hot XD   I smiled dreamily outside the window. It's so nice when I get to tell someone about my real passion. People may think that the only thing I can do all day is fangirling and sleeping but...the stars and the sky is so beautiful.   How can anyone not get dazzled by it?   --   Kidding? So that means you're really gonna run into my arms? :) they're waiting, you know. Haha. My treat?! MY treat?!! When I was the one who so kindly helped you in the first place?? Aish, really. Girls are truly difficult! PS. Fine. I'm not gonna push the I'm Hot thing since you know it already. Hehe :) PPS. Thank you. You actually got me engrossed in my desk for 30 minutes like a freak. I bet my seatmate's wondering why I kept on smirking and smiling like a fool. -_- Nevertheless, thank you. At least I know something about you now. Haha. You didn't put in the most important thing though, Are you with anyone else right now? As in...attached? Just wondering, is all :D And...stars, huh? Cool. Never thought I'd meet a girl like that. They are beautiful, I agree. Especially when they dot the sky and form constellations. You really should point me Uranus one day. It's my favorite planet. Haha. And who's SHINee? Are they acceptable? Anyway, you should totally listen to 4Men. They're really my favorite. I love their ballads! Just a tiny advice. Haha. Sigh. Okay, my turn. Get ready...because I'm not going to make this lengthy. Haha. XD I'm not the type of guy that likes to talk about himself. Plus, I'm just gonna pattern this after how you wrote yours, okay? My name is Yang Seungho. I'm 16 as well. I have a dongsaeng. He's 2 years younger than me. My best buddy's name is Joon. Studying is fine with me. I'm not a study freak but I do read my notes and books once in a while. I'm actually in the student council before...anyway, I love mints. Breath mints, candy mints, mint choco chip ice creams, mint tea...haha. Anything with mint, really. I am not into sports so much, but I do like watching the occassional game with my dad and my brother or with my friends. We play ball sometimes. I like reading. Yeah. I hear your laughter too. But, hey. Reading actually makes me smarter XD haha. So yea, I used to go to the library before...but...not so much  these days. No. I don't like to doodle. But scribbling these notes with you is fast becoming a habit of mine. Haha. and...I like 4Men. Just try listening to their songs. Especially Baby Baby. Haha. I love to play that. Oh. I love movies too! Especially action and mystery! My favorite color is blue and black, and no. I'm not a violent person. Haha. So here's my passion: I love to play the piano. Seriously. I can play it for hours. I compose pieces as much as I can. My specialty is sad, emotional ones. Not because I'm emo or something like that, it's just that playing those pieces are more heartfelt, at least for me. I'll play for you sometime...if you want. :) Just name the piece. I bet you want to hear me play now, right? Hahaha. I want to be a professional pianist one day but my dad doesn't really approve of that as a career. My mom's fine with it though. She loves listening to me play. :3 hmm...what else? Not much to say, really. Oh, and yes. I'm single. Haha. :) I bet that makes you really happy. Haha. Kidding!   Well. That did occupy 10 minutes of my time. Seungho is really funny. I must admit, he seems interesting too. I guess he's not one of those dumb jocks that I thought he was before. And he was on the SC? How come I didn't know?   Hmm...I blame it on my lack of interest on those things...   HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW WHO SHINee IS?! They're the hottest Kpop group alive! Anyway, Yes. It's your treat. Because I'm out of cash right now. SHINee's album is very expensive, you know! Haha. Difficult? Ha. I am one of the nicest girl in the class, FYI!   I decided not to respond to his PS note anymore. The topic is over, as far as I'm concerned. Haha.   PPS. Ha! It took you 30 minutes to read my writings? Haha. It only took me 10 with yours. Unfair. Now I have more time to kill! Haha. And no...I'm single as well. Just haven't found that guy just yet. Uranus, huh? Sure. I'll help you find it. Although locating it is kinda hard. We really need telescopes or binoculars just to spot it. Plus, another planet has to shine beside it just so we could notice it. Preferably, Jupiter. Anyway, it can only be seen at about 2AM on the eastern I'm not sure if we can see it together. -_- Maybe I can just give you instructions over the phone or something. Just give me your number and stuff. Hehe. And no. I'm not hitting on you! This is just for help purposes. Hahaha. 4Men huh? Nice! I love their songs too! Didn't know you were a softie. Haha. It's cool though. Gah. We're almost opposites. You should totally meet my bff. She's into studying and reading like you! She finished our Keats paper when it's due like, next month. Ha. So weird. Mint? Mint's okay, I guess. But I actually hate Mentos. Sorry. >< oh. And you're on the SC? What position? :) wow. You're a pianist. Okay. So cool. Taemin's good at piano too, you know?! Mygosh!! Do you know the piece Child's Play? Oh. Well. The bell just rang. Thanks for keeping me occupied! Haha.   Once again, Haneul and I were the only ones left on the room. She was babbling about this guy who asked her out. I wasn't really listening.   Because that guy is outside our room again.   This time though, I managed to see his hair color. It was dark brown and was sticking up in a nice way. Before I could move towards the door more to see him, he had walked off in another direction again.   Gosh. So weird, really.   --   My number? Oh. I'm sorry. I lost my phone and I haven't had the chance to buy one yet. Maybe you could just give me yours. I'll text you using my friends' or my bro's cell. What? Uranus is hard to spot? D: aw. That's sad. And at 2am, huh? It's fine with me to be out at that about you? We'll need to make arrangements. Haha. :) Hey! You like 4Men too?! YEAH. You definitely got taste! Nice! Your bff, huh? I'm not sure we'll jive the way you and I do. :/ although I'd love to meet her. I'll introduce you to Joon some other time too...he's busy these days. I was a vice president in the SC before. I doubt you'll remember it though. Hm. What else? Yeah, sure. I'll play Child's Play for you. Didn't know you like those pieces. Haha. PS. You're single too, huh? Well...that's another nice thing. Btw. What's your favorite flower? Just asking.   I frowned at the beginning part of his note.   That . You don't have a phone? Aw. Fine. Here's my number. And no...I don't think I'm allowed to be out that late. Hm. I'm not sure. I'll ask the parental units, okay? :) Gah. What am I talking about? We don't have arrangements yet! Haha. And how do you know you won't jive with my bff? She's really nice and pretty and smart! I bet you'd like her. And sure. I'd love to meet Joon some time. When he's not busy anymore or something. You were a VP?! Seriously??? Wow. That's cool. You truly are a nerd! Haha. Plus, yes. If you play Child's Play for me, I'd be really happy! PS. It's nice?? I don't even know what to say to that. And yup! If you must know, Child's Play is the beginning piano piece in SHINee's song: Hello. :) haha. My favorite flowers are tulips. Why?   I stared at the note. We've just finished our second column. Wow. We really are bored students!   After class, Haneul had to rush off immediately. She had apparently said yes to that guy asking for a date.   I was left in the room, arranging my things. Suddenly, I catch that guy outside our room again. I put on my backpack slowly and stared back at him. "Hi?" I called out to him unsurely.   He didn't say anything but he did raise one arm to wave. Is he waving at me?   I walked towards him to see his face. Damn shadows!   But as I was going nearer, he had sprinted off to the left, I remember that's where the library is located.   I was baffled. What the?? Is that guy weird or what?! Or maybe he has a phobia with humans or something.   I shook my head and headed off towards the opposite direction and towards the school gate.   I am so not talking to that guy anymore.   --   I sat on my desk in english class, staring at the four words that I don't really know how to respond to just yet. I had written him a lengthy reply before and this is his answer? Just this?   So. Should we meet? :)   Meet? He wants to meet? I felt myself being a little bit nervous at this, and also a whole lot curious too. I have a chance to meet Seungho!   I'm not sure why I'm so bothered, weren't we going to meet at some point anyway? I mean, he wanted help finding Uranus, I wanted to hear him play Child's Play. Plus, we're friends now. What was wrong with that?   I nodded to myself with my explanations.   Yup. Nothing wrong at all.   That's why I found myself scribbling this reply to him:   Sure. Why not? :)   -- That night, I kept on thinking what would be his reply to me agreeing on us meeting face-to-face. I have no idea why I'm acting like this. I mean come on, he's my school mate! I've probably seen him before in the halls, in the cafeteria, or during assemblies. Really.   It's not like I'm meeting SHINee or something. I shouldn't be this intrigued at all.   Right?   --   Okay. How about the Dippin Dots Ice Cream Shop beside the pet store? 4pm? After class? Tomorrow? :) Let me know. Yes. It's my treat. Haha. Meet me on the fourth table near the windows. I'll be waiting...   Dippin Dots?? Wow. He sure knows how to pick the place! They make the best hot fudge sundaes too! Best of all, we don't have any homeworks in the way so I could definitely meet him tomorrow! Although I'm a bit weirded out with the ellipses after that 'I'll be waiting' part.   Ha. I'
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Did an alternative ending for Scribbled. With Love., because I realized that the old ending . Lol. Read if you want. :)


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Chapter 1: OMG. This is really sad :((
Seungho why!!? Why did you interfere with a living person's life </3
I thought it would be a nice fluff in the start... but it turned out to be so dark.
Good job, author-nim. You worked hard ^^
PrettyInPunk #2
Chapter 1: I found this and guess what i cried hard damn you are great writer it was beautifully written
Chapter 1: It's my third time reading this and again, I have tears in my eyes.
It's so heartbreaking and so beautiful! <3
karmila7984 #4
Chapter 1: woowwww the best oneshot i've ever read!! the plot is wonderful //creys han river

keep it up authornim HWAITINGGG
bilbo20101 #6
Chapter 1: It was really amazing! I truly loved it!
Chapter 1: *scrolls to the top*

"I might as well die from too much boredom~"

Oh. My. F-ing. God. *repeatedly hits forehead on desk*
Chapter 1: I was terrified and crying half the time (Read this at night. T T) but I kept reading because it was just so perfect! I /love/ your writing sfm, you don't even know. OTL I'll check if you have other stories later. :D

This is now one of my absolute favorites here on AFF! Definitely my favorite oneshot. <3 I'm so glad I found this. So glad. T T The characters are perfect. IDK why; they just are. The plot reminded me of a Chinese(?) movie I've seen (Can't remember the title.) but then again, they're worlds apart. I loved it nonetheless.

Long comment is long. :3

A girl who's scared less of ghosts <3
Chapter 1: ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! It was so amazing that I am speechless. I loved it! Such a beautiful story!!!!!!
Chapter 1: OMG!T.T SO AMAZING!!~~