For G-dragon

This Love

This Love
By Carmen W.

Chapter 21: For G-dragon

P.O.V: None

- Currently 6:21AM in the Morning -

G-Dragon and Hyori was both asleep cuddling together in the sofa. The T.V was left last night they both fell asleep while watching the drama. G-Dragon's arm was around Hyori and the whole picture of them together looks..perfect. After time pass, G-Dragon's head turned..and his eyes slowly open. Once it's fully opened, he saw his love..faced right next to him..asleep. He smiled and forgot half the things that happened last night. G-Dragon also had a dream..when he was in Japan with Hyori...the boys and the concert was not there in the dream..but only him and Hyori.

Sigh. "I feel like were newlyweds already!" Gdragon whispered to himself happily getting out of the sofa. Then he carefully placed the soft blacket on to Hyori. "You look beautiful in the morning, I'll make breakfast." G-Dragon left Hyori with a sweet note and quickly clean himself up and made breakfast.

G--dragon was whistling big bang's hit song "lies" while cooking some eggs..Then out of nowhere his cell phone rang..It appeared to be T.O.P

"Oh crap..I totally forgot about the boys yesterday night.." G-Dragon said

"Hello?" G-Dragon said softly

"Um..Mornin' Ji Yong..Where are you?" T.O.P said angrilly

"I' Hyori's place" G-Dragon said

"Hyori's place? You stayed there the whole night?" T.O.P asked

The boys in the background got really loud and was chattering alot after what T.O.P said.

"Yeah, I fell asleep and that's it..Sorry for not calling" GD said

"You know you really..really should've called us!..We were damn worried about you..and guess what happened.." T.O.P said

"What?" GD asked briefly

"Me and the boys went all the way to the air port to find you..It was not my idea but that was the only choice! And worst of all we were chaced by hundreds of fans afterward! Don't you check you're phone? Each one of us called you,text you and left you a voice mail..and at the luck!" T.O.P yelled and GDragon felt how guilty he was to not pick up any of the boy's calls.

"Okay..I'm really sorry about what happened, I didn't mean to not pick up any of your calls or the boys..I'll be home soon..just don't worry that much on me..I'm fine and sorry for all the troubles I cost ya.." GDragon explained and apologized tiredly

"Alright..I better see you're face back at the studio at 12..aight? I mean 12 where the sun is still up..okay? see ya" T.O.P hunged up

GD hunged up after.

"Who was that?" Hyori asked curiously right across the kitchen room..

"um.." GD's face was speechless

Breakfast was served on the dining table and Hyori took a sip of hot tea. GD was just sitting there quietly.

"Well..was there any problem before in the phone? It sounds like I'm the one to blame.." Hyori asked

"'s not you're fault.." G-Dragon said

"Who was on the phone?" Hyori asked

"It's know that-"

"Who was on the phone!? It has to be somebody..You can't be that retarded to talk to yourself in the phone!" Hyori yelled

"..Okay..It's..T.O.P" GD said slowly

"I knew it..It's all because of me, they were worried about you and you end up at my place!" Hyori yelled

"It's not your fault! None of it is!.." GD explained

"How!? I'm the reason why you left home and cause you into all these troubles!" Hyori raised her voice once more

"Okay listen..I decided to go to the air port and get you a ticket to Japan and I decided to go to you're house afterwards..None of it is your'e fault..I was the one who decided to do all of that..for you..It's my fault to cause all the trouble.." G-Dragon explained

"G-Dragon...Just promise me...Even though I'm a new part of your life..Also please. .Remember about the others that is in your life your band mates..and friends..I know how much they care about you..and I don't want 'me' to be in your mind time pick up the phone calls so they don't have to worry about you..I won't mind just do the right thing" Hyori calmed down and said

"Thanks..That really meant alot..I promise you." G-Dragon smiled and gave cheers to Hyori

"Cheers for a good morning and the day forward!" G-Dragon annouced and they both cheers their glass of orange juice.


- Scene Cut to the Studio -

P.O.V: G-Dragon

I left Hyori's place and arrived at the busy studio. I saw the boys rehearsing and I have to say..I can't wait to tour! Everything looks perfect! Just one thing I ran to the dance room and I memorized all my I jumped in the dance rehearsal and do my thing..everyone's face was surprise and lit up once I was there haha.

"I'm suprise you still remember your dance moves, good job Ji Yong." T.O.P said

"haha most definitely" I laughed and gave all of my boys a pound. (handshake)

"So hows last night?" Tae Yang smiled slyly while the others were like 'oohhhh' (mushy like)

"Okay okay, nothing at all of what you're guessing happened..we were just watching a drama and we both fell asleep.." I explained

"Wow..You ditched drama night with us..and ran all the way to Hyori's place and watch a drama with her" Seung Ri joked

"Well Seung Ri you know why..the drama thing was unexpected..but the important things..went perfectly!" I smiled

"You got her the ticket? She goin' to Japan with us?" Dae Sung questioned

"Yeap!" I said happily

"Look at that face of yours, I bet she is your everything..and It's only been under 3 month you've known each other..and it's pretty serious" T.O.P said

"Were not gonna engage tomorrow..but the near future, probably..and yes..she's the one" I confessed

"Strong words..Better not mess this one up" Dae Sung joked

"Don't worry, I won't..Now c'mon guys let's rehearse, concert is in 3 more days!" I said and we went back to where we were.

- Scene cut to Hyori -

"Hmm...since G-Dragon supported me with alot of his heart giving gifts..I want to give him a gift too...but what?.." I said to myself and wondered

I wanted to go around town and buy G-Dragon a gift since he did soo much for me, I wanted to do something back. I have no idea on what to get for him, everything cute I found was too overpriced and it must’ve been way easy for a rich guy like GDragon to buy a gift..since every gift I received from him was over the top expensive.

Sigh. “This is too hard” I complained and scratched my head

“Omg, there have to be a store that sells something nice with a low price” I wandered from store to store and unfortunately most of them was designer shops.

I remember this little store that sells the cutest items…It’s a store me and Park goes to a lot back then. It’s not to far away, so I still have hope for a gift! I walked abit fast and I can see the store’s banner. The store name is “Sunni’s Gift Shop”.

“It’s been awhile I came here…Hopefully I find something nice for him..” I crossed my fingers and step in the shop

The cute little bells rang when I came in and the store hadn’t change a bit. The sleek floor was pink and the wall was mint green. Park thinks the store reminds her of ‘candy land’ or ‘ice cream delight’. The first place I always walk to was the accessories section. That section always have the cutest stuff.

“Let’s see what they have today..” I smiled and look around

I see head bands, diamond encrusted tiaras, hair clips, and small makeup kits. Well obviously none of these fits Gdragon’s taste haha. Well I wanted to get several hair clips and head bands, since they’re soo cute. I chosed my selections and walked to the other direction where now I try to find something less girly.

I Gasped in amazement.

The first thing that caught my eyes was these little cell phone charms. They’re green & white and have a clover, circle, heart shaped pendant on the end of the pretty strap. Inside the pendant was a small four leaves clover attached! That’s really cool, the clover is real also! Now this is a perfect gift! This could be a good luck charm for the concert tour! Perfect! I knew I’ll find something here! I decided to get the heart one because it represents love and it’s all from the heart!

“Hey! How much is this charm?” I asked the clerk from the counter

“It’s on sale! $8.00!” The clerk replied

“Great! Here!” I paid the price and happily walked out with the charm and hair accessories

- Back at Hyori’s home -

After buying the gift, I went back home and decided to pack my luggage for Japan..I'm really excited to see GD and the boys on stage! It's unreal. I cleared my unorganized closet and was refolding everything I have. Then I found this brown paper box, which is sealed with heavy duck tape. I didn't remember seeing it I ripped out the tapes and I can smell this old 'antique' odor when the tape was off. Dust flew everywhere and I gave out a couple of small sneezes. Inside there was an old cam-corder with about 14 tapes around it. Some memorable tapes I found was 'High School Graduation', 'Beach with Park Bom' and 'Park and I: BFF'. I was curious to see the BFF I quickly put the tape in the cam-corder and quickly press play.

Park and I: BFF (video story):

You can hear many laughters of Park and Hyori at a public park near there school.

"Park! Say hi to the camera!" Hyori said

"Omg! I'm camera shy stop!" Park quickly covered her face

"You're too pretty to be camera shy! C'mon it's just for a couple of second! Now c'mon say something about our friendship! It's been like how long?" Hyori said

Sigh. "It's been first grade all the way to senior years of high school! (smile) Can you believe it? Were closer then ever!" Park said happily to the camera

"Of course! Were like the bestest friends of Seoul's Science Study High!" Hyori yelled out happily

"haha, best friends forever right?" Park asked

"forever (echoes)" Hyori said with a big smile

- vid ended shortly -

The video touched me and got me thinking about me and Park good old days at school..This is the first time we've been longed apart from each other and I use to talk to her everyday. I hope were still as close and I can't wait till she gets back from Japan..well I'mma be at Japan too..but that's a different situation.

I looked down at my old cam-corder and I think I can make him a small video of me giving him support and some important stuff I gotta say. Now that I thought of it..I think that'll be perfect and it's right from the heart! I quickly find a clean spot at my home and I decided to tape it at my bedroom..which is my comfort zone. I placed it right on a high chair and I press .. (rec.)

Hyori Talking:

"Annyonghaseyo Gdragon! Well this video is for you, and since touring is almost here! I wanna say..congratulation! All of your hard work is paying off..I can't wait to see you on stage performing like a star. Um…well thinking back from the days we first met and everything you’ve done for me…I just gotta say, you’re someone really rare…I had never seen or met a guy like you…Someone who is so genuine and kind. (smile) I still remember when I was at your concert here in Seoul and um…Yeah the way you sang to me was…amazing and beautiful, I’m happy that I actually came up on stage for that…Thank you, that moment will be kept in my heart forever. One more thing I want to say, every moment I spend with you always put a smile to my face. Gdragon…you’ve made an huge impact in my life and it’s only been 3 month we’ve known each other and I thought 10 years later I’ll be saying these words to someone I love…but I’m saying it now, and I’m 18 years old. Gdragon…I’ll never forget you and I love you…soo much. Thank you for showing me happiness and love in my life. Oh! And good luck at the concert! I’ll be there and watch you perform! Good Luck


“Wow…That was weird” Hyori said after recording infront of a camera

Hyori felt a lot of emotion after recording and she almost teared abit. But she held her tears back. Hyori took the tape out and put it in a envelope then she put the charm right next to it.

“My gift for Ji Yong! (smile) . . .Now I gotta pack…” Hyori smiled and finish packing her luggage.

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That is so cute "Like what you said before!.. Haha, its all love!!" That was so cute!!