Drum Roll Please...

This Love

This Love
by Carmen W.

Chapter 19: Drum Roll Please...

Point of View: Hyori

 I'm glad Ji Yong came over to say all that to me..and of course I'm happier then ever! Now I'm riding a bike with my love on the back. I feel like an idiot, but what can I say...It was a memorable moment, because it was filled with laughters and smiles. Gdragon point out the REALLY confusing direction to the studio, and I'm excited to meet his band mates and others. I hope they're as nice as Ji Yong is, and I'll just be a little more open about myself, because this time..the relationship with Ji yong and me is serious.


"Right there Hyori! That's YG's studio!" Gdragon yelled out excitedly

I stopped and parked it on the side, as we got in the building, the inside was like..really professional looking. The people in the first floorth was wearing a black shirt with the company's logo on it. I felt abit awkward and GDragon said the whole building is like a second 'home'..I understand that, because earlier he said music and art was his passion and I'm glad he love what he do..not only for fame, but yeah you know what I mean.

We both stepped in the elevator.

"I can't wait to see your friends Ji Yong" I smiled to him

"Yeah..this must be the first time, well not really..the first time was in stage..where you see my band mates" GDragon said nervously

"Well, it was only seeing them..this time I want to talk and open up abit..I mean they're your friends or can I say 'brothers'" I giggled

"Right, hehe..Don't worry they would love to meet you..since they're already soo nosy about you.." Gdragon said

"Nosy?" I made a confuse look

"Never mind" Gdragon cleared his throat


The elevator door opened and you can hear many things going on. Talking from room to room, and music blasting and dance stepping from the dance studio.

"Where are we heading to?" I asked anxiously

"Um..the dance room" Gdragon said and head me over to the door where the music was playing loudly.

(Dance Room's Door Open)

As we stepped in the huge and stinky dance room..I was abit scared, since I don't know anybody. I can see Ji Yong's band mates (I suppose) dancing incredibly with alot of energy, and it was really cool.


Gdragon turned off the music playing from the music player.


"Huh?....(gasp) Ji Yong!!!" TOP and the others ran toward GDragon and Hyori

"Hey! How's it going boys" GDragon asked awkwardly giving handshakes to the boys

The 4 sweaty boys were also eyeing on me, and giving signals to GDragon like mouthing some words and looking from me to him. I felt really weird.

"Well, this is Hyori Lee" Gdragon introduced

"Annyong! Annyong" The boys bowed and greeted me and I did the same

"I'm Seung Ri, the youngest one..and I created half of the dance moves" Seung Ri bragged

"Ehh..yeah, I'm Dae Sung, and I think you remember me! In the concert, I was the one asking Ji Yong to pick a lucky fan..and woop di doo! He picked you! I should be the important guy here!" Dae Sung bragged after

"I'm Tae Yang nice to meet ya, and uh..I'm releasing a solo album next year! Support!" Tae Yang annonuced and smile

"I'm T.O.P, the oldest one..and yeah I'm more mature then Ji Yong, nice to meet you!" TOP bragged and gave Hyori a handshake

I was smiling after they all introduce themselves to me, I never knew they were like soo .. humorous and loud. It was great to see them.

"Nice to meet you all, well my name is Hyori, and I am a shy yet happy girl..and um I think you guys 'Big Bang', is really talented and I'll support you." I smiled and complimented

"haha thanks, well um..sorry to ask but, are you guys um..you know.." Dae Sung asked curiously

"Yeah" Hori smiled "Were together now" I said with a smile

"Oooh, that was fast, what did you Ji Yong did? Under 2 hours to win you're heart..?" Dae Sung asked curiously again

Gdragon stood there with his face turning red, looking down..He was shy to be with Hyori and the boys at the same time.

"Well, he ran over to my place and um..shared his feelings to me..turned out that we really miss seeing each other.." I said being really open..I wonder why Ji Yong was so quiet.

"Nice GDragon, why aren't you talking?" TOP asked

"Oh, uh..well you guys were really in to the conversation, I'm just happy to see you guys getting along and haha yeah.." GDragon looked up slowly and said

"Right..well Hyori, you know that were having a big tour soon right?" Tae Yang asked

"Yeah, well..you know where it's going to be at?" I asked hoping it won't be too far

"Not sure, were most likely to find out tomorrow" Seung Ri said

"Well hello there!" A mysterious man came in and said

"Yang Hyun!" Big Bang hollered out happily

"Hello boys, well I'm just here checking on you..and why aren't you guys rehearsing?" YG owner asked

"Oh, GDragon's..um mate is here..and were just getting along..getting to know each other" TOP said

"Mate huh? haha hello I'm the owner of YG and hmm I think I remember your face" YG said with a grin

"Oh really?" I asked with a weak smile


"Yeah, you're the girl from the concert right? When GDragon was singing to you" YG said..I thought he was gonna say the picture situation thing..thank god


"Oh! haha right! Well you're really lucky to have Big Bang in you're company..they're definitely one talent!" I gave a compliment

"Oh yes, GDragon & the boys is truly gifted..Ji Yong produced and worked with many young and legendary stars..I'm really proud..and you must be really lucky to have him as a boyfriend haha" YG laughed and complimented


"Well, my name is Hyori Mr. Yang Hyun" I bowed with respect and he bowed back

"Oh! Yang Hyun, our tour is next week and can you give us a little hint on the destination spot..ya know..a sunny area..with amazing beaches..palm trees.." TOP wondered curiously


"Well..It's definitely not Mexico.." YG said

"Thailand? China? Malaysia? India?" Seung Ri kept guessing

"Okay Okay Okay, I can tell you right now..Only if you keep your mouth shut" YG said quietly

"Alright! Mouth shut!" Seung Ri sweared

"Okay, come to my office and I'll tell you.." Yg head to his office

When me and GDragon and the boys left the dance studio, In my head..I was really scared to even know where it's going to be..I mean what if it's in like Canada or something..it's too far..maybe. I held on to Gdragon's arm and he whispered something to my ear.."Hyori, whereever it's going to be at..I'll still love you forever and I'll always be close to you..wherever we are". I felt abit more comfortable..But does far distance relationship last?..


-Hyori's P.O.V ended -


- Scene Cut to YG's Office -


P.O.V: GDragon


Everyone sat down on the huge couch, and Yang Hyun was sitting in the head chair with a table filled with papers and CD demos. Everyone was quiet..and I can hear Seung Ri and TOP thumping their feet and whispering to each other ear like they were arguing. I held Hyori's hands the whole time during the long silent treatment. Truefully..I was really scared to even know where the destination will be at..I don't care if it's in Europe or Mexico..they're both great places..but I really want to stay here in Seoul with Hyori. Finally Yang Goon start talking.


"Okay..everyone..You've been here a year and a half before..and there's many fans waiting to see you there..drum roll please.." YG said slowly..thumping his hands on the table like a drum


Everyone's heart was beating fast..especially Gdragon and Hyori's...well also Seung Ri's and Top's.


"Your Big Tour will be at..JAPAN, TOKYO!!" YG announced excitedly

"Japan!!!!" Tae Yang screamed happily

"Japan? Oh wow..now I have to deal with sushi's again" Seung Ri said feeling bummed

"Japan is not thattt far..is it?" I asked


Hyori's face was bummed out for a second..

"Japan?..That's abit too far from Seoul" Hyori said with a frown

"It's okay, I'll still call you and contact you" I ask being abit excited

"Yeah, It's okay, I shouldn't stop you from performing..which is what you love to do..I wish you and the boys the best" Hyori smiled and I was happy to see that she is supporting me

"This is great! A tour in Japan!" Tae Yang said happily

"Are you guys okay?" Dae Sung asked looking toward me and Hyori

"Yeah, were good.." I said being abit happier

"May I ask you something Yang Hyun.." I asked trying to sound serious

"Yes Ji Yong? What is it?" YG replied

"Well..Why Japan?" I said

"Well..I have tons of mails on how you guys can open up a big concert for Japan..and tons of fans are waiting for you guys, Japan is a great country, and trust me it's worth while." YG explained

Sigh. "Alright, thanks for telling us." I said

"Well, I thought the excitement will be over the top..What's wrong Gdragon? You're so quiet!" YG asked

"He's just speechless and he just told me how he can't wait to go to Japan and perform for all the fans out there.." Hyori lied half on what she just said and I just love her so much right now..for wanting me to go and give a great show.

"Oh, Okay then..well you guys can go and scatter! I gotta take care of alot of things! Oh!! And Ji Yong! The song..you and Se7en is working on..well it's on air! And was on top of the charts in the internet!" YG announced unexpectantly

"What!!?" Everyone in the room was questioning and was proud of Gdragon

"This is crazy! How come I never knew!?" I asked in confusion and excitement

"It's suppose to be a surprise..well surprise?" YG said

"Song? Se7en?" Hyori asked cluelessly since she didn't know anything about the other song with Se7en

"Oh right, um..me and Se7en..earlier ago, made a song for the fans out there..Se7en wanted to work with me and I'm pretty..beyond happy right now.." I said with a huge smile

"I know what you mean, A tour in japan..new hit song with Se7en.." Hyori exclaimed and I cut through

"And most importantly, You're by my side again.." I gave a loving smile to Hyori and she smiled back..then everyone got abit gushy

"Oooooh Gdragon! haha Know how to charm a girl now huh?" The boys was teasing me and my romantic side and..I didn't care..I love Hyori and I'm showing her every side and feelings of me

"Well anyways, congrats for you two!" Dae Sung congratulated along with the others..even YG

"Finally! We have our old GD back! I miss you" TOP gaved me a nuggie on the head and I was about to kill him because my beautiful sleek hair was ruined, well Imma kill him later.

"The tour is coming soon, and it's going to be filled with surprises..Work hard boys!" YG said

We left YG's office, and I was holding on to Hyori's hand..tight. I was glancing over to see her face..and she was pretty quiet and..I'm starting to question in my head..2 months in Japan..That's way too long..and away from Hyori that long? This is ridiculous, I can't just leave her like that..for 2 months..It hurts just thinking about it..I gotta do something about this....for us.

Author's Note (IMPORTANT)

Hey my dear readers! Well, I haven't update for a while because I don't have internet for a few days..because I recently moved to a new place which don't have any internet, and there's internet at my old place. Also..since I'm pretty bored at home, I made two videos for 'THIS LOVE' the story you've been reading and supporting. I made a trailer and a MV of the story between Hyori and GDragon. The trailer took me 2 days while the MV took me..a few weeks. Both of them is done, and you can see it at youtube..which I'm uploading now, so just look me up at my user name : ItscarmyyxD. Thanks and comment!

Heres the link for the trailer:

Heres the link for the MV:

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That is so cute "Like what you said before!.. Haha, its all love!!" That was so cute!!