Not My Prince Charming


School went by in a flash. You were valedictorian and it was no surprise.  You didn't see that bully ever again, not until grade 8 graduation. No one dared messed with Byunghun anyway, knowing how defensive you got when it came to him. You didn't know why either, you just felt this need... to protect him. 
Each year the work seem to triple in size and you became more stress than ever, especially when you had to apply to different high schools. 
Byunghun's english was much better now. You could have a conversation with him and he would understand, though he still had that accent of his. Not that you mind, nope. You actually really liked it.
Without realizing it, you learned to like a lot of things he did. 
You spent most of your time at Byunghun's house and his family became like a second family to you. They had a warm vibe to them and you wondered if this was where Byunghun got his warmth from. 
You ate dinner with them too since going home was much too lonely for your liking.
You had told Byunghun about your home life and how your parents fought. He didn't like you going home either but it wasn't like you could live at his house. 
As much as he would love to wake up and say good morning to you, and saying good night to you before you slept. 
Most of the time you and Byunghun did your homework at his house, and when you weren't doing homework, you both listened to music, mainly hip hop and r&b. You would just lay there on his bed next to him, both of you sharing headphones and listen to the songs together.
You turned your head and you saw Byunghun with his eyes closed. 
Through the years his hair was cut a bit shorter, still shaggy as ever but shorter. He was still the same skinny boy and you wondered if all the food he eats goes to waste. 
"Staring so hard will make you go blind." Byunghun said without opening his eyes.
You pouted and turned away from him. 
You heard him chuckle and then you let out a sigh. 
You and Byunghun ended up going to the same high school since you both decided it just wouldn't be the same without each other. Other friends came and go, Byunghun had made some friends over the years too, but none of them really stuck to you like your friendship with him. 
Freshmen year was easy. 
But it was sophomore year that changed a lot. 
Your parents had decided to officially call it quits with their marriage and file for divorce. You had seen that coming but you were living in denial for so long that the reality hit you so hard that it took you a few days to get out of it. 
Byunghun was there to comfort you though. He gave you his arms to comfort and held you while you sobbed, making his shirt soaked in tears by the time you finished. 
Your eyes were always red and puffy the next few days. 
Eventually you got over it and realized you couldn't do anything about it. But that took a very long time and a lot of treats from Byunghun to make you happy again. 
Though just by having him next to you was good enough, but he would never know that, right? He doesn't realize how wonderful of a friend he was to you, does he?
And when you started to question all of this, that's when you began to question your feelings for him also. 
It was one of those Sunday evenings where you decided to head over to the nearest mart and buy yourself some treats. Byunghun was out with his other friends. While you decided to buy yourself stuff and have a nice evening in when you realized you had no icecream or chips at home. 
You paid for your things and headed out when you bumped into one of your middle school friends. 
You guys exchanged words of hello and this and that. It was nice seeing her again. 
"So, are you dating anyone right now?" She asked you curiously. 
You shook your head though you had someone on your mind. "Never had a crush, remember?"
A knowing smile came on her lips. "Oh. What about Joey?"
An unreadable expression appeared on your face and you shrugged. "He's my best friend." 
"Is he now? I could have sworn you guys liked each other."
You blushed and shook your head. "No, no! No. Just friends."
"Mhmm." She winked making you flustered. "Well it was nice seeing you again. Take care!"
You nodded and waved goodbye to her.
As you turned to go, you heard her yell out. "YOU BETTER BE DATING JOEY THE NEXT TIME I SEE YOU!"
Fridays were always movie night with Byunghun. You and him would usually finish up your homework, then go rent a movie and popped some popcorn and lock yourselves in your room. 
"If you open the door any later, I'd be cold to death!" Byunghun teased, as he walked through your door, slipped off his shoes. 
You rolled your eyes. "I was in the washroom!" 
Byunghun waved it away. "Excuses, excuses."
You rolled your eyes again, but this time with a smile. 
There was no homework tonight. You were about to run up the stairs to grab a coat so you two could go rent a movie when he called your name. 
You looked back and Byunghun held a DVD out.
"Got the movie already. Tonight, we will be watching.................... Paranormal activity 2." 
You hated watching scary movies. You absolutely hated it. 
And when Byunghun has to go home you'd be alone.
All alone.
"I hate you."
"You can't. I'm your best friend."
You scowled as Byunghun inserted the DVD into the drive. 
He pressed play and turned off the lights. You instantly grew nervous and sighed heavily. 
Byunghun sat right next to you on the bed. 
"Wait, the popcorn." Byunghun got up but you held his arm back, squeezing him a bit tighter than usual giving him goosebumps.
"Forget the popcorn. Just sit your down and make sure no ghosts come and possesses me." 
Byunghun softened and wrapped an arm around you. You unconsciously shifted closer to him. 
To your surprise, the movie wasn't scary at all.
In fact, you were bored out of your mind. You grew sleepy, and having Byunghun's arm wrapped around your waist made it easier to drown in sleep.
You could tell Byunghun was bored with the movie, too. 
Before you knew it, your eyes fell closed and your head was leaning against his shoulder.
Byunghun didn't realize you fell asleep until the movie was almost done. He looked down and his heart skipped a beat when he realized how close your face was to his. He could smell your light vanilla perfume lingering on your neck and he sighed. 
Maybe he should pick scary movies more often.
When the movie ended, it was late.
He didn't want to leave, but he knew he had to. 
Byunghun softly took his arms off you and laid you down on the bed.
He draped your blanket over you, and went over to the DVD player to take it out. 
"Byunghun! Lee Byunghun!" You called him, your voice rising from panic.
"I'm here!" He quickly walked over to see you with frightened eyes.
"Oh my god, I thought you left." You slapped a hand over your sleepy face.
"I'm about to." Byunghun said, then he noticed you biting your lip with a slight frown.
You didn't know how to say it without sounding dumb but you gave it a shot anyways. You ran your fingers through your hair and gave him a meek smile.
"Can you sleep over tonight, please? I don't want to be alone." *Especialy after watching a movie like that*
Byunghun softened and he nodded. He called home and surprisingly his parents were fine with him sleeping over.
You gave Byunghun a pair of pyjamas and a brand new toothbrush. 
You and Byunghun were brushing your teeth together. You kept smiling; it was nice seeing him wearing your Dad's pjs for some reason. 
"Stop smiling, it's scary." Byunghun teased.
You scowled making him laugh. 
"How about I give you a kiss with my mouth full of toothpaste, will you be nice to me?"
"Is that supposed to be a threat?"
You nodded confidently. 
"oOoo, I'm so scared!" Byunghun stuck out his tongue. "What makes you think I won't do it back to you?"
You pouted and rinsed your mouth. "You're no fun." 
You didn't realize that you didn't have a sleeping bag. You weren't planning on letting Byunghun sleeping on the floor either and you didn't want him to be sleeping anywhere out of your sight. 
You sighed and then a blush rose your cheeks. "You don't mind sleeping on my bed do you?"
You could see his cheeks glowing red, too. But you assumed he was thinking what you were thinking: you were a girl and he was a boy and this could very be considered scandaloous.
"No." Byunghun replied after a few moments. 
You tried to play it cool and ran over to your bed, "good. Now shut off the lights since I'm already on the bed."
Byunghun gave you a look of disbelief before shaking his head and waking ove to shutting the lights. 
You had your eyes closed when you felt his body heat right next to yours.
You peeked one eye open and saw his eyes were both closed.
Without knowing a fond smile grew on your face.
"What did I say about smiling?" Byunghun repeated his words.
You pouted and sighed. You turned the other way so your back was facing him. 
Byunghun looked over to you and he found himself smiling as well.
You heard him whisper your name and you looked back.
"Good night," Byunghun said sweetly. 
"Good night, Lee Byunghun." 
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Chapter 40: So happy she ended up with him hehehehehehe I was shipping them since they meet kkkk thanks for this cute story.
sweetypiee #2
Chapter 40: WHY.IS.THIS.SO.CUTE FUUUU---- someone save me. My poorrrr heart is bursting with feels. //KABOOM// forget it.... My heart already did
sweetypiee #3
sweetypiee #4
Chapter 32: I SO HATE CAP HERE
sweetypiee #5
Chapter 28: Awwwwwww teammyungsoooooo
Chapter 40: l.joe im going to select him over all the others
itstraac #7
Wait for real? U got to help backstage? WoAh
Chapter 40: Oh my gosh! You are one of my favorite authors! I love all of your works..gahhhhh~^^
Woah! You met him? Face to face? You such a lucky girl!
Chapter 40: cute!~ awesome story :)