Not My Prince Charming


Your friends realized how distant you were becoming and they took it as an indication that you had a crush on Joey. Whenever they passed by you in the halls, you would hear them snickering amongst themselves yet it was loud enough for you to hear. You would always sigh while rolling your eyes before telling them to shut up. There was NOTHING romantic about you and Joey. Even you thought the idea of someone liking you was weird. How can you even expect to like anyone if you weren't even emotionally ready enough to accept others?
"Why is she hanging around that fob so much?"
"If you're so upset about it, do something."
"Maybe, I will."
Today you woke up early because you and Byunghun (you really grew to like that name, much more than Joey) made a bet who would make a better lunch.
You had cut up some fruits, and you had made an omlette with rice. You didn't know how to cook, but you could never go wrong with fruits and eggs, right?
You grew to like Byunghun's presence more than you expected. Though you had friends, you always felt... lonely. But with Byunghun, it felt... nice and warm.
Even the teacher was surprised yet so proud to see you the two of you grow so close.
You eagerly made your way to school. The moment you stepped foot in front of the school, you saw one of your friends running towards you with a frightened look on her face as she called your name. 
"What's wrong? Did you forget your homework at home again?" You joked.
Your friend shook her head roughly. "It's Joey."
You felt something inside of you drop by the look she was giving you. You gently shook her arm. "What is it?"
She took your hand in hers and tugged you foward.
"STAY AWAY FROM HER!" was what you heard before you saw someone land a punch to Byunghun's ribs making him double over.
A group of students gathered around their fighting bodies. A wide circle was already forming in the middle of the schoolyard. You were enraged with the lack of security around the school. Where on earth were the monitors? Or the Principal? You pushed through the thick crowd and you saw a tall, gangly boy holding Byunghun by the collar.
You noticed his face was beat up and a flare of anger rushed through your body. Who on earth was this boy?
You ran over and with all your might you placed your thinb body between the two and shoved the boy back as hard as you could. "What do you think you're doing?!?!" The boy staggered back a bit, shocked by your strength.
Byunghun landed on the floor with a thud. He let out a pained groan, making you look back at him in concern. 
The gangly boy pursed his lips, embarassed and red-faced by being caught by his crush, you. 
Your friends began to clear the crowd, yelling cuss words that 12 year olds shouldn't know about. 
You bent down and bit your lip. There was a cut on Byunghun's lips and a bruise forming on his nose where the boy had hit him. 
"Are you okay?" The cliche line came out, making you sigh a bit because you knew he wasn't.
Byunghun gave you a small smile but you could tell he was in incredible pain. 
You held out your hand and pulled Byunghun up. The school bell rang, and you left with Byunghun to the office so he could get fixed up.
You stared at the gangly boy in disappointment before whispering words to Byunghun about how you were sorry and that you should have came earlier. 
While Byunghun was getting patched up, you went out to search for the boy. Unsurprised, you found him inches away from the office. You caught him staring inside the window at you.
His face turning a deeper shade of red.
You closed the door to the office. "You are SO lucky that Byun-- I mean, Joey is not going to tell the teachers what happened." The gangly boy hung his head in guilt. You squinted your eyes while you crossed your arms. 
"I don't know who you are but what on earth did he do to make you hurt him like this?" You gave him a look of disgust.
The boy looked down shamefully as he bit his lips. He paused before answering. "You."
You raised your eyebrows. "What?"
"I like you. I have a crush on you. I've liked you for such a long time.... but why does he get to be around you? I've been here waiting, waiting to get closer to you but he gets to be with you so easily." The boy onfessed to you.
You were taken aback by his straightforward answer. 
"If you liked me, you would have made an effort to step up to me earlier." You told him. 
"Is it too late now?" The boy asked you.
You gave him a look, "we can be friends." The boy's shoulder lifted up slightly. "But I don't think we can ever be more than that...." Instantly his shoulder deflated. "I'm sorry."
The boy didn't dare look up at you. His eyes lowered as he tapped his shoe thoughtfully. "Do you like him?"
You sighed. Why did everyone think that? "No." 
"Then that's all I need to know." The boy turned to go but you tapped on him making him turn back.
You smiled, making him crack a small smile back. "You forgot to apologize to Joey."
You were very proud at how Byunghun handled the situation when the boy apologized to him. He forgave him almost instantly, even after the boy messed up his face.
You and Byunghun were allowed to skip the first two periods since students explained to the teacher what happened. 
You were sitting outside on the field with Byunghun. The warmth of the sun penetrated softly on your skin while the gentle breeze blew softly. 
You leaned back with your hands on the ground while you looked up at the sky. You felt a light weight on your lap and you realized Byunghun was laying his head there. A strange feeling rose up on your chest, and you could feel your heart beating faster than usual.
Not thinking too much of it, you gently poked his cheek making him grin up at you.
"I'm sorry he hit you because of me." You scowled at the thought. No one has ever confessed to you before and you definitely weren't going to accept a confession from someone who hit your friend. 
Byunghun tilted his head a bit, and gave you a questionable look. You tried to explain it as best as you can. After a few repeat, he finally understood. Then all the words the boy had said before to him all sank in.
"Then let him. You're my friend." 
You lightly hit his cheek. "No! You crazy?!"
Byunghun let out a chuckle as he closed his eyes. "Maybe."
A small sigh escaped your lips when you examined the bruise on his nose closer.
"Picture day is tomorrow..." You frowned.
Byunghun opened up his eyes and looked up at you, confused. 
"Picture... day?" He repeated your words.
You nodded. "You'll see tomorrow." 
Byunghun gave you a look but nodded with a smile. 
You smiled until you remembered something and a devious smirk replaced the smile. "So, whose going to win the bet today?"
And when the photos came out, Byunghun grew red with embarassment with his school photo.
He let you saw it once and you died of laughter making him hide it from you.
You giggled, "You look cute!" Even with his bruised nose, Byunghun had a shy smile on his face that suited his shaggy hair. You weren't joking when you said it was cute. 
"Liar!" Byunghun shot back with a huff. 
"Really! Can I keep it?" You asked, completely serious.
Byunghun shook his head. This school photo was definitely going to haunt him for the rest of his life. 
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Chapter 40: So happy she ended up with him hehehehehehe I was shipping them since they meet kkkk thanks for this cute story.
sweetypiee #2
Chapter 40: WHY.IS.THIS.SO.CUTE FUUUU---- someone save me. My poorrrr heart is bursting with feels. //KABOOM// forget it.... My heart already did
sweetypiee #3
sweetypiee #4
Chapter 32: I SO HATE CAP HERE
sweetypiee #5
Chapter 28: Awwwwwww teammyungsoooooo
Chapter 40: l.joe im going to select him over all the others
itstraac #7
Wait for real? U got to help backstage? WoAh
Chapter 40: Oh my gosh! You are one of my favorite authors! I love all of your works..gahhhhh~^^
Woah! You met him? Face to face? You such a lucky girl!
Chapter 40: cute!~ awesome story :)