A Notebook full of stories

NagareBoshi (shooting star)

Minami woke up to constent buzzing of her alarm clock, sleepishly lifting one arm to grab the clock and draging it under the covers to shut it off, Minami who was still half asleep stared at the clock, 6:30, there was still alot of time till 8:00, so Minami rolled out of bed and folded the bed sheets, she combed her hair, then put on her uniform, made breakfast and checked twice in case she had forgotten anything, a pretty organized girl for her age I would say. After Minami finished all her morning tasks she grabed her school bag's and headed for school. Minami would usually walk on sunny days like this, she loved the fresh morning breeze it calmed her down when ever she was anixous. When Minami finally arivved at school she greeted the teachers as she made her way down the hall and stopped at her class room enterance, she slid the door open and stepped inside, it was completely empty, Minami sat down at her desk and arranged her things, ignoring the fact that she came earlier than usual today. Suddenly some one stepped into the class room.

     "Sorry for interfearing but, is this Kobayashi-sensei's class," said a familiar voice.

Minami jerked her head in the direction of the voice, and surprisingly, standing there in front of the door was Minami's neighbour Domoto Taiyou!

     "Your from last night!" the two of them exclaimed, a silence fell upon the two of them, it was kinda of akward to say for sure, but then Taiyou bursted into laughter, and Minami giggled along with him.

Minami had her note book out in front of herself she then started to write something

     "He-hey, what are you scribbling?" asked Taiyou as he pulled up a chair beside Her.

Minami Abrubtly closed the book as Taiyou leaned in to try to read it.

     "Oh, Its nothing," She said, "Its nothing, my foot, you liar, let me see," whined Taiyou while he closed in on Minami, she sighed in embarassment and then fliped opened the note book. and to Taiyou's surprise It was full of writing, top to bottom, front to back.

     "Hey, did you write this, A radiant glow, can I read it???" Pleaded Taiyou, Minami gave out an even bigger sigh as she blushed and then agreed, as long as he would give it back at lunch time.

When the teacher and other students arrived every one took their seats and Taiyou walked up infront of class beside the teacher and introduced himself.

     "Hello guy's, My name's Domoto Taiyou, I hope to get along with all of you!" he grinned.

 During class Taiyou was completely caught up in reading Minami's story, and was in the dark about what the lesson was about today, soon enough the teacher caught him red handed, and took Minami's story note book away from him.

     "Domoto Taiyou, I'm disapointed in you, its your first day, what could be more interesting then class lesson's?" the teacher said as she snatched the note book out of Taiyou's hands and glanced at it.

Minami was so anxious, thinking the teacher was to laugh and throw it away, but.. she smiled, Minami and all the students where shocked!

"wow, what a wonderful story, its different then the storie's I read from the library, It has relaxing feeling to it, did you write this, Domoto?" smiled the teacher.

Taiyou quickly shook his head, and then said that Minami had wrote it. Minami was so embarrassed she wanted to disappear that very instant, every one's eye's were on her, some of the whispering hit her right in her chest,

     "you mean that girl who has no feelings and never smiles?" *laugh* *giggle*, came the voice's from behind her.

The teacher glared at the students in the back, and once more it became silent. Minami had never had this much attention in her life, she was already at the point where she was getting dizzy thinking of what to say, "I think she really is a tanlented girl, Minami that is." smiled Taiyou, he looked directly at the specchless Minami, and from being praised for the first time in a long while, without thinking she smiled back. all the students gasped in surprise, Minami smiled, a beautiful smile, even Taiyou was surpirsed, he adverted his eyes as he blushed.

    "good for you." he mummbled

"thankyou, thankyou, for realising my effort." -Minami

Authors note: I hope you liked the second chapter of NagareBoshi :D

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