
I'm a Fighter


“Lulu hyung!” I looked over to the door to see Jong In practically dance in the door, flinging his hoodie on the copper-coloured coatrack. “What’s up?”
“Uh… not much. Why?” I fumbled with the wii remote in my hand, twisting the fabric band around, both amused and confused at Jong In’s happy behavior. When he left, he was kind of sulky and sad so I didn’t go bother him.
“Just wondering. Where’s the others?” He bounced up to me, sheepish smile lining his face and cute almond eyes looking around, and then finally back to me.
“I’m in the kitchen and Min Seok-Hyung’s sleeping!” Zi Tao called out from the kitchen. “The others are shopping or something.”
“Oh, hey Zizi!” Jong In called back, flopping on the couch beside me. He was very alive right now. I smiled.
“What are you playing, hyung?” He looked up at me due to him practically snuggled into my shoulder. Was it normal for your friends to remind you of your dog? I laughed.
“I’m just making Miis, that’s all. Why are you so happy, now, Jong In?” His eyelids blinked a bit and he unlatched himself from my arm. He nestled into the back of the couch instead.
“I don’t know, Lulu Hyung… I just feel great. Can you make a Mii me?” He asked, finding another controller in the cushions and clicking on my Mii’s head. 
“I already made one, and Se Hun made, like, six Mii Jong Ins.”
“There’s always room for more Jong Ins.” He smiled. He has such a nice smile, I found myself turning red.
“I don’t think so. One is more than enough for me.” I rolled my eyes as he hit me in the arm.
“Guys, are we having desert tonight?” Tao peeked his head around the door of the kitchen.
“If you make it.” I said, and Jong In snickered.
“Ugh,” Tao muttered, “you guys .” I looked over at Jong In to see him winking. I laughed.
“What do you want for desert, Lulu? I’ll make it.” Jong In’s eyes sparkled. I didn’t have any guess to why he could be so cheerful and mischievous tonight. His on-top-of-the-world attitude suited him well. He was just so cute! I grinned.
“I don’t know. I also don’t know about your cooking abilities.” He pouted and punched me in the shoulder again.
“Alright, fine! I’ll get Baekhyun to make it. You know he’s good at cooking, and he likes doing it.” Jong In stretched his arms out, cracking his knuckles and loosening up his long fingers.
“Yeah, yeah,” I happily stared out the window thinking. “Uuuum… How about cheesecake? I like cheesecake.”
“Does he even know how to make cheesecake?” Jong In wondered aloud, standing up. “Doesn’t matter! He’ll have to learn. Come on, Hyung, let’s find him.”
I looked up at him quizzically. He rolled his eyes, reaching down, grabbing my arm and pulling me to a stand. “I’m coming with you? Why?”
“I don’t know where to find him! Can’t you help me, Hyung?” He mocked a plea, trying to look as much like Mongu as possible.
“I guess…”
“Great, let’s go!” Jong In pulled me happily through the dorm, and before we got out the door he shouted, “Oh yeah, Tao! You don’t have to make desert!”
I don’t know why I was complaining about this in the first place. When you’ve got someone who was acting like a sulk-bag earlier and is now as happy as can be, there’s never a need to complain. It’s no mistake that Jong In was acting strange the past few weeks or so — It wasn’t only me who noticed it. Every time I would try to talk to him he would shun me off and any time anyone else would try to talk seriously with him he wouldn’t answer any of their questions the way he usually does. He used to be talkative and loud, but recently, he hasn’t been himself. I’m glad that things are better tonight. I was really worried, and a little hurt that he only seemed to be avoiding me affectively. Jong In is an important part of my life, and I hate to see him unhappy.
It’s funny, I just met him a couple months ago and now… he’s more important than my parents ever were. Not that my parents ever meant much to me, but still.
We found Baekhyun in EXO-K’s dance room, and as soon as we flew through the door Baekhyun, Se Hun and Chanyeol were visibly shocked to find Jong In in such a good mood. Se Hun was lying on the floor, taking pictures of himself, Baekhyun was in the middle of dancing and Chanyeol was sitting on the couch, texting someone.
“Yah, Baekhyun-Hyung!” Jong In flopped onto the couch, sending a sitting Chanyeol flying off.
“What? Oh hi, Hyung, didn’t see you there.” I waved as Baekhyun greeted me and then turned back to Jong In, flickering to Chanyeol as he gingerly sat back on the bouncy couch.
“Can you make us cheesecake? Please?” Jong in was now molded into the couch as though he was a part of the leather.
“Who? You and Lu Han-Hyung?” I blushed as Chanyeol, who as far as I know was almost as gay as I was, looked over at me smirking. I looked away.
“No, everyone, silly.” Jong In was clueless.
“How am I supposed to make cheesecake for everyone?”
“I don’t know, but I’m sure you can do it. You’re magic, aren’t you?”
Baekhyun rolled his eyes. “I need someone to help me.”
“Make Chanyeol-hyung help you.” I looked at Chanyeol, who turned red and started staring at nothing in particular, and I had to refrain from laughing. Chanyeol was totally in love with Baekhyun, and Baekhyun wasn’t exactly uninterested either. Of course, when you’ve got someone as gay as Chanyeol they tend to know when you’re into someone as well. But Jong In was about as straight as a broom handle, and as much as he made me laugh and love myself, his unawareness of my feelings did the opposite.
Baekhyun sighed as I walked over to the side of the couch that Chanyeol was sitting on, leaning on the armrest. “All right. Well what are you gonna do? Just eat the desert? Pay me back something.
“I’ll teach you how to dance.” Jong In grinned his annoying, toothy smile. Both the carpet that is Se Hun and I laughed.
“I’m laughing sooo hard, Jong In.” Baekhyun rolled his eyes playfully.
“How about Jong In and I clean up the mess,” I offered, still half-giggling.
“Are you kidding?” Jong In said loudly, throwing his hands up. “They’ll make the biggest mess in the universe.”
“I’m good at cleaning.” I retorted.
Se Hun looked up at us. “Lu Han-Hyung, it was Jong In who asked for the cheesecake, why should you have to clean it up?”
“I like cleaning, too.” I lied. Jong In, who’s seen enough of my tantrums to know how much I disliked housework, snorted.
“Okay, okay, we’ll clean it. Just make a good cake.” He stood up and brushed off his as though something was there, making his way past me to the door.
“Where’re you going now?” Baekhyun asked, snatching Jong In’s place on the couch.
“The roof.” Jong In answered turning back to look at us. “Lu Han-Hyung, you’re coming, right?”
Before I could answer, Baekhyun butted in. “You were just up there, Hyukjae told me.”
“Well I’m going again.”
“Yeah,” Chanyeol said, texting with a giant smirk on his face. “What are you two gonna do up there?” I gave him a back massage with my fingernails, and he cringed.
“Probably sit or something, genius.” I said, blatantly.
“Yeah yeah, well anyway, I’m going. Lu Hannie, come on.” Jong In swiveled through the doorway. He has really funny ways of walking through doorways, doesn’t he?
“Have fun!” Baekhyun screamed as I followed.
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Chapter 3: So cheeeezy ><
andrea2313 #2
Chapter 3: This was so cute good job :D
Chapter 3: I cried when Luhan-hyung told his pass:( great story author-nim
menikkey #4
Chapter 3: ahhhhh my kokoro..
this is not good for my heart..i feel like my heart will explode from their fluffiness.. i.can.not.
kailu jjang~
Chapter 3: Adorable cuteness overload^^
congratsssssss :3
Rainalia #7
Congratulations on the feature!
Chapter 3: Onge so pluff pluff fluff o(^////^)o