A Book Of Short Stories.


One dark and stormy night (not really) I couldn't sleep... It was 12:30 pm and I was still staring blankly at the ceiling...

Nothing exciting had happened that I could dream about and it was too hot and humid in the room to even have the simple desire to fall asleep...

I decided I would think about a Kpop group and I pulled out my ipod to start a Short Story..

I turned to the notes page where I occasionally write Short Stories about my favorite Kpop groups...

So, I decided that If I'm going to keep them hidden away for so long in my ipod, why not just make a fun little Story book for them on AsianFanFics?

So pretty much to sum all of this up.. This is not exactly a Fan Fic, but just a large group of Short Fan Fics ;) I guess you could call them OneShots...

I am only doing this for fun and for my Short Stories to belong somewhere other than in my old, cracked ipod..

The stories will consist of all the Exo members.. Sometimes one Exo member in a story.. Sometimes two... Maybe three, etc.

If your a fan of Exo, I will try my best with my writing and I will make the Shorts as Original and Enjoyable as possible.

*credits: Loveforwords*



Hello, this is Loveforwords, Aka: Mishal (michelle)

First I just wanted to say, Thanks to all of my friends here on AFF!







Now these people,^^ They are my friends that inspire me day by day, they make me feel better about myself and Talk to me no matter how annoying and weird I may be :) I am proud that their my friends, and they make wonderful posters and stories, You should go check them out and talk to them, They would be happy to reply back :)

Anyways, I hope I enjoy writing this (I probably will because it's Exo!) and I hope you enjoy reading and commenting and Subscribing <33

And most of all, DON'T BE AFRAID TO GIVE CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM, seriously don't, I would like you to tell me what I'm doing wrong, what I'm doing right.

By all means, go ahead and swoon over your favorite Kpop idol, but please for my sake, some criticism is needed or more like wanted :) Thank you!

I really hope you love this Book Of Short Stories, by: Loveforwords  :) Thanks!


I really hope you Love this!! Thanks for your time!! <33


*Credits: Loveforwords*

LayHan short.... So sad.


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3rd chapter, so sad. It's really descriptive and haunting ;~;
omg I love this.
ahh unnie it was really good!
I can't help but say, I'm pretty proud that my name is at the very top of the list on the foreword >:3
eheheheheheh I feel so loved!!
keep it coming :D