SNSD's daily life O.o

Yoong: first we need to know about her love life... Do you know if she has someone she loves?

Yoona, with a bowl of chips in he hand, asked the lazily lying unnie on the bed. Their we're talking about how to make them, Hyo and You, official.

Yul: Ani, never thought of maknae dating a guy...

Yoong: yea...

The two thought about you going out with someone. Even though the rules of SNSD is to tell everyone if you have someone you like or actually dating, you never seem to tell any of those things.

Yul: come to think of it, does she have a GUY she likes?

Yoong: ...I don't know O.o

Yul: should we ask her? 

Yoong: I doubt that she's gonna tell us! 


Yoona looked at the unnie who looked proud at her suggestion in shock. How could she think of peeking in other member's phone without permission, and what's more, in secret? 

Yul: just one peek

Yul pouted to the younger girl who still couldn't believe the fact that one of the unnies could be this pathetic. Yoong looked away from the pouting girl and concetrated in thinking but was disturbed by the little push Yuri did to her.

Yoong: unnie, it's not what we SHOULD do. We still need to keep privacy!

Yul: but... ok, how else should we figure the fact about her love life then?

Yoona was left silent by the question. She was right. There was no way you would tell them about your love life to the unnies who was the most cheekiest members in SNSD. You even never told anything to TaeNy who was the closest to you since trainee days, so what chance did they have to know? Yoona looked back at the older latter with sad eyes.

Yul: it's ok. One look and that's it! 

Yoong: but... it's like betraying her...

Yul: it's for her own sake! 

Yoong: ok... but only ONCE.


the duo made a pinky promise. Yul had a big grin on her face, where on the other hand, Yoona had a really worried expression, afraid of you noticing their plan on the phone.

Yul: we'll go to her room when she's taking shower and check it before she comes out, ok? 

Yoong: arraso...

*a day later*

the duo were in the Hyo____'s room, surfing Hyo's internet. You stood up from the bed and walked towards the cupboard.

Hyo: shower?

You: uhn

You walked out with clothes in your arm, but left all your precious belongings behind, not aware of your unnies' evil plan. YoonYul exchanged looks and Yul crawld on your bed and to your phone. Yoong stared at the door, afraid of you coming in to take something you forgot or something. Hyo was lyong her back to Yul, reading magazine.

Yul slid the first look of your iphone but then a screen apeard to type in the lock number. Yul stattered at seeing this screen, not able to move ehr fingers to open it up. Yoong noticed her sudden panick and sat beside her facing the lock screen. It was not rare for a girl to lock their iphones without telling anyone about the lock number.

Yoong: 1019? 

Yul: what kind of girl locks it with their birthday? Use your commen sense Yoona!

Hyo realised something strange was going on behind her back and turned around. She first saw the duo was playing with one of their iphone and tried to go back to reading but then noticed that the cover didn't match any of their iphone, but instead your's. She put down the magazine and crept beside Yul, the other side of Yoong, and peeked in what they were doing.

Hyo: 0704

Yul typed in the 4 numbers Hyo had mumbled beside her, and in surprise the screen lit up to show it was opened. 

Yul: wow, how do you know?

Hyo: she's my roommate, dumbo! There's nothing suspicious in me knowing the number!

the duo nodded in satisafaction and went straight to her mail box. But in surprisse it was locked, again. Yul typed in 0704 again but as expected it didn't open.

Hyo: why are you trying to look at her mail box? What are you guys trying to do?

Hyo looked at the two younger girls with curious eyes. The two latter couldn't say anything. They didn't want Hyo to know thoer plans until they are sure of the love life of yours.

Hyo: girls, you kno-

Yoong: it's for your own sake, unnie! We just wanted to know who she loves!

Hyo was cut off by the panicking Yoona. Unfortunately, Hyo wasn't able to respond back. She, as well, was interested in the fact of if you have someone in your mind.

Yul: aish, what's the code?!

The trio tried working on evey kind of 4digit number you might use as a password but none fit. Finally you finished showering and the trip heard your steps.

You: unnie, why don't you take a shower?

You stand at the edge of the bed where three girls stared at you in fright, scared if you might have noticed they were trying to open your mail. Luckily you never realised even a bit of strangeness.

Hyo: yea, Yonng you go!

Yoong sprinted out of the room, avoiding to meet your eyes. Yul stayed in that position while you dried your hair at the corner of the room, going through your phone.

Yul: maknae, do you have any kind of ideal type?

Yul asked you, hoping of a good answer from your mouth. Hyo gulped beside Yul with the same thought as Yul spinning around her head crazy. Hyo clutched her fist, getting ready to be pissed by you. Yul was holding the pillow in her arm, tightly that it may explode.

You: ideal type? Eh, someone who's actually kind but looks cool outside?

The duo sighed in defeat. They knew you were saying about guys, nothing to do with Hyo. You look at them weirdly, not knowing why the two sighed deeply and looked away from you.

Yul: like who?

Yul asked, voice shaking.

You: ummm, why do you want to know?

You were never that easy to tell someone who your interested in. You were afraid it will become a scandal.

Yul: well... We wanted to help you out!

You look at the two in disbelief. They were never the one to help you out with some thing called 'love'.

You: it's ok, unnie. It's my thing so I want to tell that person that I love before telling someone else. I want the person to know first.

Hyoyul knew that you would never tell them an inch of who you love. You were the kind of girl who was strict in love.


*after Yul went out to her room*

The rest of the girls gathered at TaeNy's room, caddying each other with love, but discussing about you.

Tae: so did you find out anything about her?

Tae cuddled Fany beside her and looked at the two girls who looked pale.

Yul: ani...

Yoong: no...

Soo: well not even a bit?

Yul: she has someone in mind, but trust me. She'll never tell anyone!

Sica: you did a great work, though. Well done seobong.

Sica rubbed the back of the depressed girl, which comforted her a lot.

Yul: we'll continue the plan, though. We know they love each other! It's just that maknae needs to realise that!!

Yoong; WHAT?! oh, come'n! I don't want to steal peek maknae's privacy... 

Yooona whined, hearign that they would continue looking at maknae for any hint. She pouted at the unnies but just then Fany noticed maknae leaving the dorm behind, dressed formally.

Fany: Tete, I think ____babe's going somewhere, and somewhere quite good... Maybe a guy?

The members stood up in  a flash and went out to ht elivingroom, greeted by the surprising maknae. She had never seen all the members, except Hyo, to come out in such a speed.

Soo: you going somewhere? 

You: uhn...

you said bluntely, not sure of why they ask such a question.

Sica: with who?

You: eh.. well, with a friend.

You tried to sound satisfying, but your unnies look at you for a better answer. You look at the 8 unnies who had their ears fixed on to you, but you didn't want them to know so you quickly walk out the livingroom and out the dorm. 

Sunny: I bet she's going out with someone... Yul go and chase her!

Yul: aiai sir!

Yul smirked, knowing what she has to do. She pulled Yoong with her and down the stairs to chase you.

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Chapter 18: PLEASE UPDATE! This story is amazing!
Come on update soon >_< pleaseeee
TheMightyFall #3
uhh i seroiusly.. i wanna breakup with doojun..
i think i fall in love with hyo.. ohh author, could u pls continue this fic cuz its make me eager want to know what happen next.. pleeeshhhh ;D

love ya author and i subscribe this story ^^
Chapter 15: i need 2 break up with doojun ... i reeally don't like hurting hyoyeon at all
TheMightyFall #6
Chapter 18: please update!
abibi33 #7
Chapter 18: i really really hope you wi uodate this fic i really love it
but i dont like the relashionschip between me and donjun i prefer hyoyeon but its youre choice but ease update this fic
new reader
TKDXGrl #8
Update soon please
y u no update? D: i miss this fic~