Married to Superman - Chapter Seven

Married to Superman

Please be advice that the story is not mine and I already ASK for permission to post it. Please visit her website at - the author of this story is thedispirit.


Chapter VII



Her blue glowing eyes stared back at me. Her gaze never left my spot and so was I. I studied her from head to toe. She’s a perfect goddess—except for those sharp teeth of her and her smile that shows craving and hunger for something.


Her presence sent me the chills like a morning winter’s day. I tried to focus and be myself, but there’s no way that a person can’t be mesmerized by Ji Yul’s beauty and gaze. No wonder Jiyong probably likes her. I’m ordinary—she’s a goddess.


“So, Sandara—“she said my name as if she knew me really well. “What are you to Jiyong?”


Her question confused me. What in the world is she talking about?


I tried opening my mouth but no words came out. My lips went numb and my throat has a big piece of apple trapped in it. I can’t speak.


“Are you Jiyong’s sister? Niece? Friend? Fan? Stalker? Tell me the truth.” She added with an amusing smirk plastered on her face. I’m definitely not a stalker.


If a person admires you and he/she is beautiful—that’s an admirer, on the other hand, if it’s the opposite—that’s a stalker. And I tell you, I’m beautiful. The mirror I used said so.


But still, I don’t get what she is saying. She doesn’t know that Jiyong is my husband? She doesn’t know that we’re husband and wife although it doesn’t seem that way? I don’t get it. I attempted to speak again, now I found my voice but she rudely cut me off.


“Sandara Park, how did you know?”


“Knew what?” I irritatingly, quickly said. I don’t want to be rudely cut off by her again. Her face showed annoyance for a moment, making her glowing blue eyes turn black but then, she forced a smile on her face. She intertwined her hands together, resting her elbows on the lateral ends of the chair she’s sitting on and rested her chin on her hands. She scrutinized me for a moment.


“How did you find out that Jiyong is a superman? That he is no ordinary boy?” Her voice raised a little, causing a loud echo inside the room we’re in. The room is just filled with empty marble walls and two stone chairs which we are currently sitting on. I shifted from my seat; thinking about how I found out Jiyong is a superman. And how I wish he’s my superman.


It was the night after our wedding day that I first saw our house. The house that we are currently living in. The house that Jiyong bought in an instant without me knowing it. When that day happened, the day of our marriage and moving away from my parents, it feels like we’re just playing playhouse. It’s like we’re just little kids playing far away from home. But there’s only one fruit available between us—the one-sided fruit love. And I’m the one holding it.


That night, I was sleeping peacefully dreaming about our wedding day and thinking how lucky I am to be married to the boy whom I fell in love at first sight when a sudden clash and burst woke me up. I hurried outside to see what was happening and there—I saw him in his suit as he fly away. This made me think twice if I am really lucky to be married to superman.


“Answer me.” A command moved me by my flashback moment. I grunted and looked at Ji Yul who’s showing an impatient face. Right now, I really want to pull those blue eyes of hers out of their socket and bounce it inside the room, laughing evilly as his eyes cried for forgiveness.


“How old are you?” my mouth suddenly blurted it out on its own. I ignored Ji Yul’s repeated question on how I knew that Jiyong was a superman. Her face turned red and she showed me her fangs.


Uh-oh. She’s angry.


Does age really matter? Is it really offending if I asked someone their age? Because right now, I think it is. Ji Yul’s whole body turned red and her blue eyes went black. I stood up, taking a step back readily to run towards the big rusty old door to escape from Ji Yul’s wrath because I asked how old she is.


“U—Uh, Ji Yul? You’re skin’s kind of…peeling. Gross.” I took each step backwards as a count of how many steps can I take before she kills me. Her nails started growing and she’s hissing like crazy. Wow. I never knew that asking a person’s age can kill me.


“You dare to ask my age.” she hissed with an angry echoing voice.


“I already did ask your age.” I rolled my eyes. She hissed louder, making fast movements towards me. This isn’t good. When will my big stupid mouth shut up? Maybe when I’m dead already through Ji Yul’s anger. She sure is mad.


“What are you so angry about? Why? Are you somehow five thousand years old already?” I snorted being irritated to her over-reacting personality towards a simple question.




My eyes widened as she swiftly moved towards me as if there’s no floor underneath us. She’s rapidly approaching me, making me do a backward running towards the door. I still love my life and I don’t want yet to die because of a stupid silly question I asked. I ran for my life as I heard Ji Yul’s shifts behind me, she isn’t running, she’s floating an inch above the floor, claws readily to tear me to pieces. If you have ever felt like you’re being chased by a dog or maybe you have ridden your very first roller coaster ride or seen a ghost, that’s what it feels at the moment. Terrifying and heart sinking.


“I know you are a cougar for you are kissing Jiyong and you are attracted to him—but hey! Let’s talk about this, okay?” I uttered as I ran faster towards the door. It’s like an endless running for my life. Her movement became faster as if my insults were her fuel. You have big mouth Dara. Big mouth.


Just like in movies and other stories of course, while the protagonist is running for her life—she’ll trip or stumble then the villain will attack her.


But mostly, 2% of the villains will kill the heroine instantly while the remaining bigger percent will talk and talk and talk and did I mentioned talk nonsense before killing the heroine. That’s how the stories always go.


I stumbled and landed on the floor, flat-faced while I heard Ji Yul’s laughter behind me. Her saliva is touching my neck like a hungry dog and her breath made a chill to run a marathon down my whole body. The breathing thing she does on me, its okay—the saliva thing? No way.


“You are in my lair and you can’t talk trash here nor ask how old I am.” Ji Yul pinned my neck down on the floor. She’s a member of the 98% villains club who’ll talk and talk nonsense before killing the heroine. Great, I’ll have to wait for her to finish her four-page speech before I enjoyed the devouring of my flesh by a salivating villain.


“Even though I promised Jiyong to keep you sa—“


She stopped…no, she was cut off. I can’t look since my head is still being pinned forcedly to the floor which smells like rotten cheese. A familiar scent dispersed around the room and my body quickly reacted to his presence. I knew this feeling.


Once I know that Ji Yul is not pinning me down, I slowly sat up and turned to face Ji Yul. I was right it was him.







I am getting confused too with this story!

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And it’s 2012. 😭
memoria_99 #2
Chapter 31: chappie 30: kyah!!!!!!!!!!
sweet ending!!!
memoria_99 #3
Chapter 25: chappie 24: what happened to jiyong ?????
memoria_99 #4
Chapter 21: chappie 20: if dara has that power................ meaning she is not completely human, right ????
memoria_99 #5
Chapter 20: chappie 19: if dara will be his weakness when they married,, then why did he still marry her ????

one more thing,
WHAT?????!!!!!?? dara has to marry someone else???!!!???!!
memoria_99 #6
Chapter 18: chappie 17: what is happening ????
memoria_99 #7
Chapter 17: chappie 16: WHAT???????!!!!!!!!!!??????????!!!!!!!
memoria_99 #8
Chapter 15: chappie 14: i really don't get what lee teuk meant by that ????
when dara became his tiwn soul ???!!!??
memoria_99 #9
Chapter 14: chappie 13: was what happen at ji yul's lair actually a dream ?????
or something else?????
memoria_99 #10
Chapter 13: chappie 12: what did lee teuk meant by dara is a light ?????