Married to Superman - Chapter Six

Married to Superman

Please be advice that the story is not mine and I already ASK for permission to post it. Please visit her website at - the author of this story is thedispirit.


Chapter VI


It’s been a week or so already since I’ve stayed in this place called ‘Ji Yul’s lair’. I’ve read every single book sleeping on the bookshelves in Leeteuk’s library. I have spent most of my time in Leeteuk’s room, entertaining myself as he just looked at me all day with watchful eyes. At first I felt conscious as he stared at me as if I was the best movie ever filmed, but then I got used to it by just simply staying 24/7 inside his house-like room.


I was reading an old book that I found on the top shelf, it’s sturdy already and every time I touch a page, it slowly falls to pieces so I must be really careful. The words were somehow hard to read but I found out a somewhat secret code hidden behind the biggest shelf in the room. I was able to crack the meaning of each word and it was just useless—they’re just describing Ji Yul, physically. I gave up on the third chapter which is the five hundredth page already.


“When will I get out of here?” I scowled looking at Leeteuk who’s simply has his eyes locked to me this entire moment. He shifted motion from a cross-legged position to an upright sitting position. His eyes never left where I was and somehow I was being satisfied by it for Jiyong never looked at me that way before—he never looked at me with such care and amusement.


“When Ji Yul says so.” He flashed a quick smile before turning back into a straight face. I stood up, returning the old book back to its original place when I stopped as Leeteuk spoke, “You might want to remember what page you were in.”


“Why?” his words confused me, making my attention turn at the old blue book that seems like to be thousands of years old already.


“Just because.” He smiled a little before standing up and leaving the room making a further notice that he won’t be back for three days. Now I don’t have anyone else to talk to except the Bum’s whom I can’t differentiate who’s who.


I glumly went back to my room talking to myself on how to entertain and use my days here in this weird crazy place. The halls were gloomy and dark, just like n old medieval castle. I’ve looked at every room in this place and it’s all empty—nothing to see.


I passed by some Bum’s who greeted me happily as they offered me their berries. I’m now getting sick by always eating berries. Soup berry, juice berry, pork berry, pizza berry, doughnut berry—lots and lots of berry makes me berry—very sick.


“Hi.” I greeted to an unusual Bum. I can see that she’s a she for she’s wearing a ragged pink dress. She was sulking in a corner looking out at the window.


She looked up with surprised, teary eyes. My eyes probably showed shock—Bum’s cry too? But they seem to be always cheerful. They seem to be having their own world where all they can see are bunnies and smiley faces in their happy land. They’re like little kids not caring in the problems of the world. I sat down next to her but she scooted a little farther. I smelled myself, I smell good—shampoo berry.


“Are you okay?” I tried to put on a comforting and sympathetic tone. She shook her head and wiped the tear that escaped from the corner of her eyes. Wow. This is the first time I’ve seen a crying Bum. It’s just weird since their eyes are pure gold and you can’t see any other details like pupils or retina.

Just pure gold.


“Why are you crying?” I reached my hand to touch her but she moved farther away, making me catch up with her distance just to hear her answer.


“He hates Bum.”


I was confused to what she said. They are all Bums! I can’t differentiate who the ‘he’ she is talking about and who’s the Bum that the ‘he’ hates. I should really name them.


“Who’s he?” I slowly shifted, trying not to make it obvious that I’m scooting closer and closer to her. I wonder if she’s afraid to me as much as I’m afraid to them. It’s just that, they’re appearance is different every time I see them. They can copy any animal or human being or any object with their face, but their body doesn’t change so I guess it’s not much of a help with the shape shifting thing.


“Bum.” She pointed her shivering wrinkled finger outside the window. I followed the direction of what she’s pointing at and my gaze landed on a flying bird.




But she said ‘Bum’. I looked at it closely trying to see it more vividly. The unknown being flew here and there as it glided up and then down to the berry fields and once again, up to the sky throwing the berries again. Weird.


“Is he a Bum?” I tried confirming, I was right as she nodded. I never thought of a flying Bum before—but who would’ve also thought of a flying human too?


Like a superman.


Like Jiyong.


I suddenly felt blue when I remembered his name and his face. Is he thinking about me now? Does he care even if I’m gone for almost two weeks? Is he eating well at home? I wonder what he is doing now. I shook my head, throwing all the thoughts off. It’s useless. I know he never thought of me, he never will.


“Uh—how do you know he hates you?” I tried distracting myself about thinking of Jiyong but it’s no use. This conversation seems like to lead into the situation of Jiyong and me.


“He do this to me—“she then shifted her face into probably, the ‘he’ Bum she’s referring to. The face showed a little different Bum, a male face. His expression was a little grumpy and snob. “He hates Bum.” She added as she transformed back to her original face.


“Okay, look. I’m actually getting confused so I’ll name you…Seohyun, and he’ll be Yong Hwa.” I gestured my head towards the Bum flying in the sky that I named Yong Hwa. This is cool, it’s like I’ll name a thousand of animals—I mean, Bums.


“Seohyun?” she pointed her thumbs at herself. I nodded in answer and she smiled sweetly. Even though the Bums looks like goblins combined with dwarfs, I must say, they’re beautiful creatures. I love their glowing eyes and the perfect shape of their head.

“Seohyun, Yong Hwa probably doesn’t hate you. He’s just—well, not a man of emotion. You haven’t even confirmed yet that he hates you.” I stared out at the window imagining things like Seohyun stalking Yong Hwa every time they’re picking up berries. She turned her attention to me with wide eyes. She probably did not understand me.


“I meant—not because he shows you an expression like this…”I looked like an idiot trying to shift my face into a grumpy one, “that it means he hate you. Maybe he actually…cares.” I slowly stopped as I realized that I’m just scolding myself as I advice and clear Seohyun’s mind. Maybe, Jiyong really wants me to be safe? Maybe that’s why he threw me here in this place? I remember his answer to Ji Yul’s question about how long I will stay here. The battle…it’s not yet over. But what battle is it?


And Leeteuk—why did he left? Is the battle starting? Why am I being isolated?


“Seohyun understands you.” She gently planted her wrinkled green hands on my arm. I looked up at her face, she was smiling and her eyes were more gold than before.


“Yong Hwa like Seohyun?” she asked confusingly. I really just want her to know that Yong Hwa probably doesn’t hate her—but I can’t answer her question if he likes her.


Jiyong doesn’t hate me—I know that. But does he like me? Even just a single percent will be okay to me. Because I’ve fallen for him from the very first time I laid eyes on those eyes of his.


“I’m sure Yong Hwa likes you, he likes your golden eyes—just like gold, they’re precious and valuable to him.” I smiled, feeling proud of myself for cheering up a lonely Bum, named Seohyun. She stood up, vowing to me and pulling me into a tight hug.


“Seohyun grateful to you.” Her words are somehow straight but there are still some grammatical errors, but they’re still understandable…just like a person’s heart. There are errors that we physically see but if we just focus and ignore the errors, we’ll understand that person truly.


Maybe I should try to understand Jiyong more? But I don’t know how. He’s just like a tight shut book that I can’t open. He’s a hard nut that’s hard to crack. A tight book can be open with the right liquid to make it soft. A nut can be cracked with the right tool for its inside to be seen and appreciated.


A voice echoed inside my head making me stand up and look around. Seohyun was gone and the corridors are empty. No sign of a living creature here—except for her.


Her glowing blue eyes smiled at me, showing me the hunger again for something in me.


“Ji Yul.” I venomously mumbled as she tranquilly pulled me to her.








Sorry if there are some confusing things.. do you want me to change Leeteuk to Donghae or Jaejoong?



Photo of Yong Hwa & Seohyun

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And it’s 2012. 😭
memoria_99 #2
Chapter 31: chappie 30: kyah!!!!!!!!!!
sweet ending!!!
memoria_99 #3
Chapter 25: chappie 24: what happened to jiyong ?????
memoria_99 #4
Chapter 21: chappie 20: if dara has that power................ meaning she is not completely human, right ????
memoria_99 #5
Chapter 20: chappie 19: if dara will be his weakness when they married,, then why did he still marry her ????

one more thing,
WHAT?????!!!!!?? dara has to marry someone else???!!!???!!
memoria_99 #6
Chapter 18: chappie 17: what is happening ????
memoria_99 #7
Chapter 17: chappie 16: WHAT???????!!!!!!!!!!??????????!!!!!!!
memoria_99 #8
Chapter 15: chappie 14: i really don't get what lee teuk meant by that ????
when dara became his tiwn soul ???!!!??
memoria_99 #9
Chapter 14: chappie 13: was what happen at ji yul's lair actually a dream ?????
or something else?????
memoria_99 #10
Chapter 13: chappie 12: what did lee teuk meant by dara is a light ?????