Married to Superman - Chapter Twelve

Married to Superman

Please be advice that the story is not mine and I already ASK for permission to post it. Please visit her website at - the author of this story is thedispirit.


Chapter XII




In every dream we have, there is a corresponding nightmare enveloping it.


Every joy has an equivalent of sadness, and in every second of that happiness is equal to a year of suffering and sadness. In every love—there is hate. In every power, there is always greed and weakness.




I was covered by his sudden cold skin. His breathing became heavy as it kissed my neck. Every ice forming in his body was transferred to my warm temperature, making me numb as panic laughed inside me. Jiyong lay on top of me as we both fell hard on the ground. It happened in an instant after that divine dream of his, telling me what he truly feels for me and giving me that sweet yet electrifying kiss of his, happened like a flash of thunder.


The devouring ceiling greeted me as I looked up and felt a shiver ran down all over me as Jiyong fell unconscious on top of me. I tried to push him up with all my might but all I did was worsen it. His breathing suddenly stopped in an instant and he became heavier and heavier—as if he was dead.


Saying his name was like having a brain freeze inside me and feeling the cold winter night surrounding me. But within this garden haven of Jin Ah, even the warm plants turned cold as I realized what’s happening.


I killed Jiyong.


“Jiyong.” I whispered his name with a rapid panic forming inside me. My heart wanted to leap out of my chest and my mind went cloudy as if I’m feeling claustrophobic—as if I’ve seen a ghost that terrified me and makes me want to ask for help. But no words came out, except his name. His name that I always wanted to call out, I always wanted to say, I tried to write it in the sky—but the wind blew it away. I tried to write it in a paper, but I always tend to throw it away. I tried to write it in a hidden place, my heart, and there—forever I know it will stay.


He replied to me with his screaming silence that I was afraid to get. My vision became blurry as almost all of my body was devoured by the numbness caused by the heaviness and sudden coldness of Jiyong’s body. This brain of mine can’t just get enough of asking ‘What just happened’. I’m not a detective to figure out what happened after Jiyong pulled me in a tight hug after kissing me. I can’t figure out anything with this panic building inside me—with the rush forming all over my body as my mind shouted that Jiyong is dead.


A sudden gush of zephyr formed next to me and that cool and irritating sensation was sensed by my instincts. Jin Ah is back and her beautiful body and face is starting to take form a step away from Jiyong and I. I’m already in a state of panic and now the electric fan is back.


Her goddess face flashed before my eye as her wind blinded and tickled my eye lids, making me blink hard. She smiled at me momentarily but it quickly faded as she saw our state.


“What happened?” her voice roared inside the room like thunder with a tornado attacking it. Her green robe hugging her graceful body moved with softness as she floated towards us. I felt a rush of irefulness but my eyes begged for help. I know asking for Jin Ah’s help is pulling me down a step towards Jiyong’s affection but still, it’s life over death.


“Your eyes seek for help.” Jin Ah chuckled as if Jiyong’s life doesn’t matter. He’s dying and she stood there with a calm expression on her face. I really want to rip her face apart, tear it to pieces, step on it, and stab it with a knife then burn it to ashes. I want to torture her.


“How did you know?” I growled as I tried a cold and heavy Jiyong up for me to be able to breathe and for me to ensure that he’s not yet dead.


“The eyes are the window of the soul.” She shifted towards me as she swirled her fingers in the air, causing for Jiyong’s body to levitate and leave me on the ground lying—not being able to stand up.


“You’re hanging out with the monkey again, aren’t you?” I irritatingly teased, rolling my eyes as I tried to stand up. Here we go again.


I’m on Jin Ah’s magical ‘binding power’ whatsoever again. I’d really like to throw myself in a tub of toxic waste so that I could get super powers and kill this electric fan goddess, namely Jin Ah.


She chuckled lowly as her wind carried Jiyong on the bed, tucking him in and enveloping him with a gust of whirlwind. Talk about possessiveness.


“Now, have you figured out why Jiyong hates you?” she hissed lowly with a mocking smile plastered on her smooth white skin.


I growled at her, attempting to stand up from my lying position.


“He doesn’t hate me. He actually confessed to me.” I boasted in her face. She might be his first love but I could always be his last love. It’s better to be loved last and wait than to be the first one and be left.


“Wrong answer.” She moved her fingers in a swaying movement.


Jin Ah is like a conductor and her winds are the orchestra. With every beat of her fingers, they move and they do as she wishes. And clearly, at the moment she wants to kill me. A sudden grasp of nothing hugged my neck, making me choke and breathe for air. This is the same feeling that I felt when I was on Ji Yul’s lair too. The time she enveloped me in a blue liquid as she laughed idiotically about my death—fortunately, Leeteuk came and saved me.


Now, who will save me? Leeteuk can’t for Ji Yul is probably holding him as a prisoner. Jiyong on the other hand, he’s dead and looks who’s not panicking.


“Look, you can kill me if you want but right now…” I stopped, gulping all my pride and dignity. Asking Jin Ah for this will surely kill me.


“Please save Jiyong. I—I don’t know what happened…We just kissed and then—“


“You what!?” the room shook like there is an earthquake. Every sculpture broke into pieces and glasses shattered everywhere, making a rollercoaster rush inside me. A lump was planted on my throat as Jin Ah grasped my neck, holding me up as her precious eyes glowed like Ji Yul’s. The whirlwind Jin Ah created surrounded us, blowing every bugs and blood from me. It feels like I’ve hiked the top of the mountain and felt the storm in there, weakening me and killing me alive.


I hold onto Jin Ah’s warm hands, a sudden jolt of heat traced inside me. It’s like Jin Ah’s hand has an electric barrier, forbidding me to touch them.


“I know you are already creepy, but you are creeping me out even more!” I yelled, trying to be like a small heroic Chihuahua. Jin Ah’s grasp tightened, uninviting the oxygen inside me to reproduce—making me unable to breathe.


“You inutile defecate!” she’s way exaggerating the word ‘useless’ and ‘poo’ in front of me. I get it that she’s a thousand decades years older than me and probably she has read the whole dictionary, but it doesn’t mean she needs to go way overboard with her description about me.


“I don’t care if you’re miss smarty pants now, just save Jiyong!” I glared at her, trying to convince and threaten her as if I have any super power to make her do as I command.


“You’re such an empty headed, worthless human being!” her hair suddenly stuck out everywhere, like a goddess witch in a rage. I get that she’s criticizing me, alright. She doesn’t have to point it out.


“I get it! Gosh, for someone who goes for the kill—you are way talkative.” I taunted. That’s really a right decision, one more taunt or tease and my life will end instantly not knowing what happened to Jiyong.


“Don’t you know anything!? Don’t you know what danger you put Jiyong in? That’s why he should’ve married me than you!”


That’s it. She’s gone way overboard.


I gritted my teeth and hissed at her, like a hungry panther waiting for her prey. I gripped her hands, sinking my nails on her plastic skin.


I guess it’s no use. I bit her hand and she growled angrily, releasing me hard for me to fall to the ground, squishing my .


“Go home! You’ll just kill Jiyong if you are around.” Jin Ah turned her back on me as she walked towards the bed where Jiyong is in. the whirlwind made way for her and then closes instantly as if it’s an essential and special curtain specifically made for this electric fan goddess.


“How can I kill him? I don’t have any powers.” I almost said in a low voice. Depression and realization devoured me. That’s right. Jiyong is much better in this weird world that I don’t know where this is. He’s safer here and he’ll be more at peace. When I’m just with him, he’ll tend to get in trouble—like now. I don’t know how I killed him but that’s what Jin Ah is throwing on my face.


“He’d rather tell you.” Jin Ah gestured her head towards the other end of the room. A familiar silhouette stood there. His cold yet warm presence greeted me as those icy hot eyes of his started clearing off the distance between us in a sudden shifting of movements. He held his hand towards me and smile lovingly, almost easing the panic and fear inside me.


“Leeteuk?” I uttered and he nodded, lifting me up in his arms making me realize that I am now able to move.


“Jin Ah, I’ll let you pass this moment for hurting Dara. But next time you laid a finger on her, your power will kill you on its own.”


Leeteuk’s voice was cold as always but when he said my name, a sudden protectiveness rushed inside me. I looked at his adoring face and it became hard as steel, not until his gaze shifted to me—making his face softer and caring than before as he looked at Jin Ah.


“You’ve sunk your teeth on her too much, be more careful—“she looked up at us and her eyes glowed with hunger, “Ji Yul and I are powerful as twins.”


Leeteuk focused back on Jin Ah then to Jiyong, back to me. His lips formed a small frown before turning his back on Jin Ah, still me being held in his arms. The door full of vines hissed at us first but when Leeteuk looked at them coldly, they purred like tamed lions. I wonder what Leeteuk’s power is?


“You kissed him?” he almost said it as a mumble. We walked along in total darkness, only Leeteuk’s eyes lit the emptiness on this unknown void that leads to nowhere. I frowned but decided to keep on a straight face for he might not be able to see my expression anyway.


“No. It’s more like he did.”


“He’s on a suicidal, if that’s the case. “ I heard a low chuckle escaped Leeteuk’s lips. Jiyong being unconscious and suddenly going on a state of death amuses Leeteuk?


“Why do you find it so amusing?” my voice raised a little, indicating my irritation. He returned it with a shifting movement, lifting me up a little until our eyes are on the same level. Wow, he is strong.


“Light or dark?” Leeteuk asked, ignoring my question. I answered it with a scornful sound until Leeteuk repeated his question impatiently. I made my choice, “Light.”


Of course who would choose dark? It’s hard to see in the dark while in light, you know you are safe.


“Then choose me.” he simply said as if that was easy. My mind turned into a book of jumbled words, trying to figure out what he really meant about his statement. I looked at him as my vision adjusted, making me able to see his adorable face. The hollow darkness was suddenly transformed into pitch white emptiness—only Leeteuk and I presence was being sensed by my consciousness.


The door from Jin Ah’s place was gone, distancing Jiyong and I.


I looked away from those tranquil eyes of his, “What is this about?” my voice tried to put on an irritated tone but it was covered by confusion.


“Consider me as the light and Jiyong, the darkness. In light, you see everything. You see reality and you feel enlightened. Light gives life to everything while darkness just envelopes you, making you blind and be full of fear. Darkness kills you slowly while light gives you life.” He continued walking as if he knows the path in this empty place. I looked around and all I could see is pitch white. This is getting boring.


“Why? Why is Jiyong darkness?” a sad expression was plastered on my face. My heart feels like it’s literally breaking into two. I never thought that it could be possible—that you could feel your heart breaking. It made me hard to breathe and tears started forming behind my eyes.


“He’s darkness for you are his light.” Leeteuk kept on a straight face, avoiding my eyes. I looked up at him and all I could see is a selfish and possessive Leeteuk. All I could see is those eyes of his that shows mystery and pulls me into a state wherein questions surround me.


“What do you mean?” my voice croaked like a frog. I cleared my throat and Leeteuk made it as his signal to answer.


“A light kills darkness. You are killing Jiyong by loving him.”


His cold gaze enveloped me, making everything numb.








So myabe there is a rule for Jiyong not to kiss Dara?!

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And it’s 2012. 😭
memoria_99 #2
Chapter 31: chappie 30: kyah!!!!!!!!!!
sweet ending!!!
memoria_99 #3
Chapter 25: chappie 24: what happened to jiyong ?????
memoria_99 #4
Chapter 21: chappie 20: if dara has that power................ meaning she is not completely human, right ????
memoria_99 #5
Chapter 20: chappie 19: if dara will be his weakness when they married,, then why did he still marry her ????

one more thing,
WHAT?????!!!!!?? dara has to marry someone else???!!!???!!
memoria_99 #6
Chapter 18: chappie 17: what is happening ????
memoria_99 #7
Chapter 17: chappie 16: WHAT???????!!!!!!!!!!??????????!!!!!!!
memoria_99 #8
Chapter 15: chappie 14: i really don't get what lee teuk meant by that ????
when dara became his tiwn soul ???!!!??
memoria_99 #9
Chapter 14: chappie 13: was what happen at ji yul's lair actually a dream ?????
or something else?????
memoria_99 #10
Chapter 13: chappie 12: what did lee teuk meant by dara is a light ?????