May Truth Be Revealed ...(2)

미안하다...사랑한다 (I'm sorry ...I love you)

Sorry for not updating so soon due to some health, yeah here we go again. I'm still recovering maybe this chapter would be a little can I say it? seek for



---- Sometimes, we achieve salvation through waiting as we resolve to be patient and take whatever comes in our way; just to wait for something better; something that makes that waiting worthy...but waiting can be scary at times.  Like waiting for the rain to stop pouring after a storm. Waiting for that second chance when you have hurt someone. Waiting for salvation after being wronged. Waiting for that exhaltant moment you can see life like a slow motion with its beauty, its ugliness and everything in between without any regret. Waiting for life's leaves that are falling one by one before you. Does it matter? the waiting...the stretching that of waiting for the one you love? When you still wait ...and wait ...knowing that maybe all you want from this life is another chance to see that face again: the face of a loved one although, you know that you have to let go at the end... -----


                  Jay arrived home and found his father at the step door:

"I'm going to spend sometime with grandma...I need some space..." waiting for his father to react as he was sure that he would object, but suprisingly, his father didn't say much and just nodded as in "okay"

Jay went upstairs to his room and packed few things when his father entered,

"huh...huh...I can't take you to the airport...I ...I have some work to do down the clinic...are you okay on your own?"

"There is no need to I'm used to doing things on my!!" Jay replied without looking at his father who already left the room.

Jay packed hurriedly and left...


                Taemin recognized Chaerin but he was still looking out from the glass not daring to go in...He was about to leave but decided not to: there was not much time left to waste, so he went in. He walked slowly towards her putting his hand on her shoulder playing a little trick on her as she looked the other way while he sat in front of her.

"Taeminah...what are you doing here?..." she asked with happiness.

"Oh, hi! I haven't seen you at the hospital, I thought you would never leave Jay's side ...but...where have you been?..." asked not knowing from where to start the awkward conversation.

Chaerin looked down her coffee cup, turning around and around vaguely...before saying:

"I just think that know, he doesn't need me anymore...I just don't know what to think: sometimes he makes me feel that loving me hurts him so much...I don't know how to put it because other times he seems like he doesn't love me at all. Whenever I look into his eyes, I only see the sadness" without looking at Taemin or else she would start crying.

"Why do you think that? What happened between you two?..." asked controlling himself from throwing out everything at once.

" We just broke up a couple of days ago...I was so angry that I left, it's so vague that sometimes it frightens me to recall our discussion...?" confessed Chaerin. Before Taemin got to say anything, she continued,

"Oh...let's talk about something else. ...Ah, look at this, I've recieved this invitation to attend this company audition ...but the thing is that I've never sent them anything." Taemin took the invitation and said: "oh,'s one of the biggest companies!!!" looking at her with a confused look. 

"But the thing is that they say that I've sent them a video, but I didn't?!" , taking it back.

"I don't really know...I..." and he remembered that only one person can do that...but he got interrupted by Chaerin:

"There is something else that I want to tell you. Something that I haven't told anyone so far and you have to promise me you wouldn't tell anyone?!" as she took out the necklaces from her pocket: "have you seen these before?

Taemin took one of them to have a closer look and couldn't hide his shocked expression, indeed, it was familiar: "is this Jay's? because I've seen him wear it but he never takes it off...he still has it...or?" Taemin remembered that Jay asked him about it at the hospital when he was taken in.

"Yes, it is Jay's. It fell off that day when he ..." but she coldn't continue.

Taemin knew little about Jay's history before they met but he knew that he never took it off, never. Bt whenever he asked him about it Jay would always tell him: "I'll tell in one those days..." but he never did.

---Chaerin told him the whole story how they met at the orphonage till they were separated...---

Taemin couldn't believe what he just heard: "all this time ...did he know who she was?" wondering in silence. 

"But I guess, he hates me for not recognizing him...he knew who I was but he never told me. I keep asking myself why? Why did I fall in love all over again for him after all these years? ...It must be what we call "fate"...But, I can't be with him even like this..I..." stirring the sugar spoon over and over again.

Taemin's eyes filled with tears looking at her, knowing how both of them were suffering but now he fully understood Jay's feelings: it was for him to protect her from going through the pain of separation..

Chaerin looked at him shocked: "But Taeminah, why put up that face? It's childish for me to believe that our love would stand ten years of separation like this, I guess.." smiling through her pain and disappointment.

Taemin couldn't contain his frustration anymore and just got up angrily: "are you blind or stupid? You don't know a thing, do you?"

Chaerin just looked at him surprised by his angry gaze: "What's wrong?...did something happen?...Is he okay?" 

"All along, he was always there for you. he always had your back. Watched you from behind, protected you at the expence of his own life...and it was him who send that video, I know...and you still doubt whether he loves you?! Are you kidding me?...he is dying and you"
Chaerin got up and clunched into his jacket: "Taeminah, I don't understand...what do you mean he is dying? just said he was are lying...stop it...what the he..."
"No...That was his way to protect you, that's why he pushed you away...he doesn't want to cause you that pain of being apart ...he is dying ...and all this time; Me, his friend didn't know ...and few hours ago, he said his goodbye to me...that bastard" kneeling on the floor.
Chaerin exploded in tears and sat in front of him shaking him: "that's not true...where is he going without me? I can't...tell me ...oh, my god why?" hugging him.
"you have to stop him. He said he was going to America ...but I know it's goodbye...are we going to let him die alone?" pulling her.
"Whose dying alone...stop talking like is he now? ...Take me to his house...Now"
Taemin didn't say a thing and just got up running; they run together, till they reached his house...
It was almost dark and no lights were on; nobody was home...they thought...
Taemin knew Jay's hose and went from the back and got in from the window when someone turned the light on.
Jay's dad: "what are you doing in my son's room, Taemin...what's going on."
Chaerin was right behind him but before answering his question and a phone rang; it was Jay's!
"Where is Jay?..." asked Taemin lookinf around for something he didn't even know what was it.
"He went to the U.S.A to spend some time at my mother's...Tell what's going on?..."

                    Chaerin rememberd that face now and felt like going back in time and all that pain and anger just bursted out of her as she run to the man: "How could you let him go, just like that? How come you don't even know your own son?...What are you doing could you not know even when you were a can we save him now?..." but she was pulled back by Taemin: "just calm wouldn't help us if you're acting this way..."
Jay's father: "who are you to talk to me like that, and in my own house?..." but before reacting, Jay's phone rang again and a voicemail just was sent.
Taemin took the phone and played the message:
"Jay, it's your doctor...why didn't you come for to our oppointment? I wanted to tell you some good news: it's not too late, I found a way to fix you but you should hurry and you need a donor please tell your family and relatives...I'm telling you it's not can live...please come as soon as you hear this message. 
Jay's father face changed and collapsed and Taemin rushed to him: "there is no time for this, He can be saved, so we have no time to waste ...we have to find him. Can we reach him at the airport?"
"I don't know, I don't know. What kind of father am I? My own son was sick and I didn't know?...Oh, god?..."
"Adjusshi have to go to his doctor and know more about his condition and why not get tested for whatever they need it for. Meanwhile, Taemin and I will look for him at the airport...hurry up we don't have time"
"Oh, Jaebummie-hyung! You came back..." hugged him the little boy before getting joined by another bunch of little boys and girls.
"oppa, did you bring the doll you told me about" said little EunHye as she took his hand.
"I brought many things as I promised but you will get them only if I hear that you were good to sister Park...hahaha" as he run away teasing them while they followed him running behind him with their cute little laughs of inncence. 
"My son, you came just at dinner time come join us..."  hugged him the responsible of the orphonage.
"I'm sorry to bother at this time but I missed this place somehow....May I stay here for few days?" 
"Don't you ever dare to ask that question know you're always welcomed here anytime for how can we even thank you for all that you had done for this place." hugging him again with a motherly smile that reminded him painfully of his own mother's smiling not at him bt his brother...sadly the cheerfulness of that moment didn't last as the bitterness of his situation reached him even at this prescious place...where could he run to not feel this way?
Will Jay be saved in time?
     Stay tuned for the last chapter of our story ^^


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Chapter 25: aww its been long time author nim ..
im waiting this for update n finally u update :')
ahh finally chaerin found jay , i do hope jay could be save n be good with chaerin soon :')
thanks for the update n cant wait for the ending :)
author nim update this story again please ..
im waiting for thiss T_T
Chapter 24: author sory for late comented :(
mm now everyone was knew about jay's sicked
n they have too saved him
i hope jay dont go to america but where he go ??
i hope chaerin n others can find him n saved him :')
n JayxCL can be together at the end ^^
update soon author :)
Chapter 23: heheh my pleasure author nim ^^
i really like ur story ! :)
woahh really this will be have happy ending ?? great :D

about story :
his father didint know aout jay's sick yet ?
n jonggup n taeyang know about him .. they feel really sad n bad :(
n did jay really go ? i hope noo ..
thank u for update n keep writing author ^^
Thank you -chaefamri- your words mean so much to me^-^
I changed the story's end for your sake =)
Indeed this story should have a happy ending for all the sadness.*.*
i shall update soon!!!!!!!
Chapter 22: haii author ^^ , glad u r back
thank u so much for updating this story :)
u know im ur loyal reader n coment :D
because i love ur story <3
this too hurt for them both , jay why is to hard for u to say i love u to chaerin ??
I feel pained to see them like that :(
n what would happened when his father came ??
Im curious the next chapter :D
keep updating author nim ^_^
Chapter 21: its ok author ^^
so now they can live together again ?
hope they will ... :)
keep writing n update author ^^
Chapter 19: i hope this story will be happy ending
n jay is not dead , so they can live together :)
I promise this would have a happy ending wonder how? just stay tuned^^
Minhyo98 : unfortunately =(