Cry Again ... Cry Some More (Part 1)

미안하다...사랑한다 (I'm sorry ...I love you)


               --- Jay was very happy whenever he was with Chaerin but deep down, he suffers as much. With every fading moment, he just wonders that she might after all forgotten about him and what their promises really meant to her? As much as he wanted to be with her, at the same time, it tortured him to know about how she thought of the old Jaebum. But what he doen't really know is that Chaerin is feeling guilty as the days in his companionship go by but she cannot really face those thoughts; for some reason, being with Jay now frightened her. ---  


                           This evening marks their first entrance to the street dance competition.  So, everyone was excited and worked hard. Jay was suffering more and more in silence and no one in this world knew how much. He would always put others' happiness and well-being first. Sometimes, he felt lonely; other times he was happy but in between, the approach of death just scared him. He wants to hold on to life, for his friends and for his love. Minzy begun to feel that something was going on with Jay, he seems more pale and becomes tired pretty easily unlike him. She sought for an explanation from him but he would always smile at her telling her that he is doing good and not to worry about him. But, she knew something was burdening him, his eyes told her everything: those eyes always gave up on him. However, she didn't insist further but told Taemin about her worries. He knew exactly what she meant because he himself thought of the same thing: "don't you think he has some problems with his father?" reminding Minzy of times when jay used to get into trouble because of his father just to get his attention and how it was hard for him to communicate with him. Minzy nodded in approval and suggested to Taemin, whispering:"make sure to visit him often at his home and see how it is there, okay?" Taemin agreed and they continued practicing.


Later in the evening...


                     Everybody arrived at the location of the competition and all were amazed by the explosive sounds everywhere breaking from the bouncing music to the crowd and all the hype that goes with it. They all stood there amazed by the different atmosphere as they were all stoke by the feeling of intimidation except Jonyup, who made his way through the gathering crowd as he was familiar with those surroundings, well, Jay too attended some street dance face-offs but not as huge as this for it seemed like an international competition as different dancers from the quarters of the world were of attendence: it was more like a huge festival. Jay looked at Chaerin who was amazed and simultaneously taken aback by what she was seeing; so he took her hand ans smiled at her: "it's going to be okay, let us enjoy this" Chaerin looked at him and smiled as she nodded as she held Jay hand tighter. Minzy and Taemin, on the other hand, were all excieted and jumped around like little kids in their playground; just to say that, nothing would intimidate these two.

                              Everything was there to make this experience an unforgettable one; but as soon as they set to their positions to begin, a group of guys cut in and interrupted the competition from proceeding. One of them, the leader would it be, walked straight to Chaerin with his face down and half covered by his cap. he sniffed chaerin's hair like a hungry dog and whispered:

"here we meet again...I'm still waiting for my private dance.." and began caressing Chaerin's back down to...when Jay took his hand and twisted it:

"hey ...who do you think you are touching my girl you ....******* bastard... it seems that the last beating wasn't enough..." as Jay let go of him. 

"What's wrong with asking for a dance...don't,..." he interrupted when he saw his mates approaching and continued with more provocative statements. But Jay didn't respond and just protected Chaerin hiding her behind him when she clung to him like she was begging him not to fight. Jay understood and took her by her hand walking away: "let's go...I don't have time for this."

The other guy just stood there boiling with anger for being ignored but shouted: "yeah right ...just run away because you know i would 'do her just right' " while others started to laugh.

Jay stopped but didn't turn back as he clenched his fingers into his palm with the only resolution of throwing it hard at him. But Taemin, knowing the temper of his friend rushed to his and stopped him: "Jay, don't answer him ... llet us go." Jay wouldn't answer and without anyone knowing run towards the guy throwing himself at him, as he knocked him down he started throwing punches until he heard Chaerin screaming; some other gyus were dragging her while Taemin and Jonyup were busy fighting the others. Jay got up instantly and run towards her: "let go of her you ..." and soon threw a double sideckick at them knocking them intantly at a time. He went to Chaerin who was thrown into the ground. He checked: "are youu okay? are you hurt somewhere?" but Chaerin didn't answer and continued crying. Jay, then hugged her telling her he was sorry for not cotroling his temper when suddenly Chaerin screamed with agony: "Watch out, Jay...behind you...":

-- Indeed, the leader had a bat in his hand ready to hit Jay on the head with it. But when Jay slightly turned his head, he allready heard the sound of the bat cracking something and before realizing what happened, Jonyup was already laying on the ground, his head covered by blood. ---

           The other guy just threw the bat looking at his bloddy hands after he whiped his face from the splashed blood, speechless, he just run away. Meanwhile, Jay held Jonyup's head begging him: " your eyes...please wake up..." as he kept shaking him: "why did you do that? why did you get the blow?...answer me you bastard...WHy?" but Jonyup still unconscious and Jay shook him more: "you don't even know me and yet you...Whyyyyyyyyyyyyy?" Just then, Jonyup opened his eyes and smiled: "I'm returning a debt..." Jay couldn't understand anything and just ordered Taemin to help him put Jonyup on his back and run immediately to the hospital. On the way, he kept angrily blaming himself outloud when Jonyup told him: "hyung, it's okay..." and lost consciousness again, and Jay started screaming at him:

"ya ...ya wake up don't you dare to die like this ...I won't even forgive myself ...not even in in my grave...." 



***************************************TO BE CONTINUED *************************************

Why did Jonyup jump in? What will happen to Jay then?

Jay will soon get another blow from destiny. What would that be?

----Stay tunned to know more!!----

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Chapter 25: aww its been long time author nim ..
im waiting this for update n finally u update :')
ahh finally chaerin found jay , i do hope jay could be save n be good with chaerin soon :')
thanks for the update n cant wait for the ending :)
author nim update this story again please ..
im waiting for thiss T_T
Chapter 24: author sory for late comented :(
mm now everyone was knew about jay's sicked
n they have too saved him
i hope jay dont go to america but where he go ??
i hope chaerin n others can find him n saved him :')
n JayxCL can be together at the end ^^
update soon author :)
Chapter 23: heheh my pleasure author nim ^^
i really like ur story ! :)
woahh really this will be have happy ending ?? great :D

about story :
his father didint know aout jay's sick yet ?
n jonggup n taeyang know about him .. they feel really sad n bad :(
n did jay really go ? i hope noo ..
thank u for update n keep writing author ^^
Thank you -chaefamri- your words mean so much to me^-^
I changed the story's end for your sake =)
Indeed this story should have a happy ending for all the sadness.*.*
i shall update soon!!!!!!!
Chapter 22: haii author ^^ , glad u r back
thank u so much for updating this story :)
u know im ur loyal reader n coment :D
because i love ur story <3
this too hurt for them both , jay why is to hard for u to say i love u to chaerin ??
I feel pained to see them like that :(
n what would happened when his father came ??
Im curious the next chapter :D
keep updating author nim ^_^
Chapter 21: its ok author ^^
so now they can live together again ?
hope they will ... :)
keep writing n update author ^^
Chapter 19: i hope this story will be happy ending
n jay is not dead , so they can live together :)
I promise this would have a happy ending wonder how? just stay tuned^^
Minhyo98 : unfortunately =(