

“Umma, I`ll go out for a while ok?” Miyun asked for permission. She stood up from the dining table and walked over to the couch to grab her bag. Being back in the States for three days now, she has already adjusted back quickly.

“You`re meeting up with Lauren?” her mom asked while grabbing the used dishes.

“I`ll meet up with her later in the day.” Miyun slipped on her flip flops and twisted the door open. “I`m meeting up with some other friends first.”

Her mom sighed. “It`s those old friends of yours from when you trained huh?”

Miyun held on to the knob, but shut the door closed. “..How did you know?”

“Lauren mentioned something about an SM concert thing,” her mom answered. She took a sponge from the sink and started scrubbing some dishes.

Miyun gulped, hearing what she said. “..You didn`t tell her anything else, right?”

Her mom shook her head. “I figured you`d do that yourself,” she said. Then, she took a deep breath and glanced at the ceiling. “Honey, I`m sorry for all this trouble we eventually made you go through. We were thinking too narrowly back then..”

Miyun took a deep breath herself. “Aigo, umma..” She took her flip flops off and walked back to her mom. She gave her a gentle hug from behind, despite the fact that she was washing the dishes. “You had your reasons back then. Don`t worry about it.”

“Are you sure?” her mom kiddingly asked. She turned around and gave her daughter a smile. “If anything goes wrong, just tell me ok?”

Miyun nodded. “Ne~” She walked back to the door and put her flip flops on. She turned the knob for the second time and fully opened the door. “I`m going now!”

“Take care, Miyun!” her mom sent her off. “Say hi to Jonghyun for me.”

Miyun chuckled at her last request. “Ok, I will, umma~”


Just by the sound of it, Miyun was already sure she was headed for the right hotel. And sure enough, she saw a small crowd of people by the entrance. She swiftly walked to the entrance, sliding through the speculating fans.

Miyun walked around the lobby. There were some fans, guests, hotel workers, but she couldn't find any of the specific people she was looking for.

She headed for the inquiry desk, although she knew she really didn't have anything sane to ask. Where are the Korean celebrities staying? ..I'm not a stalker, I swear!

Just a few steps away from the desk, Miyun heard screams from the group of fans. Of course, that was a good sign for her.

She looked around her, but couldn't exactly pinpoint what they were screaming about. She was about to walk the opposite direction, when a man walking from behind her accidentally bumped into her.

“Sorry,” he said while he was still right beside her. At the same time, he sneakily slipped a card in her hand. “Private lounge,” he added.

Miyun took the card and saw that it was a room key. “Aish Kibum..”

She was about to just follow Key, but she decided not to when she saw he was slowly getting mobbed by a few fans. She continued her walk to the inquiry desk and asked were the private lounge was.

She took the elevator up to the third floor and there, she easily found the lounges. The private lounge wasn`t labeled, but she just assumed that that was the correct room. She slid the key through the slot, and after seeing the green flash of light, it allowed her to enter.

“Wow..” Miyun reacted as she stepped in. The lounge was quite nice, but there was something else that made her stop. “Jetlag hit hard.” The many couches and even parts of the carpet were occupied by some of the famous idols. About half of the members of all the groups were there. They were all.. sleeping. “If I take a picture of this.. it`ll be a huge issue.”

Miyun heard a knock on the door behind her. She froze on her spot, not knowing what to do.

She heard the knock again. This time, she walked and leaned in closer to the door. She cleared . “Uhh.. who is it?” she asked quite idiotically.

“It`s just me,” he simply answered.

Miyun let out a sigh of relief. She opened the door and welcomed the person in. “You don`t have a key?” she asked immediately. “How ironic.”

“I gave it to you, remember?” Key rolled his eyes at her.

“Someone`s a little grumpy,” she commented.

Key, ignoring her comment, walked in the lounge, stopping by one of the couches half-occupied by Eunhyuk. “I`ll doze off for a while..” He yawned and sat down.

Miyun stood there, dumbfounded at the situation. She was about to walk away, when Key called her.

“Miyun, do me a favor?”


He pointed far by the television set. “You see that green bag?” he asked. “Can you go and put it in our room? It`s number 705.” He reclined part of the couch and leaned back. “And keep the key for a while. I have no pockets.”

“Aish..” Miyun shook her head. “Yeah, sure.”

Just then, Eunhyuk slightly moved, causing the card key in his hand to fall on the carpet.

Miyun walked to it and picked it up. “Yah, Hyukjae oppa..” she whispered while poking his shoulder with the key. “You dropped this.”

Eunhyuk didn`t bother opening his eyes. “Can you keep it for me too?” he asked. “I have no pockets either.”

“Really? -__-” Miyun just shook her head again and put the key in one of her pockets. She then walked up by the TV and picked up the bag Key pointed to. “These people.. making me go here while they`re all sleeping..” she muttered to herself.

She headed out the lounge and went up the seventh floor.

“705.. 705..”

Realizing she took the wrong turn in the hallway, Miyun had to go back and walk double the length she just did.

Finally finding the room, she effortlessly took the appropriate key and slid it through the slot. She welcomed herself into a regular hotel room. “Well.. I slightly expected more,” she said to herself. Nonetheless, she set the bag down by the closet which was near the door.

She walked farther in the room, and besides the television set, something on the desk beside the beds caught her eye. It was a cup of Starbucks frappuccino. “I should`ve known..”

The bathroom door opened, slightly startling Miyun.

He looked at her for a while with genuine startled eyes. “..Welcome back home, yeobo!” he kiddingly said while drying his hair with a towel. Quite thankfully, he was already half-dressed. “How was work today?” he asked, continuing on with the act.

“It was horrible!” Miyun played along. She groaned. “All the other employees were sleeping.”

“That means you`re not tired then,” he said while setting the towel on his neck. “Go cook me something.” He grinned.

“Oh heck no!” she abruptly answered. “Go cook something for yourself, Kim Jonghyun ssi.” She crossed her arms and looked the other way.

Jonghyun frowned and sighed in defeat. “I will never play house with you again,” he said. “You`re no fun.”

“You say that all the time.” Miyun laughed, giving him a pat on the shoulder. “You always end up being the abused and neglected husband.”

Jonghyun walked up to the table by the window and looked through the plastic bag above it. “My fans wouldn`t like it if they found out about my secret life as an abused husband,” he joked. He took out a container full of fruits from the plastic bag and set it on the table. “They`d kill the culprit for that.”

Miyun approached one of the open luggages and grabbed a plain gray t-shirt. She walked up to Jonghyun and slapped the folded piece of clothing against his chest. “At least put a shirt on first, pabo,” she suggested while shaking her head.

Jonghyun raised a brow at her before taking the shirt and wearing it. “You don`t like seeing my muscles?” he shamelessly asked. “..But you like muscles.”

“Yes, I do,” Miyun answered. “But who said I wanted to see them on you?” She looked at him with a mehrong face on.

“I swear, my fans would seriously kill you.” Jonghyun smirked as he shook his head.

“It`s horrible thinking they`d kill one of the first Blingers who ever lived.” She laughed. “It`s like killing a founder of some.. company.” She coughed, realizing the failure of her simile.

“But that certain Blinger quit the company two years ago.” Jonghyun chuckled as he opened the container he took and started eating the fruits inside with a fork. “They have the right to kill.” He turned to Miyun and forcefully shoved a piece of sliced apple in since he knew she`d decline. He walked to one of the beds and sat at the edge near the TV.

Miyun almost choked trying to consume the piece of apple. “But that Blinger had reasons,” she said in between chews. She went to the opposite bed and sat at the far edge, putting her only a small isle away from Jonghyun.

“That Blinger had invalid reasons.” He reached out with his foot and slightly kicked the side of the other bed.

Miyun scoffed. “That Blinger had no choice.”

“That Blinger did have a choice.”

“No, she did not.”

“Yes, she did,” Jonghyun said while in the middle of eating. “She just never wanted to admit it to herself.”

She sighed. “She can never admit anything to herself..”

“Exactly.” He smirked to himself.

Miyun took a deep breath as she stared at her knees. “..What did you want her to do?” She paused as she felt emotions emerging. “Sure, she had a choice.. but one choice was clearly the right thing for her to do.”

“Because the other was just so wrong, huh?” Jonghyun said sarcastically, worsening the mood.

Miyun buried her face in her hands as she felt a tear escape from her eye. “J-Jonghyun,” she stuttered.

Jonghyun immediately set down the almost-empty container and fork on the bed. He abruptly switched positions and sat closely next to Miyun. He let his arms encircle her shoulders, leading her to rest her head on his shoulder. “I-I`m sorry,” he apologized. “I didn`t mean to bring this up again..”

“I`m sorry,” Miyun said in between sobs.

Jonghyun softly chuckled. “What are you saying?” He continued gently rubbing her shoulders.

“I`m sorry,” she repeated. “..For not choosing you.

Shocked, Jonghyun tightened his hold on her. “Don`t say things like that!”

“..I`m sorry.”

“Stop it!”

“I had no right..”

“Miyun, stop it!” he commanded. “Just stop it.. please, just stop.”

Miyun raised her head, revealing her puffed up eyes. “B-But-”

“It was nobody`s fault, ok?” Jonghyun reassured her. “And you`re here now..”

“Yes. I`m in LA. Again.”

“That didn`t go too well.” Jonghyun sighed at himself. He then removed one of his arms around Miyun and kept the other around her shoulders. He slightly shifted positions so that the side of her head was still leaning on his shoulder.


“Hm?” He looked down at her eyes.

“Thank you. For everything,” she said. “And I`m sorry. For everything.”


“Hyung..?” Key asked, a little horrified. “What happened here?” He pointed at Miyun who was soundly asleep under the sheets of his appointed bed.

Jonghyun sighed as he leaned on the wall. He looked up at the ceiling. “Kibum,” he said almost under his breath. “..I made her cry again.”

Key sighed as well. He then sat down on the farther corner of the bed. “..Same reason?”

Jonghyun nodded.

“I`d scold you, but I`m sure you didn`t mean for it to happen.” Key shook his head. “Hyung.. just try not to do it again.”


“Yah, Miyun!” Minho, another trainee, said as he opened the door. “You`re not allowed in the guys` dorms!”

“It`s daylight, Minho.” Miyun clicked her tongue. She took a step closer to the doorframe.

“Jonghyun hyung doesn`t even live here in the trainee dorms,” Minho said.

“I know.” Miyun shrugged. “But I know you`ve kidnapped him and hid him here.” She crossed her arms and continuously tapped her foot on the ground.

“..The more you shouldn`t be here.”

Miyun stared at him and raised a brow.

Minho finally sighed. “Fine.” He took a step to the side, giving Miyun enough space to get in. “He`s right there.” He pointed to one of the open bedroom doors close to the small living room.

“Thanks,” Miyun casually said as she tapped his shoulder. She headed straight for the said room. She entered without much thought, and there, she saw what she was somewhat expecting. “Aish.. Kibum..” she groaned.

“Annyeong, Mimi!” Kibum happily greeted back as he held out a couple of neckties.

“Uhm.. what the heck?” Miyun stepped in the room, walking closer to Kibum. She snatched the ties away from him and put them on the well-fixed bed. “He doesn`t need those.”

“Told you. -__-” Jonghyun commented from the closest corner of the room. He loosened the bright yellow tie from his neck, but for some reason, struggled with getting it off.

Kibum scoffed. “FINE!” He walked closer to the bed and took the neckties. He went back to his closet and nicely put them back in. “I am so not helping you two anymore.”

Miyun slightly laughed. “I appreciate you, ok?” she told him. “And oppa does too, right?” She looked at Jonghyun.

Jonghyun simply shrugged and continued struggling with the tie.

“What a best friend you are!” Kibum stomped his foot and crossed his arms.

Miyun shook her head at the situation. “You two.. seriously..” She walked over to Jonghyun`s side and went in front of him. She took over the tangled tie and slowly undid its knot. She sighed. “Who did this mess?”

“It was all him.” Kibum rolled his eyes, landing them on Jonghyun. “Because really, sometimes, people need my help.”

“Hmph.” Jonghyun shifted his head and turned his attention to the girl in front of him. She was still in the middle of undoing the tie. “Sorry, yeobo~”

“Don`t you yeobo me!” Miyun exclaimed. “If you do your own ties like this, I swear, I will never marry you.” She shook her head.

Jonghyun gasped.

Miyun finally had the tie completely loose and off of his neck. “What a hassle..” She shook her head and placed the wrinkled tie where Kibum put the rest.

Jonghyun fixed his polo`s collar. He took a deep breath.  “I can breathe again!” He then undid the first two buttons of his top. “Should I just leave it like this?” he asked while looking at his own reflection through the wall mirror.

Miyun quietly coughed. “..Yeah.”

Kibum walked up to her and lightly smacked her back. “Stop being such a girl!”

“Kibum, it`s hard for anyone to deny it when they think I`m y,” Jonghyun coolly said. “That`s just the way it is.” He shamelessly shrugged.

“..I`m scared for if ever he debuts..” Miyun whispered to Kibum.

Kibum looked straight up, and nodded at her statement. “I hope they don`t make him go solo,” he whispered back.

“But I`d feel bad for his bandmates too..”

The two felt their eyes twitch as if a shiver also went up their spines.

“You do know that I hear the both of you right?” Jonghyun said. He frowned. “You two are horrible. Just horrible.”

“But you love us~” Kibum grinned.

“And we love you~” Miyun made a heart shape with her hands.

Jonghyun raised a brow at both of them. “..Barney?”

Kibum and Miyun groaned together.

“Let`s just go!” Miyun walked up to Jonghyun and took his hand. She led him to walk out with her. “Bye, Kibum!” She waved before exiting the room.

He waved back. “Good luck!”


“Do we really have to do this?” Jonghyun asked nervously. He sat down on one of the benches right outside the dorm building.

Miyun nodded, taking the seat next to him. “My parents found out, and they insisted,” she explained. “I swear, they`re not mad.” She nodded again and gave him a reassuring smile. “They like you, actually. They`ve always thought you`re a really nice guy ever since they met you during that talent show.”

“I am Kim Jonghyun though,” he shamelessly said.

“Can we not go there? -__-” Miyun sighed. “Just be nice and stop boasting about yourself, you pabo. It`ll all be fine,” she said. “I promise.”


“Annyeong haseyo,” Jonghyun greeted as he bowed before Miyun`s parents.

“Oh, annyeong Jonghyun ah!” Mrs. Han welcomed him. “Come in.” She gestured to the inside of their home before heading back into the kitchen.

Jonghyun took his shoes off and slowly made his way to the living room. “You have a nice home,” he openly commented.

“You don`t have to be that nice.” Miyun chuckled as she made her way to the kitchen which was just right next to the living room.

“No,” Jonghyun said. “I mean it.” He gazed around him. “The atmosphere is really nice here.”

The Han residence was quite simple and far from being extravagant. It had the normal Korean home interior, but the place itself was well-furnished and organized. It wasn`t fancy. It just had a good feel and aura to it.

“Well, you`re a sweet boy, aren`t you?” Mrs. Han smiled as she looked back at him. She turned back to scoop a couple bowls of rice. “You can just relax there for a while. We`ll have lunch served in a bit.”

“Ne.” Jonghyun sat down on one of the couches. The television was already on, so he just turned his attention to that. “Ah, Super Junior hyungs..”

 “..Hyukjae oppa owes me money..” Miyun muttered to herself from the kitchen.

“So you two will be famous like them one day?” Mrs. Han asked curiously.

“If we get lucky,” Miyun answered. “Everyone back there is extremely talented.”

Just then, Jonghyun felt the weight of the couch shift. He looked to his right and saw a familiar man. Jonghyun immediately stood up and bowed. “Annyeong haseyo!”

Mr. Han looked at him weirdly while staying in his seat. “You`re too tense,” he said.

Jonghyun nodded and took his seat again.

“Yeobo, be nice to Jonghyun!” Mrs. Han exclaimed as she brought a plate of food on the dining table. “He`s a nice young man.”

Mr. Han turned his head and looked at Jonghyun. It was as if he was about to interrogate him. “Nice young man, huh?” He tilted his head.

Jonghyun gulped and slightly moved farther to the side.

“Yah! Appa!” Miyun called out. “Don`t scare him!”

“I`m not scaring him!” he replied. He looked back at Jonghyun and placed a hand on his shoulder. “I`m just making sure you`re the right guy for our little girl,” he said quite seriously.

Jonghyun slightly bowed from his seat.

“Lunch is ready!” Mrs. Han called out from the table.

Mr. Han and Jonghyun walked their way to the dining table.

Footsteps then emerged from the staircase. “..Finally! I`m starving!”

Miyun shook her head. “Daehyun oppa,” she told Jonghyun.

“..Daehyun?” Jonghyun asked, a little suspicious.

Once Daehyun actually reached the table, an awkward silence occurred. The two parents and Miyun all looked at each other, a little dazed.

“YOU!” Jonghyun and Daehyun finally said together, pointing at each other.

“Y-You know each other?” Miyun nervously asked.

“Miyun!” Daehyun exclaimed. “You`re with.. this??” He gestured at Jonghyun, who was sitting right across from Miyun.

“Daehyun! Be nice to our guest!” Mrs. Han scolded him.

Jonghyun took a deep breath and shook his head. “..This isn`t the reality that I wanted,” he muttered to himself.

“I demand an explanation,” Miyun said.

“I second that.” Mr. Han nodded with his arms crossed.

Daehyun took his seat with legit anger on his face. “This is the fool who took away my good grade in music class last year!”

“We weren`t even in the same grade!” Jonghyun defended himself. “..And it isn`t my fault I set the standards too high.”

Miyun kicked his foot from under the table. She mouthed for him to keep quiet. Just then, it struck her. “Wait..” She stared at Jonghyun. “You were that stupid-idiot-with-an-enormously-huge-head??”


“Mhmm.” Daehyun nodded his head. “That was all him, `Yun,” he confirmed. “Now, while you have the time, you can just break the tie between you and-”

“NO!” Miyun harshly smacked her brother`s shoulder.

“But you know how horrible he is!” Daehyun whined.

“I didn`t even do anything!” Jonghyun defended himself. “I didn`t even know you until you approached me after class,” he said. “And we didn`t even have the same class..”

“Well, the teacher told us who the reason is for our failure,” Daehyun said. “It wasn`t that hard to track down the ‘genius’ Kim Jonghyun.”

“It isn`t my fault I`m gifted!” Jonghyun scoffed.

Miyun sighed with her head resting on her palm. “Can you two just stop?”

“..Fine,” the two said together.

“But really Dae,” Mr. Han started. “You can`t blame someone for being gifted.”



After the surprisingly quiet meal, everyone gathered in the living room to have a casual talk. It took some time, but Jonghyun eventually warmed up to the family. The parents` welcoming and friendly side did help a lot though. They seemed to have really appreciated the fact that he brought Miyun to Lotte World the other day.

“Can we hear you sing, Jonghyun?” Mrs. Han asked after the topic was brought up.

“No,” Daehyun butted in.

Mrs. Han shot him a glare and immediately had him silent.

“Uhmm.. ok.” Jonghyun rubbed the back of his head while thinking of a song to sing.

Life couldn't get better~
nan nol pume ango nara
purun darul hyanghe nara
jamdun noui ib machul koya

He started singing Super Junior`s Miracle.

Everyone stayed silent as his voice contained the whole room. There was something about his rendition that made everyone felt indulged in the song.

Life couldn't get better~

Mr. and Mrs. Han both applauded Jonghyun after he concluded his song.

“Kamsahamnida,” Jonghyun shyly said.

Daehyun scoffed. “Big deal..”

“Don`t be jealous,” Miyun told him.

He scoffed again. “There`s nothing to be jealous about.”

“How about you sing? Hm?” Miyun crossed her arms.

“I have a sore throat today,” Daehyun said defensively.

“My son can`t sing,” Mr. Han straightforwardly said. “Let`s just leave it at that.”

Jonghyun and Miyun couldn`t help but laugh.

“We can`t really deny that,” Mrs. Han supported the statement with a shrug.

“I am hurt.” Daehyun sighed and turned to Jonghyun. “I will forever hate you.”

Jonghyun bowed in front of the two parents. “I`m sorry for making your son mad all this time,” he half-kiddingly said.

“Don`t worry,” Mrs. Han said. “We forgive you.”

“I am still hurt.”

“We like Jonghyun,” Mr. Han added. “He`s nice and has extraordinary talent.”

Jonghyun smiled to himself. “K-Kamsahamnida.”

“Still hurt.”

“Don`t worry, oppa,” Miyun told Daehyun. “You dance way better than him.” She nodded at her own statement.

Daehyun`s face lit up. “I`m glad there`s sibling support still going on.”

“It will only last when I come up with true things to say, ok?” Miyun patted his shoulder. “And I have to share the love between the two of you, so don`t feel hurt all the time.” She laughed.

“I get most of the love though, right?” Jonghyun kiddingly asked.

Miyun shrugged. “Who knows?”

“I get all of my daughter`s love, so there`s nothing to fight about,” Mr. Han stood his ground.

Mrs. Han just sat there, shaking her head.

“Oh the guys in my life..” Miyun sighed.


“Jonghyun ah,” Mr. Han called out after Jonghyun exited the household.

“Ne?” Jonghyun answered, facing back.

“..I`m entrusting Miyun to you,” he stated with a slight sigh. “Don`t do anything that will make me regret this. Arasso?”

Jonghyun took a breath before nodding once. “I will take care of your daughter,” he said. He couldn`t help but feel accomplished about the responsibility. “Thank you for trusting me with her.”

Why hello there, readers~ :DD

I updated slightly.. faster now. I think. o__o Uhm.. yeah.

I apologize for the not-an-update thing. XDDD There was only a day left for the contest and I might as well. Lol. But anyway, I have a chapter up now, so yay!

Can I just say, I fail at making important scenes important. -__- The whole meeting-the-parents thing should`ve felt more important. OTL What a faiiillllll.

Oh well. The present got drama. Lol. :33

..Since when did I even do drama?

..Or romance? .-.


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Craaaaaaaaap I'm so hyped to continue this story now.


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Chapter 34: ♡♡update pleaseㅠㅠ
Hello! New reader! Hope you'll update real soon! :)
Chapter 34: Awwww. I missed this story so much! I fell in love with K-Pop because of this story and You Know Me Too Well.
I'm going to KCON LA as well! I hope to see you there! (:
CardGames #4
Chapter 34: I already am in love with this story. I can't wait for the future chapter.
jpocket #5
Chapter 33: You should totally start updating again! This is one of the stories I've read that has been really enjoyable and although I'd have to reread it remember what is going on, I'd really appreciate if you continued the story (:
JeonMinyoung #6
Chapter 33: Woooow so long
I'd have to read this again to know what's up but it's really up to you whether you wanna continue. If you do continue I really hope you'll finish it and not quit halfway :)
THAT IS SO COOL HOW YOU CAN SPEAK ANOTHER LANGUAGE JUST FROM LIVING IN THAT COUBTRY FOR A YEAR. I've never been abroad and lived in Australia my whole life so I don't know what it's like to be somewhere where I can't understand anything
Chapter 31: hi, jjong4ever commenting again. it's 2015 and i'm really embarrassed by that last comment. nevertheless, i'm not asking you to update- just reminding you that there's a lot of people who really love your story. i'm not even particularly into kpop anymore, but i still check on this fic every now and then because it's really a big part of why i fell into the kpop fandom. fighting for whatever you want to do with this story, authornim! c:
Shining4life #8
Chapter 32: I find this story soooo uber cute and fluffly andi just love it. Cant wait to know aboutthe details of jonghyun's past love life lol
aegyotree #9
Chapter 32: Omg idk why but I just really like this story!!! Even though i'm really very curious about the ending because it's been so long hahaha fighting authornim!
Chapter 31: omfg sweetie I love this story so much! Like that user below me this was one of the first stories I read when I joined AFF... It really introduced me to the magic of fanfic hihi <3 So fighting authornim, no pressure on updating and I love this story so much /sobssobs