

“Remind me why I`m here again..?” Miyun awkwardly looked around Tiffany. Miyun`s been in the same place recently, but it somewhat felt weirder being back in the SM building. She walked beside Tiffany, not knowing where she was taking her.

“You told me you`d help right?” Tiffany asked with a slight shrug.

Miyun half-nodded, and half-shook her head. “Yes I`d help,” she said. “But you never told me what I`m helping with, unnie.”

“Then why`d you agree?” Tiffany nudged her shoulder.

“You asked ‘Can you help me?’” Miyun said. “And I just immediately answered ‘Yes.’ since I`m a very nice friend.”

Tiffany sighed and gave in. “We sort of needed an extra hand at looking at our performances,” she explained. “And since you`re trained anyway, I thought of bringing you here.”

“Ohh.” Miyun nodded her head.

The two walked through the building until they reached the main auditorium and meeting room.

Looking inside, Miyun felt uncomfortable and at home at the same time. Nonetheless, the latter emotion took over and a grin formed on her face. Even though most of the people there were personally unfamiliar, there were still those that she already had a connection with.

“We all missed you, Miyunnie.” Tiffany tapped Miyun`s shoulder, seeing her happy about the current setting.

Miyun looked back at Tiffany with the same grin on her face. “It`s good to somehow be back.”

Miyun arrived in the building at quite a convenient time. Everyone was off from rehearsal and everyone was free to roam around. Despite the rigorous hours of practice and run-throughs earlier, all the talents still looked happy and energetic.

While Tiffany and Miyun were still having a conversation, somebody suddenly let out a loud squeal. A very screechy squeal at that. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked to see where the source was.

“OH MY GOSH HEECHUL. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU??” Leeteuk, who was apparently talking to him at that time, immediately took his own hands and put them over his ears.

Now knowing it was just Heechul, everyone went back to their previous doings.

Heechul completely ignored the Super Junior leader and started walking to a certain direction, still letting out the same squeal.

Tiffany and Miyun started hearing him getting closer. They looked to his direction, and without hesitation, Miyun started jumping and doing some squealing herself.

“MIYUNNIEEE-YAAAHH!!” Heechul called with a long note.

“HEECHULIE OPPAAAAAA!!” Miyun called back, skipping to his direction.

The two eventually hugged each other while still slightly bouncing and squealing.

Tiffany chuckled from the side. “I`ll leave for a bit~” She walked away, approaching her bandmates.

Heechul pulled away, but took hold of Miyun`s cheeks, violently pinching them. “Aigo, aigo, aigooo~”

Miyun tried her best to take his fingers off her face, but it didn`t do much. Heechul was the one who voluntarily did so himself.

“Omooo!” Heechul smiled as he looked at her already-red face. “You`re all grown up now!”

Miyun rubbed her cheeks, trying to ease the pain. “And oppa,” she started. “It seems like.. you haven`t aged a day. o___o”

Heechul creepily wiggled his eyebrows in reply. “How come you never told me you were back??” He placed his hands on her shoulders and started shaking her back and forth.

“Sorry oppa~” she said between shakes. “But didn`t anyone tell you? I`ve been back in Seoul for months now.”

Heechul abruptly stopped and looked at Miyun with a straight face. “How dare they not tell me..”

Miyun gave him an innocent smile. She was about to say something else, when Heechul was suddenly dragged by Leeteuk off for what seems to be an important meeting. She just shrugged it off and decided to walk around the area. She was about to return to Tiffany, when two beings took her into a bear hug. She was pulled back and was about to panic, but decided not to when she realized who they were.

“HYUKJAE OPPA!” Miyun turned around and gave him a hug back. She then turned to her left and gave the other person the same welcome. “LUNA!”

Luna happily hugged her back while Eunhyuk also hugged her from the side.

“Omo, you two are suffocating me,” Miyun said in between the two.

The two immediately let go, but stayed close.

“Aigo,” Luna said. “I can`t believe you`re back!”

Eunhyuk nodded. “Dance buddy, where have you been??” he asked kiddingly while shaking her shoulders back and forth.

“Away from you!” Miyun jokingly answered back. She laughed and smiled at her two friends. “I`m so happy to be back.”

“So.. are you training again, or what?” Luna anxiously asked.

Miyun shook her head. She scratched the side of her head. “I`m too old for that now,” she said with a laugh. “And besides, I`m pretty happy in university.”

“Hmph.” Eunhyuk crossed his arms. “We all still can`t forgive you for suddenly leaving.”

“I know..” Miyun innocently answered.

Eunhyuk laughed and shook his head. He put his arm around Miyun`s shoulders and gave her a good pat on the head. “But we`re all glad you`re back, ok?”

Luna took hold of Miyun`s arm and pulled her away from him. She friendlily linked arms with her and moved closer as if she was about to whisper to her. “Especially you-know-who~” She giggled.

Eunhyuk sneakily moved closer and giggled with her, teasing Miyun.

I-don`t-know-who,” Miyun said with her brow raised.

“Aish.” Luna sighed and shook her head. “Stop the denial.”

“There is no denial,” Miyun answered.

“Yes there is,” Eunhyuk supported.

“No there isn`t.”

“You want me to go ask how happy he is?” he teased.

“No. I already know,” Miyun said confidently.

“Ha!” Luna jumped up. “So you do know who we`re talking about!”

Eunhyuk walked to Luna and gave her a light smack on the head. “Of course,” he said. “She was in denial, remember?” He shook his head in disappointment.

“CHANGE TOPIC,” Miyun declared. She gave out a soft groan. “Please?”

Luna chuckled while Eunhyuk just smiled. “Ok, fine,” he said. “How come you never told us you were back though?” He pouted and blinked his eyes a few times.

Miyun sighed. “I haven`t seen you people until today though!” she defended. “Go blame those noona boys. And maybe Tiffany unnie. They all knew I`ve been back,” she said jokingly.

“Don`t be surprised if you see Key oppa and Jonghyun oppa all beat up later,” Luna said kiddingly. “They`re crazy for not telling us that you`ve been back!”

Miyun laughed at the scenario. “Do what you want to them!” she said. “But then again, I guess I`m at fault too,” she admitted. “I mean, I was here once and I didn`t even bother looking for you all.”

Luna shook her head. “Everyone`s still probably gonna beat them up.” She laughed.

Eunhyuk clenched his fist and put his war face on. “Oh, it`s on!”

“Yah, oppa!” Luna shouted at him. “You know Jonghyun oppa works out now.” She laughed, playfully punching his arm.

“WHAT ARE YOU SAYING..?” Eunhyuk asked, feeling slightly offended.

Miyun walked in between the two and patted Eunhyuk`s back. “I miss wimpy Jonghyun,” she said with a nostalgic sigh. “Wimpy Jonghyun is the best Jonghyun.”

“Oh?” Luna crossed her arms. She smirked and tapped her foot a couple of times. “Are you sure?” she asked. “Because last time I remember, you were all for well-build guys.” She nudged her shoulder.

Miyun rolled her eyes. “True, true.” Suddenly, she realized someone put their arm around her shoulders. She looked to her side, although she already knew who it was from the start. “Ha, good timing,” she told him.

“I think I heard someone say that they missed me~” He slightly swayed from side to side.

“Yeah,” Miyun approved. “I miss the wimpy you, Jonghyunnieee~” She puffed her cheeks and pouted. She faced him only pinch his cheeks pretty violently.

“Omooo~” Luna and Eunhyuk both reacted from the side.

“YAH!” Jonghyun took her by her wrists and removed her hands from his face. He then crossed his arms and turned his back on her. “I was never even wimpy.”

“You were a skinny twig.”

 “..What did you say?” Jonghyun asked while slowly turning his head.

“I SAID,” Miyun said loudly. “You were a skinny twig. All skin and bones.”

“Oh, let`s see who`s all skin and bones now!” Jonghyun rolled his sleeve up to reveal his built arms. Then, he stepped forward, trapping Miyun in his arms.

Fortunately for her, she was able to immediately slip away and take a run for it. Sadly, Jonghyun didn`t want to lose, so he ran after her. The room was quite spacious, giving Miyun a good amount of space to move in.

“Where do you think you`re going??” Jonghyun asked while running.

“Running away from a scary raptor!” Miyun laughed as she ran through the scattered tables, chairs, and people.

The two ran like two children playing a game of tag. Despite the commotion they were causing, it didn`t matter much since most of the people knew it wasn`t serious anyway.

Right when Miyun took a swift turn, she found herself bumping into someone head on. They didn`t fall from the impact, but Miyun did hit that person`s chest quite hard. But instead of separating, she found herself being pulled into a friendly back hug. “Yah!” she exclaimed. “Key, what are you doing??” she asked jokingly, playfully trying to get out of his hold.

“Omo, is Jongie trying to hurt you?” Key gave her a gently pat on the head.

Just then, Jonghyun caught up and abruptly stopped in front of them. “That`s cheating!” he told Miyun, who was standing in Key`s hold.

“I`m not cheating on you!” Miyun defended herself, her words slightly getting twisted.

Key laughed and looked at Jonghyun. “Oh snap!”

Jonghyun crossed his arms and looked to his side. “How dare you cheat on me?” He scoffed and played with the act.

“Key is obviously nicer than you.” Miyun pointed at Key, who was nodding at the statement.

Jonghyun gasped. “Yunnie, after all we`ve been through?”

Miyun walked up, separating from Key. She went closer to Jonghyun, holding on to both his shoulders. She lowered her head as if she was crying. “It`s not you, Hyunnie. It`s me.” She sighed.

Jonghyun moved his shoulders up once. “Then if that`s the case..” He grinned and waved his hand. “Goodbye~” Then he happily skipped away, but eventually came back knowing the whole thing was an act.

Miyun laughed at his awkward ending. “You just killed the moment, you pabo!”

 “That`s what you get for cheating on me!” Jonghyun answered Miyun kiddingly.

“How could I keep a relationship with a dinosaur??” she answered back.

“But I`m a cute dinosaur!” Jonghyun pouted and tilted his head, only to show some failed aegyo.

“Omo!” Miyun smiled and patted Jonghyun`s head while he was in the same position. “My pet dinosaur~”

“..This isn`t the reality that I wanted..” Key muttered to himself.

“I know right,” Jonghyun said while looking at Key. He then turned to Miyun, who was still patting his head. “You`re so weird.”

“And you know it~” Miyun raised her thumb up and winked.


After a while, the groups all started practice again. And like Tiffany said, they did need some help with watching them and critiquing their stages. Miyun took a seat facing the stage, together with other people whom she didn`t exactly know.

Being a past trainee and a music major, she didn`t hold anything back. Any wrong notes, slight slips, lack of energy – she pointed them out. Knowing her, the idols either took her seriously or half-ignored her comments. But then again, Miyun felt slightly offended since she really cared and wanted the best for all of them.


Throughout the day, the newfound couple found themselves back in the unstable stage. Sometimes, they`d treat each other just like how they would normally. But most of the time, they felt extremely awkward with each other all over again.

After school, Miyun decided that they walk together to the SM building for training. They never did this before since they usually wrap up academic things at very different times. 

Walking together was, sadly, on the awkward side. They asked each other how school was. Except for lunch time, both of them had pretty regular days. And that`s basically where their conversation ended.

Going back to the SM building meant they had to walk through the busy streets of Seoul. Since it wasn`t too late in the day, there were still a lot of people out. The sidewalks weren`t too wide, so the two had to briefly separate for a few meters.

When the sidewalk was spacious enough, both of them immediately caught up with each other and continued walking side by side.

While in deep thought, Miyun felt a gentle touch on her arm. Next thing she knew, Jonghyun`s hand was perfectly interlaced with hers.

Out of reflex, Miyun tried to pull away. But of course, Jonghyun didn`t let her. He held on.

He pulled her closer so their elbows would brush against each other. “We`re together aren`t we?” he said, looking at her worried eyes. “Besides, I can`t let you out of my sight. What kind of guy would I be if I let you slip away like that again?”

Completely captured by his words, Miyun loosened up and let him take hold of her.


“Yah! Kibum! It`s not what you think!!” Jonghyun argued after hearing Key`s violent scream.

“..But it is..” Miyun muttered to herself.

“Then fine!” Kibum replied. “What is it then?” he asked with his hands on his hips.

Jonghyun took a deep breath and gave Kibum a straight look. “Ok fine. We`re dating now,” he admitted. “Happy? -__-”

For a few seconds, Kibum just stared at the two. He looked like he was either, sad, in shock, horrified, or just plain emotionless. It didn`t take long until he freaked out again. “WHAAAAAAAT?!?!” he screamed. “Miyun.. WHAT THE HECK WERE YOU THINKING??” he scolded her. “You think this is good boyfriend material??” He gestured at Jonghyun.

Miyun blinked her eyes a few times before simply shrugging at his question.

“I am offended.” Jonghyun furrowed his eyes.

“Yah! Hyung!” Kibum pointed to Jonghyun as if he was scolding him. “You forced her into this!”

“I did not!” Jonghyun answered back with disbelief. “Miyun, tell him!”

Miyun walked up to Kibum and put both her hands on his shoulders. “Relax, Kibum,” she said. “I`m all for this relationship as much as he is.” She pointed at Jonghyun.

Jonghyun nodded.

After a while, Kibum felt his eye twitching. “B-But why??”

“Weren`t you and Tiffany unnie the ones who told us to go on a fake date? -__-“ Miyun pointed out.

“Well yeah! Who else would we pair you two with?” Kibim answered, a little panicked. “I didn`t exactly think that this would happen.”

“..Why are you so against us anyway?” Jonghyun asked.

Kibum took a deep breath. “..I`m not against you two,” he said, almost hesitantly. “It`s just that.. this is crazy unexpected..”

“I know right..” Miyun muttered to herself again.


After music practice, the two decided to stay in for a while to talk. They both sat by the piano, their backs facing the lid. Thankfully, the music practice beforehand removed the awkward atmosphere between the two of them.

“This is so weird,” Jonghyun commented while looking up. “I knew that I`d get a girlfriend one day, but I didn`t expect it to be you.” He laughed, looking at Miyun, who he suggested to rest on his shoulder.

Instead of reacting violent, like how she normally would, Miyun stayed put and just laughed with him. “You asked me out, stupid,” she said. “This relationship is all your fault.”

Jonghyun slightly tilted his head so it gently rested on Miyun`s. “And if this continues on,” he said, linking his arm with hers. “I don`t think I`ll ever regret being with you.”

Miyun lifted her head, bumping Jonghyun`s up. She looked at him with a slightly angry face. “Ugh,” she groaned. “You need to keep yourself from talking like that all of a sudden,” she said. “You`re such a tease.”

“Oh?” Jonghyun reacted. “I won`t stop then. I`ll keep being a tease. Just for you.” He wiggled his eyebrows a few times.

Miyun softly laughed at his reply. “You`re crazy.”

“Yeah,” he agreed. “I`m crazy happy,” he said. “All of a sudden, I`m at my happiest position in life. I didn`t know having someone like this felt so nice.”

“Same here,” Miyun said.

“You`re not even my ideal type,” Jonghyun confessed out of nowhere. “How come I suddenly like you like this?” He chuckled, thinking about it.

Miyun nodded. “Yeah..” she unexpectedly agreed. “Rain`s my ideal type and you`re nothing like him. He has a nice body and everything.. and you`re like a stick figure.” She laughed at the undeniable truth.

Jonghyun, although it was already established that she liked her back, had a frown on his face. He felt offended by her last sentence. “When I debut,” he started. “I`ll show you how much better I am and you`ll have to change your ideal type to me.”

Miyun playfully hit his back. “Yah!” she exclaimed. “Why does my ideal type matter?? I said yes to dating you, didn`t I?”

Jonghyun scoffed. “Well, sometimes I feel like you felt pity for me. That`s why you said yes.” He shook his head. “Maybe Kibum was right.”

“It wasn`t pity at all! I like you, and that`s all that matters. I`m not lying about my feelings!” Miyun puffed up her cheeks. “Aish. You`re so paranoid..”



I. am. a. failure. O T L

Super late update. ;_____; I went on a tour and I actually wrote a finished chapter for this on my phone. I was supposed to post it a week ago, when I got back, but I realized I didn`t want the chapter to happen like that. I decided to just make this all fluffy for everyone. Lol. And whatever that was supposed to happen here, I felt, suited for a later chapter. Teehee.

So yeah. I hope you don`t hate me for updating late and having a pretty bad chapter. :|

Oh, and I changed the banner. Lol. It looks kinda.. sad. -__- Don`t be surprised if I change it again. o__o I seem to never get satisfied.

Anyway, I got some really awesome ideas and twists for this story, so stay tuned~ ;)

On another note, I have a sort-of deadline for sales on KPop Sweatbands. ;__; Check it out? XD



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Craaaaaaaaap I'm so hyped to continue this story now.


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Chapter 34: ♡♡update pleaseㅠㅠ
Hello! New reader! Hope you'll update real soon! :)
Chapter 34: Awwww. I missed this story so much! I fell in love with K-Pop because of this story and You Know Me Too Well.
I'm going to KCON LA as well! I hope to see you there! (:
CardGames #4
Chapter 34: I already am in love with this story. I can't wait for the future chapter.
jpocket #5
Chapter 33: You should totally start updating again! This is one of the stories I've read that has been really enjoyable and although I'd have to reread it remember what is going on, I'd really appreciate if you continued the story (:
JeonMinyoung #6
Chapter 33: Woooow so long
I'd have to read this again to know what's up but it's really up to you whether you wanna continue. If you do continue I really hope you'll finish it and not quit halfway :)
THAT IS SO COOL HOW YOU CAN SPEAK ANOTHER LANGUAGE JUST FROM LIVING IN THAT COUBTRY FOR A YEAR. I've never been abroad and lived in Australia my whole life so I don't know what it's like to be somewhere where I can't understand anything
Chapter 31: hi, jjong4ever commenting again. it's 2015 and i'm really embarrassed by that last comment. nevertheless, i'm not asking you to update- just reminding you that there's a lot of people who really love your story. i'm not even particularly into kpop anymore, but i still check on this fic every now and then because it's really a big part of why i fell into the kpop fandom. fighting for whatever you want to do with this story, authornim! c:
Shining4life #8
Chapter 32: I find this story soooo uber cute and fluffly andi just love it. Cant wait to know aboutthe details of jonghyun's past love life lol
aegyotree #9
Chapter 32: Omg idk why but I just really like this story!!! Even though i'm really very curious about the ending because it's been so long hahaha fighting authornim!
Chapter 31: omfg sweetie I love this story so much! Like that user below me this was one of the first stories I read when I joined AFF... It really introduced me to the magic of fanfic hihi <3 So fighting authornim, no pressure on updating and I love this story so much /sobssobs