

Miyun smiled at him, agreeing to his proposal. She happily followed Jonghyun as he led her to the center of the empty lobby.

Just then, the music changed, but it still remained to be a slow song.

Jonghyun took Miyun`s left hand and placed it on his right shoulder. He then gently placed his right hand slightly below her left shoulder blade. They held their interlinked hands out, standing ballroom style.

“Can you still waltz?” Miyun asked Jonghyun, who was attacking the form quite professionally.

Jonghyun replied with one of his smirks, yet again. “I`ll lead you through it.”

They took the lobby to themselves, having everyone else dance inside the room. Like Jonghyun said, the music blasted quite loudly, enough for the two of them to hear.

They started with a couple of sways as they looked at each other with smiles on their faces. At first, Miyun tried to back away to start the first move in their unplanned dance. But Jonghyun, being the guy, pulled her back, leading her to a graceful turn.

He did quite well, following what he said. Even though Miyun did most of the movement, he was the one who initiated them for her to do.

The two of them gracefully danced every step as if they`ve been doing them for years. There was no hesitation. There was no holding back. They danced how their heart told them to.

The music`s melody was beautiful, giving the two a beautiful base. It didn`t take long until the music and the movements of their bodies took control. They danced as if nothing else mattered. They danced as if nothing was wrong. They danced as if it was their last.

Realizing it was the final chorus, Jonghyun took Miyun back with his arms around her. Miyun selflessly followed, putting her arms around Jonghyun`s neck. They found their foreheads resting against each other as they swayed together in each others` arms. They closed their eyes, taking in the perfect moment.

The previous song finally ended, causing the two to look at each other again with opened eyes. Jonghyun kept both his hands on her waist as he gently led Miyun back. Miyun slightly pulled away after feeling the wall behind touching her back. She placed her hands on Jonghyun's shoulders, looking at him. Without much thought, Jonghyun slowly started moving his head towards her. Miyun stayed put, her eyes locked on Jonghyun's face. 

Jonghyun kept his pace as he moved closer. Miyun shut her eyes, anticipating what was to happen. She felt his breath slowly coming closer, gently hitting her face. 

The tips of their lips lightly touched.

..then reality struck the both of them.

They immediately pulled away, pushing each other aside. A kiss never exactly occurred, but the slightest touch triggered the feeling of urgency between them. 

“I`m sorry,” they abruptly said together. 

Miyun slightly trembled as she touched her lips with her fingers. What just happened?

“I got carried away,” Jonghyun uttered as he looked down on the floor while rubbing his forehead. “I`m sorr-”

“I did too,” Miyun interrupted him, still feeling a little overwhelmed. She sighed. “Don't beat yourself up for it.” She swept her bangs to the side, and tried to smile at Jonghyun, although it proved to be difficult. 

He gave a short laugh in reply. “This isn`t right,” he said. “We can't keep on messing up.” He shook his head, when suddenly, he made a fist and collided it with the wall beside him. He lowered his head as his previous smile died down. “I hate this,” he muttered under his breath. 

Miyun could never handle seeing Jonghyun like this. She rushed to him and placed her arms around him without hesitation. “How do you think I feel?” she whispered in his ear. She tightened the hug to console him. Although she was the one comforting, she couldn't help but feel the same way as him. She was the second half of the whole after all.  

Jonghyun buried his head on her shoulder. He wrapped his arms around Miyun's body, holding her closer. “I`m such a failure,” he said. “I'm the guy. I should be the one comforting you.”

“But instead, I'm always the one running to comfort you.” Miyun playfully hit Jonghyun's back as she rested her chin on his shoulder. “Pabo.”

Jonghyun hugged her tighter, both teasingly and thankfully. 

Miyun took a deep breath. An unexpected tear suddenly escaped from her eye, landing on Jonghyun's neck. “I love you, Kim Jonghyun.” A melancholic smile formed on her face. “You`re my best friend.”

Jonghyun sighed in some sort of relief. “I love you too, Park Miyun.”


The last dance portion was purely upbeat songs, so the party ended happily. Miyun and Jonghyun were both able to eventually join in after they recovered from their incident.

Everyone danced their hearts out as if they wouldn`t be able to do it again. Or at least, in a long time. Like in SHINee`s case, their schedules were filled, leaving them with only that night to enjoy themselves. In Miyun`s case though, she just hasn`t danced in a long time.


“Thank you again to all of you who came today!” Jihae gave her last words before the party concluded. “Have a safe trip home, and God bless!”


Since they took her to the party, SHINee was obligated to bring Miyun back home. Everyone was tired so the ride was quite tranquil. Taemin, who danced the most, was fast asleep with his head resting on his own shoulder. The rest just sat there, locked in their own thoughts.

Through the drive, Miyun herself grew tired. Her eyelids repeatedly dropped as she tried to stop them. She finally failed and fell asleep, with her head colliding with the window next to her. 

Jonghyun, who was wide awake, noticed her current state. Without hesitation, he slowly led Miyun's head to rest on his left shoulder.

“Hyung, you pabo,” Key spoke up all of a sudden.

Jonghyun looked at him, but didn`t say anything.

“No, you`re both idiots,” Key continued. “You keep lying to yourselves and each other.”

“We`re not,” Jonghyun answered.

“For a few minutes earlier in the party, you both were staying true to yourselves. No lies, no hesitation. What happened?” Key, instead of his usual nagging tone, asked in a more concerned voice. “You almost kissed too..”

Jonghyun scrunched his face at the thought of the situation earlier. “You saw?”


“You, above anyone else, should be the one to understand, Kibum.”

“Well, I don`t,” Key said. “You two keep pushing each other away. It`s just not right. Like you said, I should be the one to understand. And in my view, you`re both wrong.”


“No ‘but’s,” Key immediately answered back. He sighed and looked at Miyun. “Hyung, she`s beautiful. Hold on to her while she`s still yours. You wouldn`t want to let her slip away now, would you?”

Jonghyun took in every syllable that came out of Key`s mouth. “..No.”

He looked at the girl comfortably snoozing on his shoulder. He leaned in closer and fixed her fringe that sloppily covered her eyes. He smiled as he examined her peaceful face. Key was right. She was indeed beautiful.

Hold on to her while she`s still yours.


Days have passed, and for some reason, their dance training continued to dwell on the waltz.

And for some reason, whenever they practiced alone, it was always the same. The moment, the atmosphere, the feel, the connection. All of those changed. It always felt so perfect, and yet they both couldn`t comprehend what it was that they were feeling.


A whole week has passed, and Jonghyun and Miyun continued to feel awkward towards each other. At this point, it wasn`t just in dance practice. Even Key and Tiffany noticed how different they were acting. None of them did anything wrong to each other. It was just that feeling. That feeling which they both couldn`t pinpoint.


Another week passed, and even though their dance training switched back to hip hop, that feeling remained.


Miyun stood up from the piano seat. She took her bag and headed off without a word, much like how it`s been like for the past weeks.

But before she could exit the room, Jonghyun`s voice made her stop. “Miyun,” he said as he closed the piano lid. “Do you.. hate me?”

“Shouldn`t I be the one asking you that..?” Miyun asked, still with their backs facing each other.

“S-So you don`t hate me, right?” Jonghyun, for some reason, stuttered.

“No, of course not.”

“Oh. Good then..”

“..And you don`t hate me, right?”

“No.. I don`t hate you.”

“Ok..” Miyun took a deep breath. “I guess I`ll get going then.”



Jonghyun sighed. The both of them still didn`t look at each other. “Meet up with me tomorrow? At the café? Around 12?”

 “Uhm.. ok.” Miyun felt like she shouldn`t question his intentions, so she just agreed right away.


Miyun looked through her closet, moving her clothes and hangers back and forth. She just couldn`t decide which one to wear. She sighed in defeat. What`s gotten into her? She always wore sweats and baggy shirts around him, but she never cared. Not even once.

“Pabo, why are you acting this way?” She knocked on her own head, hoping to get to her normal self.

In the end, she decided to wear a casual outfit with jeans and a plain green t-shirt. But she couldn`t help but wonder why the heck she just acted and thought the way she just did.

It was a Sunday so everyone was off from training. Miyun followed Jonghyun`s directions and walked to the café at the time he allotted.

On the way there, she couldn`t help but feel hesitant. They`ve gone past the awkward zone a long time ago, but how come they both suddenly acted this way?

When she got to the café, she found Jonghyun waiting with two frappuccinos in hand. They were the same drinks they always ordered from the same place. But this time, it was odd. Not once has Jonghyun ever bought the drink for Miyun, and vice versa.

“Here,” Jonghyun said as he handed the untouched cup to Miyun.

Miyun took it with slight confusion. “..Komawo.”

For a while, the two of them just strolled around the park, taking in the fresh air. The weather was quite perfect that day. The sun wasn`t too high up, there was a good amount of clouds in the sky, and the breeze blew lightly. But no matter how good the atmosphere was, not even a single word escaped from their lips.

They continued walking until they both had to throw away their empty drinks. Miyun was about to continue walking when Jonghyun suddenly stopped to lean on the nearby tree. She walked back to him and looked at him with concern. “Are you ok?”

“You don`t hate me. I don`t hate you..” Jonghyun started saying. “But why are we suddenly like this?”

Miyun felt her body stiffen. “I-I really don`t know either.”

“Miyun.. are you feeling anything different?” Jonghyun asked hesitantly. “Because I think I am..”

Miyun looked at him in disbelief. “W-What do you mean?” She really had no idea what he was trying to say.

“All of a sudden..” Jonghyun took a deep breath, looked up at the sky, and back at the ground. “Every time I see you..”

Miyun`s eyes wandered around, anticipating what he was about to say. She was both scared and expectant of whatever it was.

“..My heart starts beating fast.” Jonghyun took another deep breath. “It feels like it wants to escape from my chest. I-I`ve known you for a long time now and yet I suddenly feel this way,” he started to explain. “I mean, if my heart suddenly beats fast, that can mean that I`m scared of you right?” He chuckled at the thought of it with a mixture of nervousness. “But I`m not.”


“Miyun, what I`m trying to say is..” Jonghyun, again, took another deep breath. “I-I think I like you.”

Miyun stood there, frozen. She had no idea how to react. This was the first time anyone has ever confessed to her. And to make things even more difficult, it was done by someone she least expected. “Jonghyun, I-”

“It`s ok if you don`t feel the same,” Jonghyun said. “I just wanted to get this all out.” He stood up straight and started walking the opposite direction Miyun was facing.

Miyun placed her fist on her chest, feeling her heartbeat, as she looked at the necklace hanging around her neck.

Just then, everything became clear to her.

She started breathing fast, as if she was running out of time. “Jonghyun!” she called out to him. She faced the opposite direction and ran to him. Before he could turn around, Miyun managed to wrap her arms around him from behind.

“You don`t have to comfort me..” Jonghyun spoke shakily, almost like he was in tears. He placed his hand on one of Miyun`s arms, indicating that he wanted her to let go.

Miyun held tight, showing him that she wasn`t doing it out of pity. “Jonghyun, I think I know why we`ve both been like this for the past few weeks,” she said.


“What you said about me earlier.. I`ve been feeling the same way.” She took a deep breath much like how he was earlier. “J-Jonghyun, I think I like you too.”

Miyun felt Jonghyun`s body loosen up so she released him from her hold. He turned around to look at the girl behind him. They smiled at each other for a while as they both took in the moment. The both of them felt a form of shock and happiness which they haven`t felt before.

“What now?” Jonghyun suddenly asked awkwardly.

Miyun shook her head in disappointment at his sudden question. But then again, she wasn`t sure about what to do either. “What did you have in mind if I said I liked you back?” she asked back. “I mean, clearly, you thought this through.”

“Honestly?” Jonghyun scratched the back of his head. “I was sure you`d reject me so I didn`t even think about that.” He laughed innocently, completely embarrassing himself.

Miyun rolled her eyes. “So the self-proclaimed great and perfect Jonghyun thought he was gonna get rejected?” She crossed her arms and smirked at him.

Jonghyun shamelessly smirked back. “..So my girlfriend thinks I`m great and perfect?”

“..You don`t have a girlfriend.”

Jonghyun`s head immediately dropped after he heard her last words. “I knew it. Rejected.”

Miyun laughed as she placed her hand on his shoulder. “You never asked me if I wanted to be your girlfriend.”

Jonghyun put his head up and sighed. He raised a brow at her. “Playing hard to get, I see.”

“No.” Miyun shook her head, a little bit annoyed. “You kinda really have to ask before you can be sure. I mean, if you were famous, you can`t just say all of your fans are your girlfriends just because they all like you back.”

Ohh.. watch me do that..” Jonghyun laughed a bit creepily as he imagined the possible scenarios.

Miyun rolled her eyes again and started walking away. She thought he was quite hopeless.

“Yah!” Jonghyun called out and immediately caught up to her, taking hold of her wrist. “Look at me!” he demanded. He smirked at her as soon as she turned around. “..But right now, you`re the only one I like, ok?” he told her sincerely. He took both of her hands and held them gently in his. “Park Miyun, will you be my girlfriend?”

Miyun couldn`t help but feel her cheeks burn up. “..And why in the world would I want to date an arrogant dinosaur look-alike?” she said, completely contrasting her feelings.

Jonghyun frowned, almost ready to let go again.

Miyun held on to his hands, giving him reassurance. “Because he`s caring, sweet, gentle, and always there for me no matter what.”

Jonghyun smiled widely after hearing her clever, yet sweet answer. He let go of her hands and wrapped his arms around her waist. Miyun happily returned the hug with her arms around his neck.

“Now,” Jonghyun said directly next to Miyun`s ear. “You`re obligated to call me ‘oppa,’ you disrespectful girl.”

“What??” Miyun really never called him that on a regular basis, although she was supposed to.

Jonghyun tightened his hug in reply.

Miyun sighed and finally gave in. “Ok, fine.”

Feeling satisfied with the situation, they broke off the hug. They were finally inches away, when they realized something else was connecting them: their necklaces.

They both smiled seeing the little bond. It definitely was a good sign.


I AM SPAZZING OVER MY OWN CHAPTER. LOL. But I mean seriously. Both parts go for awesome turns and they land on chapter 20. Hehehehe. IDK. So exact and great. So if you wanna go back, you can just remember '20.' Lol. K. I`m saying random crap now. It`s 2AM. What do you expect? AND OMG 2AM.

I know I don`t get much comments, but I swear, if I don`t get at least 500 on this one, I`mma flip a cow. Lol. I lie, I lie. But srsly though. ;___; I love this chapter so much. You guise should too. <3 THEY`RE FINALLY TOGETHER. LET`S GO THROW A PIZZA PARTY OR SOMETHING. XD And the last minute bickering is great.

Haha. I actually wanted to post this yesterday (which was two hours ago) since yesterday marked a whole year of me being a blinger. XDD Lol. Creepy how I know. I just do ok. OTL

KPop Sweatbands for y discounted SHINee sweatbands~


Oh, and now that they`re a couple, there`s a bunch of things that they could do together right? XD Suggestions are greatly welcomed. :3

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Craaaaaaaaap I'm so hyped to continue this story now.


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Chapter 34: ♡♡update pleaseㅠㅠ
Hello! New reader! Hope you'll update real soon! :)
Chapter 34: Awwww. I missed this story so much! I fell in love with K-Pop because of this story and You Know Me Too Well.
I'm going to KCON LA as well! I hope to see you there! (:
CardGames #4
Chapter 34: I already am in love with this story. I can't wait for the future chapter.
jpocket #5
Chapter 33: You should totally start updating again! This is one of the stories I've read that has been really enjoyable and although I'd have to reread it remember what is going on, I'd really appreciate if you continued the story (:
JeonMinyoung #6
Chapter 33: Woooow so long
I'd have to read this again to know what's up but it's really up to you whether you wanna continue. If you do continue I really hope you'll finish it and not quit halfway :)
THAT IS SO COOL HOW YOU CAN SPEAK ANOTHER LANGUAGE JUST FROM LIVING IN THAT COUBTRY FOR A YEAR. I've never been abroad and lived in Australia my whole life so I don't know what it's like to be somewhere where I can't understand anything
Chapter 31: hi, jjong4ever commenting again. it's 2015 and i'm really embarrassed by that last comment. nevertheless, i'm not asking you to update- just reminding you that there's a lot of people who really love your story. i'm not even particularly into kpop anymore, but i still check on this fic every now and then because it's really a big part of why i fell into the kpop fandom. fighting for whatever you want to do with this story, authornim! c:
Shining4life #8
Chapter 32: I find this story soooo uber cute and fluffly andi just love it. Cant wait to know aboutthe details of jonghyun's past love life lol
aegyotree #9
Chapter 32: Omg idk why but I just really like this story!!! Even though i'm really very curious about the ending because it's been so long hahaha fighting authornim!
Chapter 31: omfg sweetie I love this story so much! Like that user below me this was one of the first stories I read when I joined AFF... It really introduced me to the magic of fanfic hihi <3 So fighting authornim, no pressure on updating and I love this story so much /sobssobs