New Friend

Angel in my heart {Hiatus}

I stood in total darkness. My mouth opened but no sound came put. I started to freak out as my mouth opened again, trying to produce a sound.

"Lee Taemin!" An unfamiliar voice boomed through the darkness. I should've been terrified but the voice sounded harmless to me.

"Because of your purity, you will join the human world once again with no memories of your lover," After saying that, I was left alone, too occupied with my current thoughts.

My.... Lover?

My train of thought was broken as a sudden bright light blinded me. My eyes opened slightly, trying to adjust to the brightness. I felt something heavy on my arm when I tried to move. Turning my head, I spotted Key sleeping on my arm while Jonghyun slept in a chair behind him.

"K-Key umma," I said in almost a whisper. My voice cracked thanks to my dry throat and lack of speaking. Key stirred in his sleep before his eyes fluttered open. He looked up at me with wide eyes as he jumped up, waking up Jonghyun in the process.

"Taeminnie! You're awake!" He said, giving me a big hug. Jonghyun snuck out of the room and came back with the doctor who was followed by two nurses. I looked around the room with confused and scared eyes. Why was I here? I stared at Key, trying to convey my worry through my eyes. Luckily, he seemed to understand my message. I saw him take a breath, hesitating to answer my question, before looking at the doctor, probably asking him to answer.

"You're here because these two found you in your apartment covered in blood. From what I heard, it seems you where trying to commit suicide," The doctor answered as the nurse checked my IV drip. I was confused again, why would I try to commit suicide? After doing some other medical stuff I didn't understand, the nurse left leaving the four of us alone. Key noticed my confusion once again and asked the two others to leave. They willingly agreed, the doctor taking Jonghyun out to discuss some things with him.


Once Jonghyun and Mr. Lee left, I sat on the edge of the bed and held Taemin's hand. He looked at me with those same innocent eyes, causing me to show him a small smile and lightly squeeze his hand. Suddenly, he started to cough making me let go of his hand and quickly reaching for his water. I grabbed the glass of water and handed it to him, holding the bottom so it wouldn't fall and break.

"Umma, c-can you tell me what happened?" Taemin asked me as I took the empty glass from him and placed it back on the table near his hospital bed. I sighed sadly, remembering everything like it happened yesterday. Well, I remember everything from when we found Taemin to now. This time, he took my hand and gently squeezed it while showing me one of his adorable smiles. With that, I took a deep breath and told him what happened, starting from when Jjong and I saw the news to us finding him near death in his living room.

"Jjong kicked the door down and we rushed inside. You were lying almost lifelessly in a pool of your own blood while holding on tightly to this rose," I paused my little story and pointed at the rose in the vase near the window. It was blooming beautifully thanks to me always taking care of it whenever I was here, which was everyday.

"The ambulance came and they took you to the hospital, Jjong and I following behind in our car. You were taken into the intensive care unit due to the huge blood loss. Since we're the same blood type, I actually donated some of my blood to help you," I chuckled softly and lifted up my sleeve, showing the little mark left by the needle. In reality, I donated more than just some of my blood but, I didn't want to worry him any further.

"I cried hysterically in Jjong's arm as we waited for almost four hours in the waiting room, nurses passing by worriedly and asking if we needed anything. Of course I declined because all I wanted was to see my baby. After three and a half hours out of those four, I finally stopped crying and rested a bit in Jonghyun's embrace. Thirty minutes later, the light for the intensive care unit turned off and a nurse shook us awake just as the doctor came out," I took a breath as I snuck a glance at the window next to the door, I could see that Dr. Lee had left and that Jonghyun was watching us from the window. I smiled again and looked back at Taemin who was listening intently.

"The doctor or Dr. Lee, told us that there was bad news and good news. The good news was that you're blood transfusion was successful, the bad news was that you were in a coma. Since then, Jonghyun and I have been visiting you almost everyday and Dr. Lee has been taking care of you whenever we couldn't come," When I finished, Taemin leaned forward and wiped away the unknown tears streaming down my face before giving me a warm hug. I buried my head in his shoulder and cried, hugging him back. After a few minutes, I stopped crying, wiping away any stray tears while Taemin softly patted my back.

The door opened and Jonghyun came back in with the doctor who looked at Taemin with a soft smile. He was out of his doctor's uniform and dressed in casual clothing, still holding a bunch of folders and papers though. During the time Taemin spent in the hospital, Dr. Lee was the only person allowed in here beside Jonghyun and I. We had gotten closer to the doctor and now, he was a trusted friend of ours. Plus, he had a little crush on my sleeping baby. He placed his folders down and sat down on the other side of the bed. Taemin looked at him before moving closer to me. His action caused me to chuckle and Dr. Lee to pout. I stood up and took Jonghyun's hand, shooting Dr. Lee a tiny wink and walking out the door.


Taemin and Dr. Lee sat awkwardly in the hospital room after the JongKey couple left. Dr. Lee got up and moved to the other side, sitting in Key's previous spot.

"How long have I been in a coma?" Taemin asked in his soft voice. The question almost came out in a whisper but Dr. Lee had a sharp sense of hearing. He moved a little closer to Taemin, who seemed to becoming more welcoming of his presence.

"Almost one year. If you didn't wake up before the end of this month, it would've been a complete year," He opened the blinds covering the window to show Taemin what he'd missed during his sleep. There was frost on the glass, snowflakes falling down, and trees covered in snow. Taemin gasped at the beautiful sight of the world covered in the pure, white snow making everything seem so innocent.

"Anyways, since you might see me more often after this, I should introduce myself. I'm Dr. Lee, as you know, but you can call me by my first name," Dr. Lee paused and held his hand out to Taemin before continuing his sentence, "Jinki."

Taemin slowly reached his hand out to Jinki's before grabbing it.

"Nice to meet you, Jinki hyung," Taemin said with a small smile, placing his hand back at his side.

"Nice to meet you too, Taemin-ah," Jinki replied, gently smiling back at the young boy. With introductions finished, the awkwardness decreased between the two as they began to chat. Taemin was now 22 while Jinki was turning 24 in a few days.

"Hey, hyung?" Taemin asked, munching slowly on a sandwich that Jinki got him. Said hyung replied with a soft hum.

"Can I call you Onew?" He asked again, swallowing the last of his sandwich. Jinki ate the last bite of his sandwich and lightly tapped on his chin, pretending to think. After 'thinking' for a while, Taemin looked at him and pouted. He chuckled and nodded his head.

"You can," Taemin smiled and let out a little yay before hugging the newly named Onew.

"Onew hyung! Thanks for becoming my new friend~!"

A/N: I'm so sorry for the shortness DX I was writing this before school and now, I might be late so I had to cut it short >-< I might be able to update more often on the weekends once my laptop is fixed :3 I'm currently using my dad's laptop which I used for earlier updates ^-^ Anyways, I gotta go to school~

Comments/Subscribers = Fuel for me to WANT to update :D

Question of the chapter: What song are you currently addicted to?

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Possible update tomorrow since I'm back on my laptop :D {It might be short 'cause I'm writing it before school >.


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Chapter 2: aww,this is going to be sad...:(
one thing though,this might sound stupid but by quardian angel,it means the kind that others can see or the kind that can turn into human and help taemin physically/indirectly?
Oh... Taemin coma for one years?? It's really long... I think minho work as taemin angel must be hard since he still remember taemin as his lover.. Update soon... ^^
phoenix_taemints #3
i hope minho got a second chance too.. >.< but it's alright! :D
It's sad to know minho not get second change to life again but i know why it's because he's death in plane accident..
Yay a sequel.:3 Please update soon.<33
5ShiNingStars #6
waaa a sequel <33333
NiaHana #7