Watching over you

Angel in my heart {Hiatus}

Minho POV

I groaned as a bright light hit my eyes. I sat up when a sudden pain shot up my back. in pain, I fell back onto the bed.

"Ah, I see you're awake," A deep, unfamiliar voice said from the door. I sat up again, ignoring the pain in my back, to see who the owner of the voice was.

"W-Who are you?"

"I am Choi Siwon or as you humans know me as, God," I was never a religious man though I knew a few things. And I've always known that people only meet God when they die. My eyes widen in realization as memories flashed through my head. How I found Taemin after so many years, how he didn't accept me back into his heart, the rose I gave him, and... how I died on that plane.

I looked around the white room, hoping to find Taemin sleeping on another bed, only to find that the room was empty except for me and Siwon-ssi. Panic arose in my chest as I flung my feet over the side of the cloud-like bed, the pain in my back preventing me from getting up any further. Siwon-ssi walked over to me and touched the thing on my back that was causing the unbearable pain.

"You're wings seem to be in pretty good shape. I bet the pain is still there though," He said as he took a jar filled with weird looking green goo. He opened the glass jar, scooped up some of it with his first two fingers, and gently applied it around the wings on my back. It stung a bit but the pain soon subsided.


My eyes widen as I looked into the mirror on the dresser across from me. Indeed, I had two large, white wings popping out from behind me. I slowly lifted a hand and felt the softness of the feathers that made up the huge wings. I continued to caress the feathers in awe until I remembered an important someone. I looked over to Siwon-ssi who was pointing to his left, I looked over to where his finger was pointing at in curiosity. My frog-like eyes, as Taemin used to describe them, widen even more if that's possible as I stared at the figure on the screen of the television.

I stood up with more ease and walked over to the T.V.

"Taemin..." I whispered, my hand going up to the T.V. and on Taemin's sleeping figure. Taemin lay in what looked like a hospital bed because of the IV drip attached to his arm. On his other arm was a sleeping Key, his face stained with dry tears. Behind Key was Jonghyun sitting in a chair and sleeping as well.

"I-Is he... Is he..." I turned to Siwon-ssi as I tried to ask him if Taemin was... in the same situation as me. I couldn't even say the word, it made my stomach churn just to think about it.

"Dead? He was supposed to be," He replied, walking back to his former place in front of the door. I looked at him, confused and relieved.

So he really is just sleeping I thought.

Suddenly, what he just said finally processed in my brain, "What do you mean supposed to?" I moved away from the T.V. and stood in front of him. I had to look up because one, he was taller than me and two, he was floating with the help of his larger wings.

"I mean, he was supposed to become an angel like you but I took pity on him for dying so early. Plus, he's an innocent and pure young boy, he deserves a second chance," He replied before walking out the door. I leaned on the wall for support, thinking about Taemin and my new life as an angel. I jumped back in shock as a bright light blinded me. Once the light faded away, a note fell into my hands.

Dear Minho-ssi,

Every angel must have a job and for you, I have chosen to give you a place as a guardian angel.

The human you will be watching and protecting is, Lee Taemin

God/Choi Siwon

I slid down the wall and held onto the note like a lifeline, my eyes blankly staring up at the ceiling. A smile soon found it's way onto my face as unknown tears slid down my face.

"I guess I'll be watching over you from now on, Taemin-ah."

I'm alive :D Sorry for not updating for so long ;A; I got caught up with life (Yes, I'm an author with a life, deal with it XD) I hope you guys are happy with this chapter because I'm seriously losing inspiration for everything >-< Hopefully, it'll come back this summer :3

That reminds me, I get out of school on the 23rd *throws confetti* but I'll be vacationing this summer so I'll try to write during my free time ^-^

*Song Obsession: The Chaser - Infinite*

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Possible update tomorrow since I'm back on my laptop :D {It might be short 'cause I'm writing it before school >.


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Chapter 2: aww,this is going to be sad...:(
one thing though,this might sound stupid but by quardian angel,it means the kind that others can see or the kind that can turn into human and help taemin physically/indirectly?
Oh... Taemin coma for one years?? It's really long... I think minho work as taemin angel must be hard since he still remember taemin as his lover.. Update soon... ^^
phoenix_taemints #3
i hope minho got a second chance too.. >.< but it's alright! :D
It's sad to know minho not get second change to life again but i know why it's because he's death in plane accident..
Yay a sequel.:3 Please update soon.<33
5ShiNingStars #6
waaa a sequel <33333
NiaHana #7