Only Tears

TS Baby!


BAP was starting the Power promotions when Rose went back to the practice room for the first time after Bang and her had stopped talking to each other. She didn't even know why they had. He had just started avoiding her, and at one point she gave up trying to get his attention. They hadn't talked for more than a month, and as much as she didn't want to, she missed him like crazy. She had gotten so close to him so fast, and she had these feelings for him she didn't know what to do about at the time. Now there was nothing to do about them. At first he just wanted to be friends, and now he didn't want anything at all anymore. She should have hated him for giving her all these feelings, for letting her get so attached to him, and then throwing her aside like that; but she just couldn't. Hating him wasn't something she was capable of, it seemed. Nor was staying mad at him. He had some power over her, and that just confused her even more. So, there she was, back to the practice room, where it all began, trying to figure things out. 


It was a random time, on a random night. But when she opened the door, she met eyes with someone sitting on the floor across the room. That someone being the center of her problems, of course, because life wouldn't be funny otherwise. He was as surprised to see her as she was him. They looked at each other with wide eyes for a few seconds, before she muttered an apology and turned around to leave. His voice stopped her in her tracks.


Bang: Rose wait! 


Rose (turning around): What?


Bang: I need to talk to you.


Rose: Oh, so now you're talking, that's an improvement!


Bang: I'm sorry..


Rose: Sorry for what, huh? For letting me down, avoiding me, not even bothering to answer when I try reaching you, and all that without a reason? Well it's too late to say sorry.


Bang: I had a reason! 


Rose: Enlighten me, then, what did I do to you?


Bang: You did nothing, you just wanted me to meet someone and I didn't know why at the time, but I just couldn't. 


Rose: You weren't able to just say "Hello, I'm Bang Yongguk" as you do almost everyday on shows?!


Bang: No I wasn't! Couldn't you see it pained me to meet your boyfriend?!


Rose: What boyfriend?


Bang: Oh come on, we all saw you hugging that blond guy at the airport and then at the amusement park! I'm sure he's the guy you call all the time! 


Rose: AND?! How does that mean he's my boyfriend? How stupid do you have to be to make that statement?! 


Bang: What is he to you then? Your friend with benefits?


Rose: He's my best friend since childhood you idiot! That's why I wanted you to meet him! Because you were very important to me, and I was stupid enough to even have feelings for you! All I wanted was for the two guys that mattered the most to me to meet each other, but you just had to make stupid assumptions and ruin everything! 


Bang stood there and didn't say anything. Rose was on the verge of tears, she left before the first one fell. Bang finally woke up and ran after her. He caught her hand, spun her around, and kissed her. Rose stayed there for a few seconds, wide-eyed. She then pushed him away.


Rose: What on Earth do you think you're doing?! 


Bang: I.. You said you had feelings for me too..


Rose: Which doesn't give you the right to kiss me! 


Bang: But..


Rose (cutting him): It's too late, Yongguk, too late. 


Bang (watching her leave): But I love you.. 


Later that night, Bang was laying on his bed, unable to find sleep. He couldn't believe he had kissed Rose tonight. Well, kissed. It wasn't a real kiss, it hurt more than anything actually. He didn't really understand how he thought she could have kissed him back, and everything would be happy and fluffy. He was so stupid. He got so happy when she said she had feelings for him, he completely forgot about anything else, all he could do was kiss her. Wrong move. He cursed himself. It's not something to do when you haven't talked to someone in a month, even if they have, or had, feelings for you. Truth is, this wasn't the first time in the past month Bang had tried talking to Rose, but that didn't change anything. All it did was making him realize he loved her.



Flashback - 2 weeks earlier



Each time Rose had tried talking to him ever since their last encounter, it was never the right time or the right place to explain everything to her. He wanted to plan something, to apologize, to show her he was still the same Bang she had met and learnt to trust in the practice room. But he didn't know how, he at these things, and he didn't really feel like asking for someone's help, it wouldn't have been the same. After hours of thinking , thinking and being scolded by his managers for not focusing, he decided to just go talk to her. The more he waited, the more she'd be mad at him anyways. 


He looked for her everywhere in the TS building, to finally find her in the park, sitting on a swing. He approached her and realized she was on the phone. He was about to go wait on a bench nearby when he saw she was crying, and heard what she was saying.


Rose: …I guess that's the problem when you like someone so much. 


There was a pause as the person she was on the phone with was answering. Rose smiled.


Rose: I really miss you, Mathieu. 


Mathieu? Who was Mathieu? A friend? No. Someone she really likes and misses. Probably a  boyfriend. The blond guy. Bang's heart broke. He ran back to the dorm. Rose heard him, but all she saw was a figure with purple hair running away and she didn't know anyone with purple hair. 


He went straight to his room when he got to the dorm. He hadn't realized he was crying when Himchan came in.


Himchan: Hey, do you.. Yongguk, are you crying? 


Bang did not answer. Himchan sat next to him and waited. After a few minutes, Bang spoke up.


Bang: She has a boyfriend, Channie. A boyfriend. 


Himchan: She does?! Woah, that's a surprise. I'm sorry you fell for her Hyung. 


Bang: Fell for her? Do you think I'm in love with her? 


Himchan: You don't act as you've had for the past two weeks because of someone you just like. You're unable to work properly, you forget things, and now you're crying because she has a boyfriend. Of course you are. 



End of Flashback


Rose was doing the exact same thing as Bang, laying on her bed, thinking about what had just happened. Bang had kissed her. He actually liked her back. Well she loved him but that didn't matter, it was too late for anything now. She was mad, this time, for how he used his assumptions as realities. Mathieu and her would never date. It was simple. Mathieu was in love with a French guy named Cyril, or Cyrul Rose wasn't sure. Mathieu was her best friend, he had helped her realize she was in love with Bang two weeks back, and that handsome idiot thought he was her boyfriend. That's one messed up situation. 


She didn't fall asleep that night. She went to the trainee's practice room (for the first time at night in months) and she danced. Danced. And danced. That's all she did for the weeks that followed. She trained until she was exhausted enough to pass out on her bed. She did it with less passion than before but nobody noticed. She was doing what people were asking her to do after all.




Daehyun was about to meet Youngjae at the cafeteria when Minrin bumped into him. She merely apologized and left. He caught her hand.


Daehyun: Minrin-ah, wait! Are you alright?


Minrin: Hum? 


Daehyun: I asked you if you were alright. You look..


Minrin: Don't worry about it. 


Zelo (running to hug Minrin): Noona!!! I've heard some of the trainees had got a contract with SM Entertainment! Please tell me it's not you! Please please please please please!


Minrin: No Zelo, it's not me.


Zelo: Thank god!! I was so scared!! 


Minrin: You're sweet, but don't worry I'm staying here, only some of the boys are leaving. 


Zelo: Oh that's sad. But you're staying!!!!


Minrin: It's time for lunch, let's go eat something. 


Daehyun: Wait, Zelo, I want to talk to Minrin for a second, can you wait for us at the cafeteria?


Zelo: No problem Hyung! But don't hurt my Noona! 


Daehyun: Thank you. 


Zelo: See you!


Daehyun: Minrin, is Kris leaving?


Minrin: He is. 


Daehyun: But.. what about you two?


Minrin: He didn't want to go. I pushed him to choose the contract, you can't turn down something like that.


Daehyun (hugging her): I'm sorry.


Minrin: Don't be. I did the right thing. It's over, that's all.


Daehyun: That doesn't mean you can't be sad. Now come on, let's go before Zelo eats everything.




Minhyo was in Chanyeol's room helping him pack. He was leaving along with Kris and Chen. He'd be joining his best friend Baekhyun at SM Entertainment, and they were even going to be in the same band. He couldn't be happier, he was finally debuting in one of the top agencies, and that with his friends. Well. Most of them, but he'd see those who were staying again. It doesn't mean he wasn't going to miss them, though. And from the look on her face, his best friend was going to miss him too.


Chanyeol: What's with the face? Afraid you won't be able to have any fun without me? 


Minhyo: Pfffft, of course not. I'm just going to miss Kris and Chen. 


Chanyeol: Right! And Rose hates Yongguk Hyung! 


Minhyo: Well they haven't been talking much lately… 


Chanyeol: We both know that doesn't mean anything. Can you pass me that stack of shirt please?


Minhyo: Here you go! 


Chanyeol (throwing them into his suitcase): And packed! 


Minhyo (chuckling): You're just leaving them like that?


Chanyeol: I won't need them anymore! My hordes of fans are going to send me brand new shiny clothes! 


Minhyo: Yah! Cocky much? 


Chanyeol: Oh don't be like this, you know I'll still pay attention to little people like you when I'm famous! 


Minhyo (hugging him): You're stupid. But I'm going to miss you. 


Chanyeol: Me too. I'll come visit as much as I can though!


Minhyo: Promise?


Chanyeol: On one condition.


Minhyo: I'm listening.


Chanyeol: You're telling Youngjae. 


Minhyo: Have a nice life Chany! 


Chanyeol: Oh come oooooon! 








That evening, in BAP's dorm, the boys were also talking about the news of trainees leaving. 


Jongup: Did they say who was leaving exactly?


Daehyun: Kris, Chanyeol and Chen. 


Youngjae: No girls?


Daehyun: Nope, no girls.


Zelo: As long as Minrin Noona isn't leaving, it's all good really! 


Bang (entering the room): What do you mean, leaving?


Himchan: You didn't hear? SM recruited trainees from our company and is going to make them debut soon. 


Bang (suddenly very interested): Seriously?! But that means we're not going to see them again!! 


Jongup: I didn't know you were close to Kris, Chen and Chanyeol, Hyung. 


Bang: I'm not, but.. Oh, you mean it's just them? 


Jongup (smirking): It is, why? You were scared about seeing someone else leave? 


Bang: Euh no I wasn't! What are you talking about? It's good for them that they debut! All good! Anyways! I have to go… euh.. cook dinner! 


The other members all looked at each other as he was leaving and got up at the same time. If their leader was cooking, they were eating out. 



☁     ☁    ☁

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Oh nooo ;AAA;
PopingRose #2
MWAHAHAHAHA I'm a genius!
Jongup: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah so much dramaaaaaaaaa!
omg wae no bang it was a misunderstanding DON'T IGNORE HER SOBS
LadyHappy #5
zelo: nooooooona ! moi je sais comment ça va finir entre bang hyung et rose noona ^-^
kris: ça me fait bizarre tout ça moi,je suis pas encore habitué au fanfiction
I've only skimmed the first chapter (I'm gonna read it tomorrow) and I really like how you colour coated the person talking! :) Subscribed ;)
infinitesummer623 #7
wahhh! i lik the story so far! keep updating :D
check out my story if you have time~ also check out the poster shop that i requested from, the posters are really pretty haha :D
Music-is-life #8
Haha t'as écrit "Euh", à la française ;D
LadyHappy #9
Zelo !!!!!!!! (and Kriiiiiiis ) kkk daehyun
<3 parceque moi j'aime que tu écrive des trucs débiles en cours XD

zelo: nooona !! moi aussi j'aime bien
Looks really interesting ~update fast^^