Double Date

An Ex-Gangster And a Cute Geek


Finally, the day that you’d dreaded to come is finally here. You grunted tiredly, stirring in your sleep when your alarm rang like crazy. You slipped your hand outside, letting it roam blindly on the small side table. It finally got in touch with the clock and fluidly, your hand smacked it, shutting it off. And it did.

Sighing in bliss, you snuggled back into your pillow, ready to travel to your dreamland until another sound entered your ears.

You sighed in frustration and finally got up. You looked to your side to find your phone ringing this time.

“What the heck? Is this my bad day or something?” you muttered lowly, bringing the phone to your ear, sliding your thumb on the screen.


“Is that your way of greeting your friend?”

Your brain processed the voice for a moment. You’ve heard this voice before—

“It’s me. Nami. Han Nami.”

“Ah, makes sense. For a second, I thought you were some kind of a creeper.”

“Hey!” you could sense her pouting on the other line. “I’m kidding,” you admitted, ruffling your hair while yawning.

“I know you just woke up but you gotta hurry! I don’t want you to be late! Hurry!” she said.

“Okay, okay. I’m up,” you told her while heading to the kitchen, “I’m drinking my milk first. See ya.” And with that, you disconnected the line.


Nami tapped her foot impatiently on the ground, glancing at her surrounding. “Gee, where’s she? That lazy ,” she sighed, looking at her watch. “Kwangmin’s not here yet too. I can’t believe I’m being surrounded by—”

“Sorry I’m late! I missed the bus!”

Nami turned to her left, meeting eyes with Kwangmin and Hyemi.

*What’s with him with that girl? Why did they come together?* Nami wondered, staring at them from top to bottom.

Kwangmin was wearing a plain white button-up shirt and a pair of navy jeans while Hyemi was…well, she dressed as if she’s attending some kind of a fancy party.

Nami arched her eyebrow, “Someone’s fancy today.”

That made Hyemi look at her. Hyemi smiled innocently at Nami as she smiled half-heartedly back.

“So, let’s go inside, shall we?” Kwangmin decided to break the cold ice between the two girls.

“Oh wait. ~~~~~~’s not here yet,” That statement made Kwangmin halt to a stop. “She’s coming too?”

“Well, yeah. Of course my bestie’s coming,” Nami rolled her eyes as if it was a fact. “Oh…right,” the boy nodded in response.

The petite girl approached him and peered at him, “Are you alright, Kwangminnie?”

“Kwangminnie? Eww,” Nami mumbled softly, putting on a disgusted look.

Simultaneously, you finally arrived, coolly heading to them. “Hey, sorry. I got caught up with something,” you shoved your hands inside your jeans pockets. “You’re late! Like a slowpoke!” Nami scolded, almost resembling your mom.

“Well, apparently, I am a slowpoke,” you sarcastically said, “So, c’mon. Let’s go inside.”

Miraculously, Nami’s displeased expression immediately swept off of her face as she practically ran into the infamous amusement park. Soon after, the other two followed.

You couldn’t help but notice a pair of eyes staring at you. That was when your eyes travelled to where your instinct kicked in.

Hyemi was glaring at you with a bit of resentment, if you weren’t mistaken.

However, being a carefree person you are, you decided to shrug it off.


“Wow! Look at that! I wanna ride those!” Nami elatedly pointed to the roller coaster section. Your eyes scanned the state, “Looks cool to me.”

“Are you kidding me?! That’s the last thing I’m going to ride! It’s so scary!” Hyemi shrieked with her annoying high-pitched voice, clinging to Kwangmin who stared at the roller coaster with a fascinated look, “I’ve never ride one of those…”

“N-no way! It’s scary right, Kwangminnie? Let’s go ride the Ferris Wheel!” she shook his arm desperately.

You and Nami exchanged looks. She had this creepy grin lingering on her lips. “I can sense bad news from that grin of yours…” you stated and looked away.

“Hehe~ And you’ll soon know why~” Nami sang and clapped her hands gleefully. This girl sure can turn into a completely different person.

“Alright! It’s set then! We’re riding the roller coaster!” Nami announced and pulled your arm, basically dragging you to a line of people waiting in queue.

“WHAT?!” you heard a loud shriek and turned around to find Hyemi glowering at the two of you.

The three of you gave her funny look when she realized something was off. “Uh—umm, I mean, no way~ So scary~” she faked a cute voice, clinging onto Kwangmin’s arm.

“Wow, such a great façade,” Nami commented with a roll of her eyes.


You spent your time riding the incredible roller coaster and for a second, you felt as if you were flying in the air almost like in some kind of a paradise except…for Hyemi’s non-stop scream throughout the ride.

When the four of you had successfully landed on the ground, Hyemi cried in relief.

“She could’ve just sat here instead of joining us when she knows best she can’t stand it,” Nami murmured to herself with an irritated sigh.

“She wants to be by the geek’s side,” you shrugged, all of a sudden feeling your throat had gone dry.

You turned to Nami and gave her a cute grin, “Drink?”

“Let’s go buy some!” she nodded enthusiastically before glancing at the pairs, “C’mon. Let’s buy some drinks.”

The four of you settled down in your chosen seat and started ordering. “I’ll go order the drinks,” Nami announced, smiling.

You automatically got up too, “I’ll come with you then.”

“Eh, no need. Instead, I want Hyemi to come with me,” she patted your shoulder, “So sit down and relax~”

Despite Hyemi’s whining of not wanting to help, Nami’d somehow victoriously dragged her to the counter. That left you and Kwangmin at the table.

As expected, the two of you decided to stay silent. You played with your phone, trying to make yourself look busy as Kwangmin looked down.

“So…how’s your life…?” he spoke up, startling you. It was actually a surprise for you for he’s never started a conversation with you up until now.

You blinked few times before shrugging, “Oh, just the usual.” “Oh, I see.” He nodded.

And that was it. Your brief talk with Kwangmin. “Is that all you’d wanted to say?” you attempted as he fixed his gaze on you.

His face was obviously written with the word: nervous.

“In all honesty, no. But I don’t know how to start,” he confessed frankly. You raised your eyebrow, “I thought you’d changed into a cool and collective guy.”

“I did,” he nodded. “So, what do you wanna know?” you folded your arms, leaning back.

“I-I…wanted to apologize. I’ve been ignoring you these past few weeks,” he confessed which caught you off guard.

“Why are you apologizing? It’s not a surprise if you and I had cut off our connection. After all, we’re just ‘contract buddies’,” you explained calmly.

His head shot up with a serious expression, “What? How could I ignore you? Yeah, we did not get along well but still…” he paused for a while.

You kept your mouth shut, obviously waiting for his reply. “But still we’re—”

“Oh?! Beautiful, hey!”

The two of you froze for a moment, bewilderment engulfing you.

“I must be hearing things,” you shook your head and shifted your gaze to Kwangmin, “What were you trying to tell me just now—”

“Hey, pretty! Were you pretending not to hear me?” a shadow towered the both of you.

Slowly, you turned to your side, “L.Joe?”

Upon hearing his name escape your lips, he instantly flashed you his cat-like smile, “Finally~ I thought you forgot about me!”

“What are you doing here?” you stared at him with a questioning look.

“I came here with my friends. Ricky kept on whining. He wants to go to Lotte World so here I am~” he pointed out, his smile still attaching on his lips.

It took him a while to notice another boy sitting across from you. “Oh! Who are you?” he inquired while examining Kwangmin from top to bottom.

“Jo Kwangmin. And you are?” Kwangmin suspiciously asked.

“I’m L.Joe and I’m her boyfriend!” he declared, pulling you to his side, grinning proudly.

That somehow caught Kwangmin off guard and soon after, you were snatched away from him.

He stared at your vanishing figure, too speechless to even say a word.


“You play too much, L.Joe,” you shook your head hopelessly as L.Joe glanced at you.

“What can I say? I like to play~” he sang, not letting go of your hand. He brought you to the gift shop.

You stared at it, a bit dumbfounded. “I didn’t know you have a thing for these stuffs,” you clucked your tongue as L.Joe put on a cute cat-ears headband.

“Tell me, do I look cute?”

“Oh, you have no idea.”

“Does that mean I’m cute?!”

“Yeah, perhaps.”

“Awww~ You tease too much!”

You gave him a knowing look, “That’s my middle name.” He couldn’t help but pout. You chuckled at his behavior when emergently, your phone rang.

You quickly fished it out and answered it without even glancing at the caller ID.


“I have something to tell you, honey.”

*That’s weird. Of all the days, she finally contacted me today.*

“Why am I not surprised?” you sarcastically said as your mom continued, “Okay, listen, sweetie, you’ll be coming to the main house to attend a party tomorrow.” You sighed tiredly, “Why’d I wanna go there? Party especially yours.”

“Watch your mouth, young lady. It’s rude to talk to your mother like that,” she warned, “And I’m not asking for your decision. You are going to the party.”

“Hey! I didn’t even—” your eardrum then got abused by the noisy continuous beep.

“Damn, she cut off the line,” you cussed under your breath.

“Who’s that?” L.Joe’s voice interrupted your thoughts. “My mom,” you heaved a deep sigh.

“Is there something wrong?” he tilted his head to the side; concern was obvious in his eyes.

“Nah, it’s nothing really,” you sighed for the last time before flashing him a small, comforting smile. He nodded unsurely.

It felt as if something was really wrong with you. However, for your sake, he decided to stay positive, “Oh, alright then~ That’s good to hear~”

“Yeah…” your smile slowly fell at the thought, “…yeah.”

Now, there’s nothing that you could really do. And the worse thing was, you had a bad feeling about this.

All you have to do now is to wait and see what your mom got in store for you.

Hopefully…something good.


Hi...guys. I know. I know. I haven't been updating these days. And I felt seriously...very guilty. Sorry for those who've been waiting for updates! That is if there's one though. Hopefully, I'll be able to update frequently since I'd finished my trials. So...then...see you around! (Seriously awkward. (._. ) )

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at last....OTL


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ReenRieX #1
Chapter 21: Kyaaa !! What the hell ?!? Why a cliffhanger !?!? Updates again pleasee.. This is so freaking goodness !!
Chapter 21: kyahh L.joe will be engaged with her
but how about kwangmin~???
Update soon!!! Kwangminnie!! So cute
Update soon :D
L.JOE! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
update soon ^^
update soon
@MichelleLeeYang just wait n see~ ^^
Dundundundun...I wonder what's going to happen at the party...^^
I really like your story please update soon~ :)