Life As a Head Gangster

An Ex-Gangster And a Cute Geek


Once upon a time, there was a very popular middle school somewhere in Busan.

It’s famous among the students which some were intelligent and some were…well, not that brilliant. However, they’re very brilliant in causing problems and being rebellious. Rules and teachers? Meh…what’s the big deal?

More importantly, the one who rules this school is the toughest students: the gang of Busan Middle School.


“Hey, could you pass me those crackers?”


“Oh, and that biscuits too. Looks yummy!”

“What the hell, man? That’s mine. Get your hands off my biscuits!”

“Who said that was yours? Do those biscuits have your name engraved on them?”

“Sure they do!”

“Aww hell no!”

Soon, tug-of-war game began…until the leader came.




Instantly, they shut up. An awkward silence swirled around –at least for them though. For you, the silence seemed serene and calm.

Unlike other leaders, they love to cause ruckus and fights, but for you, you were a bit different.

You preferred serene and tranquil surrounding.

Letting a satisfied sigh, you relaxed in your seat and closed your eyes to savor the sweet moment.

However it didn’t last long when all of a sudden the door burst open.

“~~~~~~! We’re in big trouble! They’re coming!” One of your minions called in panic.

Immediately, each of them stood up. “Who’s coming?!” Yoo Eun asked with a somewhat surprised look.

“Jjangs from the downtown high school! They’re causing trouble! What should we do?”

Beads of sweats could visibly be seen dripping down his face. Surely he was in agitation by this time.

“~~~~~~-ah! What should we do?!” Jae Hyun asked, claiming for your answer to at least soothe his anxiousness.

Placidly, you opened your eyes and slowly turned to see different types of expressions. If it wasn’t for the serious moment, you would have been bursting out into a fit of laughter.

“~~~~~~-ah?” Yoo Eun tilted his head in astonishment. “What?” You coolly glanced at him.

“Umm, we need to move fast or else those bastards would be messing up with the townspeople.” Jae Hyun proclaimed without realizing that he had been butting into the conversation between you and Yoo Eun.

“Ah, sure.” You nodded ever so calmly and sank into your seat once again.

“SO WHAT SHOULD WE DO?” Jae Hyun came over to you while the others just stayed silent, secretly waiting for your command.

“Do nothing.” You stated while reaching for the remote control, not making an eye-contact with him.

One trait that they didn’t like about you: not aggressive at all.

“WHAT?!” His eyes would probably have been bulging out if they were capable of it.

“You heard me. Don’t do anything.” You sighed but nevertheless your eyes were glued onto the screen of the TV.

“~~~~~~-ah! Seriously?!” This time, all of them stood up in disbelief. “Why aren’t we making a move?” Sang Woo questioned.

This was too much for him to handle. “You know why. I hate fights.”

Finally, you peeled your eyes off the screen and glanced at them with a big frown. Thinking that a fight might break out was just enough to displease you.

“I know that but this is an emergency!” Yoo Eun pointed out.

“Emergency you say? Fights are not emergencies. Geez, fine. I’ll let you guys go out but don’t cause any trouble.

 If I hear any of you cause trouble,” You eyed each of them with your deadly eyes that could possibly kill them, “…you’ll pay for it. Understand?”

They nodded frantically and bowed at you in a respectful manner, “Understood!”

“Good. You can go now!” You clapped your hands as they sprinted off as fast as lightning.

Before you knew it, all you saw was the leftovers that were already long forgotten. You sighed in content and sank back into the comfy armchair, “Ahh, how relaxing.”


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at last....OTL


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ReenRieX #1
Chapter 21: Kyaaa !! What the hell ?!? Why a cliffhanger !?!? Updates again pleasee.. This is so freaking goodness !!
Chapter 21: kyahh L.joe will be engaged with her
but how about kwangmin~???
Update soon!!! Kwangminnie!! So cute
Update soon :D
L.JOE! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
update soon ^^
update soon
@MichelleLeeYang just wait n see~ ^^
Dundundundun...I wonder what's going to happen at the party...^^
I really like your story please update soon~ :)