TOP High School

An Ex-Gangster And a Cute Geek


After what seemed like a year, it was finally the end of school session for today.

You stretched up, exhaling loudly and smiled, “Ah…at last…I can rest.” Nami shot you a look, “I’m surprised you managed to go through every period today without skipping.”

“I’m actually surprised myself,” you tapped your lips thoughtfully as Nami shook her head. All of a sudden, she snapped her fingers, “How about we hang out today? I never had the chance to ask you since you always skip classes.”

“Hmm…” you speculated, “I guess—”

Abruptly, L.Joe’s face flashed inside your head. You paused as Nami scrutinized you, “Hello?”

You snapped out and shook your head, “Hm? Oh, sorry. I was thinking about something.”

“You think too much,” she grinned, “Come on, let’s go.”

The two of you proceeded your way to the entrance gate. Nami looked to your side before her eyes became as wide as saucers, “Oh? Isn’t that Kwangmin? What’s he doing?”

Your attention traveled to where Nami was staring at.

She was actually right. It was Kwangmin and he was standing in front of a trash can. *What the heck is he doing standing there?* Your eyebrows pinched together.

Then, you noticed a piece of paper he was holding in his right hand. He preceded his work by crushing and throwing it into the dustbin.

“He’s wasting papers,” you noted as you felt a sharp nudge on your side.

You winced in pain and eyed Nami with an irritated look, “What was that for?”

She rolled her eyes, “For being such a simple-minded person. Why’d he waste something? Let’s go see him!”

“Woah woah! Why’d we go to him?” you put your hands up, staying rooted on your spot, turning towards the gate right away.

“What? I just want to check up on him. Aren’t you guys friends?” Nami stated, eyeing you suspiciously.

Those words hit you like a big wave. *That’s right. Are we friends?* You speculated for a moment.

Sure, you guys spend time together but never even once had you mentioned about being friends.

“I don’t think so,” you muttered, eyebrows furrowing in deep thoughts.

Nami glanced at you, “What?”

“Nothing. You can go there yourself. I don’t have the mood to see him right now. I’m going straight to my home,” you exhaled loudly.

Truthfully, you weren’t sure whether you were plain upset or just tired.

You decided to brush everything off and walked away. Nami wordlessly watched your gradually subsiding figure. She sighed but nevertheless went after Kwangmin.


You walked along the quiet street (as usual) and put on your headphone, trying to distract yourself.

You came to a standstill when you heard an oddly familiar voice.

“Hey, smoothie girl!”

You cautiously looked over behind your shoulder. To your surprise, it was L.Joe.

He was waving at you as his friends were waiting not that far from you.

“Well, that’s weird,” you mumbled as L.Joe accosted you, “Remember our deal yesterday?”

Those words clicked inside your head, “Oh right. I almost forgot.” He frowned, “That’s not nice.”

“Sorry?” you attempted as he naturally laughed it off, “It’s alright. Let’s go~”


The two of you reached your destination, you blinked a few times, a look of recognition in your eyes, “It’s the diner we met at yesterday.”

“Yeah, I know,” L.Joe sniggered and took your hand, stepping inside the diner “C’mon, it’s on me. Buy whatever you want.”

“Oh my, Byun—” the old lady got cut off by L.Joe as he ran to her, pulling her into a tight hug. “Hi, halmeoni!” he greeted happily, grinning ear-to-ear.

She laughed, her worn voice still sounded serene. “Oh,” she smiled when her eyes landed on you, “The girl from yesterday.”

You directly bowed to her. It felt weird for you to actually bow. Then again, you’d changed a bit since you moved.

“Alright, come. Take any of those seats,” she warmly invited as L.Joe brought you to the corner of the area.

“Looks like you’re really close with her,” you commented, settling in your seat.

A sweet smile crept up upon his lips, “Yeah, I am. Ever since I was 12. Since then, I come to this store every single day.”

You looked at him with impression, “That’s very unpredictable of you.”

“What? What was your first impression of me? A playboy?” he joked, wiggling his eyebrows at you. “Nah…” you shook your head, “…not really.”

“Are you kidding me?” he raised his eyebrows, a dumbfounded look plastered on his face, “Every single girl thinks I’m a playboy judging by my handsome looks.”

“Err, can you exclude me from those girls?” you requested all of a sudden. He grinned right after hearing your comment, “So what are you?”

You pondered about it for a while, raising your index finger as if trying to suggest something, “Something else?”

At that statement, he erupted into a loud laugh. “W-what? Something else?” he said in between his laugh. You sniggled, “Okay, I was just kidding.”

He stopped laughing for a minute, “You know, it’s kinda cool for a girl to be like that. It’s very rare and not to mention,” he smirked and whispered lowly.


“Sorry. I don’t wear magnets,” your sarcasm immediately taking over you. “You’re sarcastic too?” he asked with a cute surprised look.

“No, not really,” you shook your head calmly. “Was that sarcasm I just heard?” he arched his eyebrow.

“Meh, I’m not really sure,” this time, you smiled at him.

Somehow, that made his heart thump in a rapid pace. He blinked, a bit hoppled, his hand climbing to his chest.

That made him wonder why.

“By the way, what school are you from?”

Your voice pulled him out of his train of thoughts. He took a while to absorb everything inside his head, “TOP HS.”

“I’ve never heard of it,” you admitted.

“It’s just around the area of your school,” he chuckled, amused, “But then again, I’ve never seen your face before.”

“’Course. Transfer student,” you informed as he nodded.

“TOP High, huh? It must be ‘TOP’ judging by its name, yeah?” you guessed randomly.

“Well…you can say it like that. But, just not in academic though,” he softly laughed.

“Ah, delinquents’ fortress?” you kidded but it ended up being a real thing.

“Yup, so as we, Teen Top. I’ll introduce you to them some other time,” he grinned happily.

You grinned back at him right after, “Cool.”

His grin grew wider right after hearing your approval, although, on the inside, he was sighing in relief.

Thank god you accepted his offer. You had no idea that you’d just made his entire day.


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at last....OTL


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ReenRieX #1
Chapter 21: Kyaaa !! What the hell ?!? Why a cliffhanger !?!? Updates again pleasee.. This is so freaking goodness !!
Chapter 21: kyahh L.joe will be engaged with her
but how about kwangmin~???
Update soon!!! Kwangminnie!! So cute
Update soon :D
L.JOE! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
update soon ^^
update soon
@MichelleLeeYang just wait n see~ ^^
Dundundundun...I wonder what's going to happen at the party...^^
I really like your story please update soon~ :)