The Gift

The Waves of Fate

“Hey! Hey Guys!” said Sunny screaming on the corridors going to the staff room.


“Uh, what happened to you, Unnie? Why are you running? Is there someone chasing after you?” Yoona asked while removing the leaf that is sticking out on Sunny’s hair.


“And where…have you been Sunny? I’ve been looking around for you. Do you know how busy we are today?” Hyoyeon walked towards her while crossing her arms.


“Just let me passed this time.” She took a deep breath and continued. “Guess what?”


“What is it this time?” Hyoyeon said raising her eyebrow.


“I heard some interesting news on my way here.” She said excitingly. “But close the door first, it’s a top secret.”


“Come on, tell us!” Yoona exclaimed.


“Come closer,” She asked the two and all three of them gather together.


“Young master Tabi is finally proposing to Lady Dara tomorrow at the anniversary party...hahaha… I will win the bet this time!”


“Tsk! I know you’re just bluffing. Every year you always say that but it’s not happening. How are we supposed to believe you?” Hyoyeon expressed.


“It’s for real this time. I heard the head staff in charge of the party and Manager Goo talking about it. I even hid on the bushes just to hear them clearly.” She explained defending herself.


“So that explains the leaf on your hair.” Yoona said.


“We’ll see about that tomorrow if what you are saying is true.” Hyoyeon said still not believing Sunny’s words.


“Unnie, what if what Sunny Unnie said was true? Whoaah, I wonder what kind of proposal it is. Would it be like in the movies? Kyaaahh! That is so sweet.” Yoona said while imagining the scenario she was thinking.


“Stop imagining things you two and let’s get back to work. We still have lot of things to do and we shouldn’t be slacking around while the others are working hard. And just so you know, some of the guests will stay at the resort tomorrow. So get on your feet and start moving.” Hyoyeon ordered.


“Okay…” said the two.


At the resort office, Dara, who just got in there, is sorting the papers and folders that were placed on the top of her desk.


“Uh, this is our term papers that we’re supposed to pass….uhhhmm, what! Yesterday!” surprised.


“Oh No...How can I forget about this…I should go now to the University and pass this or else we’re not gonna get our diploma.” She fixed her things and moved out of the office quickly.


On her way out, she bumped into Manager Goo who was about to meet her at her office.


“Ah, Lady, I was about to go to your office. I have something to report to you.”


“Uh, I’m on a hurry now, Unnie. I was too preoccupied with all the anniversary preparations; I forgot to pass our term papers. I am heading to the university now. Let’s talk about it later, okay? I have to go.” Turn her back and runs out.


“Okay. Be careful!”  She lets out a deep sigh. “Those two, they are so young but they already got their hands full.”





“Uggh! He’s one and a half late. That brat! He’s gonna get it this time…” Checking my watch and glancing at the shop window for any signs of him.


Awhile later, I saw a man on a motorcycle pulled off in front of the dress shop and I was sure enough to know that it was him just by looking at his built. I stepped out of the dress shop and meet him.


“Yah! You made me wait! ,I said as I stood in front of him with my arms crossed.


“Mianhe, Bommie-ah…” He removed his helmet and made a sorry gesture in his hands.


“We did something last night so we slept really late.” He explained. But it got me really curious and a lot of dirty thoughts are coming inside of my head.


“You…you did…what…you…you slept …la…late? O…omo! You…you…two…you did it?” I said loudly while I stutter. “Yah! You’re not even engaged yet! I’m sure you forced her into it! My poor cousin…


As I was gathering my thoughts, Tabi came closer to me and flicked my forehead.

“Aaaack!” I reacted.


“Hey! Stop your dirty thoughts, will you! It’s not what you think it is.” He said and makes his way inside the dress shop.


I ran after him and said, “Yah! Why did you do that?” as I brushed my forehead to ease the pain.


“Coz your dirty mind is running wild again so I put a stop on it.” He faces me and grinned.


I can’t really stop thinking about what they did last night. It’s really bothering me. But the fact that Tabi assured me that what I was thinking did not happen, it didn’t help to keep me at peace.


“So what did you two do last night that made you so late today?” I asked him confidently.


He stared at me for a while and said, “Tending the flowers.”


“What? Tending the flowers? You guys slept late coz you…are tending the flowers? What a lame excuse.”…raising my eyebrow in disbelief.


“See, I know you’re gonna react that way. But it’s true; we are tending the flowers last night. We are so busy with the resort and other stuff that we already forgot to water the flowers. Dara was shocked to see the flowers starting to wither.” He explained. “Don’t you trust us?”


“I trust her but…not you.” I let out a heavy sigh. “You know what? You guys are so unbelievable. I don’t really understand the two of you anymore. I guess you really are meant to be together.”


I was dumbfounded by his explanation but I guess that is how they show their affection towards each other. They are lucky to have one another though sometimes they do things that are really out of this world and only they can understand. Those two, they are inseparable since the day they first met. I’m glad that even in simple things such as that, their minds, heart and souls are connected. It’s a good thing that finally, finally they are settling down. I’m just happy for them.


While he was checking out the clothes that were on the rack, I strike him with yet another question.


“So, how is the ring? You told me the other day that they are still working on it.”


“Yes coz I told them to change it.” He responded.


“Eh? Why?”


“Well, Dara didn’t like it. We went to the jewelryshop where the engagement ring was made and I asked them to put it on display beforehand. I told her that we should buy another couple ring and point that ring to her but she stared at me and shook her head. She said that she like a simple one better even for the engagement ring. And guess what? She threatened me that if ever I buy her a ring like that to proposed to her someday, she will turn me down.” ,smiling while telling the story. “So, I asked them to change it.”


“Hahaha…that is so like her! If someone heard about it, they wouldn’t believe that she came from a very prominent family. She is very simple-minded unlike those who flaunt their money in front of others. I’m not surprised that she said that.” I told him.


He then pulled out a couple of cocktail dress and asked me, “What do you think? Yellow or purple?


“I think it…doesn’t fit her. That is too small for her size.”


“Nah! It will fit her perfectly, trust me. This is her size. Come on, choose one.”


“Eh…her size? You know her size?” ,my eyes widened in surprise by what he said.


“Yes! And what is wrong with that? You know we hugged each other more than every….”


“Okay…okay…don’t tell me more about your secret rendezvous together. My ears can’t take it,” cutting what he was about to say, “Just take the yellow one.”


“Okay!” he said out loud and giggling at the same time like as if he was teasing me.


He was about to go to the counter to pay when his phone beeps. He reached for his pocket to get it and read it. It was none other than my cousin Dara.


Dara drove her car and arrived at the university. She didn’t step out of the car after she parks it. She stayed inside for a bit and texted Tabi.


Dara says: Where is your meeting place

Tabi got the message and replied.

Tabi says: Why? Near the shopping center.

Lying to her when in fact the dress shop is just beside the university.

Dara says: I’m here at the university right now…why is your meeting place so far…I want to see you after I’m done passing our term papers. Actually I forgot to pass it yesterday.:p

Tabi says: What? So you drove yourself down there? I’m sorry…I shouldn’t have let you handle all that…you’re busy as it is…And I wanna see you too but I don’t think the meeting will end soon.

Dara says: That’s okay. You don’t have to say sorry. You’re busy too handling other resort affairs.

Tabi says: Just wait for me at the resort. Let’s go home together later, okay? Be careful on your way home.♥

Dara says: Okay. You too.♥





“Was that Dara?” I asked.


“Uhuh. We need to be careful; she’s at the university right now,” he replied.


“Uh? Why did she go there all of a sudden?”


“She forgot to pass our term papers.”


“Geez, it’s because you guys are too busy,” then I walked to the lounge area of the shop while he pays for the dress.


After paying, he walked towards me with the box of dress and said, “I have another favour to ask from you, will you give this to her tomorrow?” He said handing over to me the box of dress he bought for my cousin.


“Eh? Why don’t you give it to her yourself?” I questioned.


“I will leave early tomorrow to get the ring…Please…” he said pleading.


“I don’t get it. Just give it to her later and besides I can’t enter your penthouse, remember? Everyone knows that place is off limits and only the two of you can go there,” reasoning out.


“Here,” he dropped the key on top of the box, “You’re not just anyone. You are one of the most important people in our lives. You, of all people played a great part why we are together. So…you have the privileged to enter our villa.”


After hearing what he said, tears start to build up in my eyes as I looked at him, “Thank you for thinking about me that way. Promise me Tabi…you’ll take good care of my cousin and love her unconditionally…can you promise me that?”


“You don’t have to worry. I will do that,” he said assuring me.


“Okay…I’ll bring this to her tomorrow…Didn’t you just say those things for me to do your favour?” I told him smiling.


“Of course not…I really mean it.” He said, “Thank you, Bommie-ah…I owe you big time,” giving me a wide smile.


We stepped out of the shop. He walked towards his motorcycle and put his helmet on. We bid each other goodbye and parted ways.


Dara stepped out of her car and heads to the faculty office. Wearing a white maxi dress and a headband, she ran up the stairs going to the entrance door of the building. As she hurried over, she bumped into one of the students going out and dropped the folders she was holding. The papers inside scattered all over the place.


“Jiyong, look where you going,” Chaerin said picking up the papers on the ground.


The wind suddenly blew Dara’s hair and shows the side of her face. Jiyong’s eyes widened stunned by her beauty. She then clipped her hair behind her ears and got down to pick up the papers.


“Hey, Jiyong! Don’t just stand there. Help us.” Chaerin ordered.


“I…I’m sorry,” apologizing and starts helping to pick up the papers.


“Oh no! I’m the one at fault. Sorry if I troubled you guys,” Dara responded.


“Uh, term papers? This is the last day of submission,” Chaerin reacted.


“Uhm, yes…that is why I’m on a hurry and bumped into him. I’m supposed to pass this yesterday but I forgot,” Dara explained.


“You should hurry though. I heard the professors will leave early today coz the faculty is under renovation. And the temporary faculty is on the east wing,” Chaerin advised.


“Really? Then I should go now…sorry again for the trouble,” she told her while Chaerin handed her the last piece of paper she picked up on the ground. “Thank you again,” then she ran inside.


“Is she new? I haven’t seen her around.” Jiyong asked.


“Oh, you think you know everyone here? You gotta be kidding me. That’s what you get when you hang around with the bunch of losers. You tend to think alike,” She said.


“And what do you mean by that?”


“Gosh Jiyongie, didn’t you know that YG University has an Open University,”


“There is…what?”


“Open University…uggh…It’s quite popular these days to rich kids who are handling their own business and have no time to attend regular class. They do it online…you know…internet Jiyongie,” she said teasing him. “And today a lot of them came to pass the graduation requirement which is the Term Papers. And that girl we bumped into earlier, she is an Open University student.”


“Whoaah, I didn’t know that there is something like that here.”


“What do losers know anyway…tell me,” she said in a mad tone.


“Will you stop saying that…Look, I’m sorry for not showing up yesterday…I won’t stood you up next time…promise…so please stop being mad at me…I’ll make it up to you…come on,” he told her.


“Well, you see Jiyongie, I’m your best friend and I’m worried a lot about you these past few days. You hang around with those losers and I can see that you are slowly becoming like them. I know you’re just doing it out of rebellion to your parents and I understand that…you longed for their attention…but too much drinking and partying will get you into big trouble one day and I know you’ll gonna regret that…so please stop it Jiyongie when it is still early,” worried about him.


“Why do you always say things that didn’t even happen yet? I’m not gonna do something that I will regret, so don’t worry too much.”


“I hope so, Jiyongie, I really...really hope so.”


Their conversation was interrupted by a loud voice calling out from a far going towards them.


“Hey Bro! Oh, look who’s here,” Taeyang said looking at Chaerin while his lips.


“What a jerk!” Chaerin said giving Taeyang an evil look and walked out.


“Yah!  I thought we’re going together!” Jiyong yelled at her but she just gave him a goodbye wave.


“She really hates me, huh,” Taeyang mumbled as he fixed his gaze on Chaerin’s back while she walks away.


“Yo! You okay?” Jiyong tapped his shoulder.


“Uh? Yeah…yeah…let’s go,” he responded.


“Jiyong…can I ask you something?”


“Shoooot!” he answered.


“uhhhm…you know…aaahh…just forget it…”


“Are you gonna ask about Chaerin-ah?” He said teasing him.


“What?! NO!” Taeyang was taken aback, “But be honest…do I look hateable?” he asked him in return.


“Aaaaaaaahh….mmmm…no comment!” Jiyong reacted running away from him.


Writer's Note:


Thanks to my first 8 subcribers:












thanks for patiently reading my story and waiting for my updates...SARANGHAEYO!!♥♥♥

And also for understanding my grammar...heheehehe...


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omg..writer's block guys..i know you are patiently waiting for an update...i can't do it now ..the chap is on the works and almost complete..


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pepden #1
Authornim i miss you and your updates..please update soon
pepden #2
Chapter 11: Authornim its been a month now.. please update.. I know your still moving on since your love of your life tabi is out of d
The picture now.. kekekekekekke.. I'm sori! But as you said one more chapter then its time for the daragon couple.. I'm so excited to read your up are.. so please update very soon.. I miss your story
chen_free #3
Chapter 11: Even though I know Tabi would pass on in this story. I can't help but somehow root for them. And now that he is literally a ghost from her past, her future will have to fight more to be able to breakthrough. Thanks for the update.
Chapter 10:'re so laughing here at the moment...kkk...
Daragon will appear soon...just wait...kkk...
pepden #5
Chapter 10: I don't want to be rude aurthornim but I'm still rooting for daragon ending..yemen..maybe the first half of this is all about tabisan but please make it daragon..the story is far you left me hangin..I want to read more..more update please..kkeke..thank you for updating anyway..
pepden #6
Chapter 9: Wow.i want more..hope to have a daragon scene here..thank you for your update..wew ..the moment sohee was mention i feel something trouble to my daragon..update soon
pepden #7
Chapter 8: I want it to be wat you write in your foreword..well I love tabisan but I love daragon more..please update
a new here
mrschoi09 #8
Chapter 5: Pls just make this a tabisan story..their love is perfect to be broken:-)
@myjoyce1986, you got it right!! Trooolollolol...but i'm still thinking what kind of character he should portray in the story...
myjoyce1986 #10
Chapter 7: oh so i think bom is dating choi siwon....kekekekek oh please update more soon