Layla's Papa

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Chaeyeon is dog-sitting for her boss, Jaeyun, which is a normal thing. However on this particular day, it just happens to be her birthday, but she doesn't mind watching and spending time with the cream colored border collie, Layla.


hi. it's been a while, but here's anotehr ENHA story and ofc with Jake lol, but using his real name as this story was written with a different person in mind at the time and all that. dunno if i'll add another part to this as it was for a longer story, but shall see. other than that, the title was just fitting concerning the content of the story itself, but yeah, happy reading, kthxbai~

-The story within this account of [wonpokemon] is a work of Fiction. The events and characters are fictional or out of character, and the celebrity names/images merely borrowed and do not represent who the celebrity is in real life. No offense is intended towards them, their families or friends.

-© [wonpokemon] 2024. All rights reserved. Distribution of any kind is prohibited without the written consent of [wonpokemon].


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741 streak #1
Chapter 1: I liked it. it was nice^^