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I said what I said, and I'm not sorry about it. 



Rping used to be so fun. People used to be creative, detailed. People used to put effort into replies and connections. But this new generation has completely destroyed something that was such an escape from real life for a lot of us. Rp communities like fb and twitter, ig, used to be exciting. Now they can't stay alive for more than five minutes and if they do, it's the same people from the last rp they've moved from making so mediocre and boring. They don't welcome new people, even when the new people come in loud and trying to make friends. I haven't been able to stay in a rp that was worth it in almost two years now. 


Don't even get me started on freelance writing. It was the best substitute when community rps went down hill. It helped bring out my utmost creativity and I met a lot of awesome people. But just like before, the new generation crept in and destroyed that too. I'm going to say this and y'all can be mad if you want to, but I don't really care. You're all ing lazy. You put up these ads looking for "friends" that you just end up ghosting after two minutes. All the people that write female fcs, all y'all want to do is and get ed. It wouldn't be that bad if y'all had some spunk but you're all the same. Dry, repetitive, boring. Zero personality. All everyone wants to do is play online games and each other. Well how about you individuals find a different way of connecting and hop off of aff, flooding tags with the same ads over and over again. Because y'all don't want to rp anymore. You don't know the meaning of it.



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