Romeo and Juliette

Romeo and Juliette

Minho gives sulli a piggyback ride to her house. They reach the front of her house.

Sulli: thanks for carrying me.

Minho: your welcome.

Sulli gets off of his back. She walks a few steps and falls. Minho runs over.

Minho: are you okay?!

Sulli: yea I'm fine. 

She gets up and falls again.

Minho: here let me walk you to the front steps.

Minho rings the doorbell to the house. Key runs to the door.

Key: ya!!!! (to sulli) where the hell were you?!? Mom is so mad right now. (to Minho) and you!! (points to Minho) didn't I tell you to bring her home early?

Minho: sorry-

Mom: key!!! Who is that at the door?!?!? Is it sulli?!?!? If it is tell her to come up here NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sulli: (whispers) tell her I'm not here.

Key: no!

Sulli: please! Um..

She searches through her pockets.

Sulli: I'll give you 30 bucks and um.... 29 cents.

Key: hmm..... Nah.

Sulli: what?!

Key: do my laundry for a month too.

Sulli: hell no!!!

Key: fine then. Mom!!! Sulli-

Sulli: okay deal. 

Key: good.

Key closes the door.

Key: (to mom) sulli wasn't there. 

Mom: where the hell did that girl go?!?! It's so late already!!!

Dad: she'll probably show up tomorrow. Maybe she stayed over at her friend's house.

Mom: fine. When I see her tomorrow I am going to punish her so bad!!!!

Key: mom you should go to sleep. You too dad. I'll keep an eye out for her in case she sneaks into the house.

Mom: okay. (to dad) let's go to sleep.

Dad: okay.

They both walk upstairs. Key runs to the window in sulli's room.

Key: (to sulli) ya!!! 

Sulli: where's mom and dad?

Key: sleeping.

Sulli: okay.

She looks around.

Sulli: (to Minho) help me to my window.

Minho: how?

Sulli: get down on your knees.

Minho gets on his knees and sulli stands on his back.

Sulli: I.... Can't reach.

Sulli gets off.

Sulli: let me get on your shoulders.

Minho: umm.

Minho bends down and sulli climbs on to his shoulders.

Key: hurry up!!!

Sulli: I'm coming! 

She finally reaches her window. 

Sulli: okay almost there. So close.

Key: give me your hand.

Sulli: okay.

Mom runs up from behind him and grabs onto his ear.

Mom: you little brat lied to me!

Key: mom! What are you doing here? Owww your hurting my ear!

Mom: gonna keep watch? Yea right? Trying to trick me huh?

Sulli: !!

Mom: and you!!! How dare you-

Sulli lets go of the window and her and Minho fall on the grass.

Mom: get back here!!!

Sulli: (to Minho) get up! Run!!

Mom: who is that? Who is that boy? Are you with that punk?!? (mom thinks she is with taemin. She doesn't have glasses on)

Sulli: (to Minho) run!!!

She grabs minho's hand and they start running.

Mom: yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! Get back here!!!!!!

Minho and sulli runs and hides in an alleyway. Sulli pokes her head out.

Sulli: I think we lost her.

Minho: good.

Sulli: sorry I caused this to happen.

Minho: it's okay.

Minho looks around.

Minho: well why don't you come over to my house. You probably won't be able to back there for a while.

Sulli: oh um thanks.

Minho: let's go.


Cut to minho's house.

Minho opens the door to his house.

Minho: sorry it's kinda small.

Minho turns on the light to his house.

Sulli: oh no it's fine.

Minho throws the key to the house on the small table next to the door. Sulli looks around.

Minho: why don't you go shower first. 

He points to a door.

Minho: that's the bathroom.

Sulli: oh okay.

Minho walks to a room and takes out a t shirt and pj pants. He puts it on the table.

Minho: here you can borrow these.

Sulli: thanks.

Sulli walks to the bathroom and takes a shower. Minho goes to his room to change.

Sulli: hmm where's the clothes? Wasn't I just holding it? 

She opens the door and sees it on the table. 

Sulli: crap!

She looks around and sees that Minho is gone so she tip toes over to the table. Minho comes out of his room looking at messages on his phone. Sulli takes the clothes and looks up. Sulli looks up and sees Minho. She screams really loud. Minho looks up and sees her. He screams.

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Joon_Hyuk #1
Chapter 11: love the poster! haha like how there's that one arm that's intruding...
JayneCute #2
Chapter 13: Please Update this story... it so beautiful story... update this please please please :))
sambeigle #3
Chapter 10: Oww why did she see minho instead of Taemin? I thought this was gonna be a Taelli. I find them really cute together, I actually saw Sulli and Minho first because of the drama, so I should have been a Minsul fan right? But for some reason when I saw all the Taelli cute vids, I can't help but like this pairing more.^0^ Not that I'm trying to sway you author but just voicing out my opinions. =D
Chapter 13: Pleaase UPdate ! This is story is one of my favourites . If you have exams just tell us . Coz you got to focus on your exam right ? So take your time but not too long . Haha , Kidding ! Annyway pleaese update ! I always check this story to see if you have update or not !
Chapter 13: I waiting hereeee . I been waiting waiting for ages yaa knnowwww ? Haha Jkjk . But please Update soon :::DDDDDDDDDDDDD
Lili_ShiFX_TaeLli #6
Chapter 13: Please Update soon and Ths story is AWESomEEEEEEEEE<3
-Happy :D
Please update soon . Your story is awesome . It's really cool. I <3 it . I want to know what happens next . Thanks you . Hwaiting :D
Minlli ( minho,Sulli ) •_• or triangel love
update soon!!! I like your f(SHINee) story!!
ohh! update soon please!!