Math Class

Chan Key Story

After the bell ringed, I went to get some paper I ran out in my bag.

Then, I went to my next class which was Math class. And I have the best teacher ever !

Do you want to guess who it is ? Come on guess. Did you guess yet ? What ? Taeyang ? Noooo...

It's ...Kevin Woo ! Yeah, he's from U-kiss. Isn't he cute ! Oh Yeah ! he's my favorite in MOST favorite !

Anyways, I went off topic.

Everybody settle in math class. Everybody loves math class because of Kevin.. He is very CUTE !

I don't blame everyone.

There desks were in groups, 3 desks for each group. In one group it was me and Taemin.

Then, later he came alone.

When I saw him I was like..not him again. Is he like in all of my class ? Or is he just stalking me ?

"Hello" Kevin said.

"Hi,I'm a new student here."

"Oh ok,what's your name ?" Kevin asked.


"Welcome Kibum"

Seeing Kevin and Key side by side.. I say Kevin is cuter..ahahahah ! Key is just...well weird !

ahahha !

Then, he came and sat with us.

Taemin asked Key in korean "What are you doing here hyung?"

Taemin knows that I don't know korean but actually I do but I just lied to them.

Key turned to me and asked "Do you understand korean ?"

I answered, "No"

"Oh ok, good."

good ? what the heck ?

Then Key told Taemin.."I came here because of the girl in this group. I think she is cute."

"WTF?! Key..I like her !! back off !"

"Oh really ? I bet she likes me more than you ."

"That's a lie !"

"Really ? well I heard you tried to do "something" to her and she hated you then."

Taemin looked down to the ground."Well..yes"

I heard everything what they say.

But I made my face looked like what the hell is going on ?

Pretty interesting convo but too bad I never fall for anybody.

No I don't like Kevin even though he is cute..But I don't like him like that.

--------Hye Sun POV-----------

I hate it when people looked through my Ipod 4 and say "is that your boyfriend ?" because I am his fan doesn't mean he is my boyfriend..It just weird.

I hate those weirdos ! Ewww !


In math class,we didn't do anything at all.

Once it was over. It was time for science. Yes ! I love science class and hope he not in my class.

Wait,he probably will because he came here for me ...aww how sweet..right ?

Psh, whatever..disguising !

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Hello! New reader! Hope you'll update real soon! :)
Plmokn #2
Update soon
oh hohoho<br />
<br />
i bet they fall for each other if keep this up xD
JungYooMi #4
JungYooMi #5
JungYooMi #6
ahahahaha key in high school is a bigggg deal
yes ! Yoo Mi and Jonghyun
JungYooMi #8
awwwwwwwwwwwwwww,........ Yoo Mi and jonghyun, ahahahhahahaah