Back To School

Chan Key Story

The weekend has passed by.

Time to go school which I don't really want to go.

I walked to school everyday.. people didn't notice me that I'm in shining stars which is great so I won't get all those crazy screams.

As I walk to school, I saw this boy and he looked familar. I wonder who.

Then, when I got to the front of the school. There he is again. Who is he ?

Later,I went to reading class, which is boring because I always fall asleep but sometimes I stay awake.

After, my class settle in..the assistant came and say he is new and I turn my head to the door. I was really shocked.

I know this boy. What is he doing here ? He looked like he not in high school any more but why ? Why is he here ?

"Oh ok." The teacher said.

You would be surprised who is my teacher. Seriously, you would.

Do you really want to know ? Ok, fine I tell you, it's the weirdo Daesung !

Yeah ! I know. I told you so.

Anyways,I'm getting off topic. So then the boy came and say right next to me ! RIGHT NEXT TO ME !

I'm like the are plenty seats all around. But why sits next to me ?

We both looked at each other. He waved and said "Hi"

I waved back, "Hello"

One of my classmate asked me "You know him ?"

The boy opened his mouth and say "Well...we..."

I interupted him and say " No,I don't"

He had a looked on his face wondering why I say I don't know him ?

"Why you look like that ?"

"Nothing." He answered.

My classmate says "Why you both waved at each other ?"

"My god,cant be nice or anything ? geez.."

"Your not nice." my classmate told me.

"Shut Up ! "


"Whatever. "

It was like the hold time.


Then, my friend June broke the silence.

"Hi,my name is June. Whats your name ?"

"It's Kibum Kim, but close people calls me Key."

"Oh,nice name,why do close people calls you Key ?" She asked him.

"Because I want to solve everything and anything." He answered.

"Ohhh,that explains it. "

I still wonder why he is here. I'm not going to asked him because I am not nosey like others especially June.

"Ok, class , today we are doing..."

Before he could finished..he trips and fall flat on his face.

Out of no where,his brother came in and trips Daesung.

Seungri pretty we never know where on earth he came from.

By the way,sometimes our class be boring and sometimes it's not.

Daesung isn't a great teacher but at least we can do whatever we want.

Teacher Daesung got up. We don't call him Mr.Daesung because he want us to call him just Daesung. But I and call him Duck Head because he is a scary cat.

Once he got up and saw Seungri. He was like "Where on earth you came from ?"

"Bwahahahah, you know I am a ninji, no one can spot me ! " Seungri told his brother.

Yeah I know, everyday it's all crazy. Especially when Seungri but I like him, he gives us goodies until Daesung. He gives crap !

What kind of teacher are you besides acting stupid ?

It went on and on like this for like 30 mintues.

Seungri came to me and gave a BIG and I mean BIG white chocolate bar,

"OMG ! I love white chocolate and you kept your promise. Thank you Oppa."

"Your welcome Hye Sun."

Then,it was almost time to go next class.

Bells rings...

End of reading class and on to next class.

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Hello! New reader! Hope you'll update real soon! :)
Plmokn #2
Update soon
oh hohoho<br />
<br />
i bet they fall for each other if keep this up xD
JungYooMi #4
JungYooMi #5
JungYooMi #6
ahahahaha key in high school is a bigggg deal
yes ! Yoo Mi and Jonghyun
JungYooMi #8
awwwwwwwwwwwwwww,........ Yoo Mi and jonghyun, ahahahhahahaah