chapter 3

Behind the scence (extended kryber)




Today we are going on date after the rehearsal. I can’t really concentrate because I keep glancing at her continuously. She is so pretty from every angle. She is very serious while it come to work but I just love the soft smile that she is showing whenever our eyes meet.


Her stare melts me away. How can I stop looking at that cutie face? Even when I sleep I’m dreaming of her smile. It makes me giggling in my sleep like a crazy psycho. I’m dreaming of hugging her. Hhihihih.


“Ambro! What are you hugging?”


“Huh? Ww.wwwhat?” I get back to reality and see myself hugging the pole. Oupss. “Sorry” I’m so embarrassed of my silly self. I think I really look retarded because Krys and the girls blurts out of laugh.


“Let stop for today. I think someone really needs a special lesson” The choreographer glances at me.  


I mime to him that I’m sorry. “I’ll work hard the next time.” I’m in trouble if he gives me a personal class becauseI won’t have time to spend with Krys. I bow at him when he passes by so he will forgive me. *ouch* He just knock me on the head and say “remember what you say”. Then he left the practice room. I seriously have never seen someone balancing their butts while walking that much. I shake my head to clear off that image in my head.


“So do you guys have any plan after?” Vic asks


“I’m so hungry so I guess I’ll go eat somewhere” Luna replies. “What about you guys?”


Sulli is still looking in the air and thinking. “Uhm don’t know yet. What about you Ambro!”


Askjuyaidsayt**@#&!%^@!% Why does she have to ask me!!! I want to pull my hair off.


“She is going with me today” Krys replies.


“AH me tOO” Sulli says


“It’s only planned for the two off us”


“Ah really. Okay then”


What? Simple like that? I’m worried that Sulli would feel hurt if we refuse her but Krys just say it directly and Sul agrees without exception. Oh well I think we need to keep thing simple for simple mind.


“Why you come to eat with me?” Luna asks Sul.


“OKAY I’m hungry too” Sul smiles brightly.


After a refreshing shower, I fix my hair for the last time. Look myself in the mirror with my perfect smile. What a cutie! I can’t help either. PUahahah. Whistling the Trouble Maker song while attaching my sneaker. Yeah I’m ready for the date!


“Krysss! Are you ready man?”


“NO MAN! I’m a woman man”


“Yeah” I can’t believe how silly we can be sometime. I observe her from head to toes. GOSH how can somebody look pretty like this? I actually like her casual outfit more than what she is wearing on stage; it’s too y for my conservative mind.


“Let’s go” I show her my elbow so she can hook her arm in. But she smiles at me a show her hand instead. I my lips to control my smile because it is about to hang to the ear again. I spread my fingers out as much as I can to interlace with her’s.


Her hands are so soft compare to mine. My hand is sweating but it’s not going to make me let go of her. I plan to take her for a shopping tour to choose whatever she wants. We also need some couple cloth though even if we will only wear them at the dorm. Nothing makes me happier than be able to walk hands in hands with her, just the two of us, no manager around, either the reporters, like a normal couple. Then we will go to dinner. I can’t wait to feed her the yummy patingsoo. Hihihihi.


“What are you thinking about?” she asks because of my silly face.


“Nothing” I smile back. I walk out with her. I love the fact that I’m leading her.


We head to the fashion district and thanks God it’s not crowded. “Where do you wanna go first?” I ask her.




She is right. Anywhere would be fine because we just need to be together. “Let’s start with the fifth floor then”  


“Humm no let’s go to that boutique over there”


Okay what she means by anywhere is not really anywhere. Girls change their mind in the speedy of flash. I run after her wondering what makes her excited like that all out of sudden.


YAY! She goes in the lingerie boutique.  Should I go in or not? I’ve thought about couple clothes but seriously Krys not this kind of cloth! I can’t imagine Krys wearing y lingerie!! YAYYY !! My nose is goona bleed. I wish I have a bottom of water to calm mode down. Inhale and exhale Ambro!!! FOUUUUWwwww….I deflate myself.


Okay I’m a girl too right. Yeah but still it’s my kind of first time visiting that kind of store. Usually I wear sport undies, and they are bought by my sister or mother. I finally take to courage to get in the store. The sale associate is giving me a weird look. I think my face is about to turn red.


I scratch my cheek and get closer to Krys. “So are you done?” I ask her but the notice she is looking somewhere else. I follow her eyes direction. “Yulsic?!?!”


“Shout!” Krys puts her finger on my lip and slowly moving toward the couple.




Krys makes Jessica startled. The last one rapidly hides something behind her back. I can tell Yuri secretly take “that” in her hand and hide at her back.


“oh Hi Krys. Hi Amber” Jessica greets us with her shy smile. Yuri also waves to us over Jessica shoulder. Looking at Yuri facial expression, I think they may have chosen something naughty. Hum I must find out what it is. MUAHAHAHAH.

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foneall #1
Chapter 5: Ahhh!!!! I like it....3X :D
Alerth #2
Great storie!
bluesky2275 #3
thata lovely fiction you wrote
and i love to read it
Awwww!!! So cute :3
keyuen #5
@ kimhyuraa : thanks for your comment it really makes me smiled :)
@ kolagirl : hehehe as promissed I didn't let krys die cuz if not u will be sad ;) am glad you enjoy reading my fic yay!!!!
@ heaven_kryber : imagine amber carying krys cuz its an excuse to not let krys doing anything * mode* kekeke XD
@ ByunReader : krys just took a walk to refresh her self after a long sleep cuz she got bored to be on the bed all time ;) you are really detailled as a reader. It's a comment don't take it wrong ;) thanks for reading
what happen at the end? where did krys go when amber arrive?
heaven_kryber #7
"Besides sleeping, she doesn’t need to do anything." really, Amber?xD
Keke~ happy ending :DD I really enjoy read ur story :)) good job :D
kimhyuraa #9
Its amazing!!! Thanks author!! I like this!!! :)
keyuen #10
@ kimhyuraa: thank you !! XD