Grocery Shopping

I'll Meet You... In Heaven

It was Monday. The days Jaejoong  had to go back to work.

"Yes, sir. I can't come in today because I'm sick." Jaejoong  faked a cough that sounded real.

"Alright. See you when you get better then." Jaejoong 's boss hung up.

"Yes!" Jaejoong  said happily.

Just then Yeonhee walked out of her room and into to the living room.

"Why are you so happy for?" Yeonhee asked.

"I'm taking the day off of work to hang out with you." Jaejoong  cooed.

"But oppa! It's your JOB! I thought you've never missed one day!" Yeonhee said surprised.

"I want to spend it with my favorite person in the world." Jaejoong  kissed Yeonhee's forehead.

"Okay. Promise me you will go back to work tomorrow for that special presentation of yours." Yeonhee held her pinky out.

Jaejoong  laced his pinky through hers. "I promise." They both smiled at eachother.
"Hey oppa! Why don't we go grocery shopping!" Yeonhee brightened.

Jaejoong  made a face. "Grocery shopping? Why?"

"I want to buy more food! We're running out!" Yeonhee pouted.

"Aish. The pig has been eating most of it." Jaejoong looked at Yeonhee.

"And the pig is sitting over there." Yeonhee pointed at Jaejoong , and stook her tounge out at him.

"Blah!" Jaejoong  yelled.

"Yeah, Blah!" Yeonhee mocked him.

Jaejoong groaned.

"Come on lazy bird! Think of it as a little field trip with me!" Yeonhee used all her strength to pull him off the sofa.

"Fine. Fine." Jaejoong  finally gave in, and got up.

"Hehe." Yeonhee giggled.


Jaejoong  and Yeonhee had arrived at the market. Yeonhee got the cart and pushed it around the store. She went all over the place getting food and drinks.

Yeonhee put in some pasta in the cart.

"Pasta? You've gone Italian now?" Jaejoong  raised an eyebrow.

"Come on oppa! Be openminded! It tastes really good." Yeonhee said. Jaejoong just stared at her unsure.

"Here, have a sample." She handed Jaejoong a sample of pasta.

Jaejoong put it in his mouth. She was right, it was good.

"Good?" Yeonhee asked. Jaejoong nodded and held up two thumbs. Yeonhee beamed and continued putting stuff into the cart.

When they both arrived at the dairy section Jaejoong spotted a little boy decked out in a white suit. He realized that it was the little boy that wanted the lollipop from last time.

"Annyeong!" The little boy called Jaejoong.

Jaejoong turned to him. "Huh? You.. That time..."

"It's nice seeing you happy," the little boy smiled and continued, "your girlfriend looks pretty happy too."

"Make use of the time you've been given." The little boy advised.

"What are you saying?" Jaejoong asked confused.

"Returning to the past won't change the future. Don't forget!" The little boy shook his head.
After grocery shopping, Yeonhee and Jaejoong went back home.

While Yeonhee was talking about some subject, the little boy's words rang in Jaejoong's head over and over again.
'Make use of the time you've been given.... Returning to the past won't change the future.'

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Ahhhh!! I can't stop sad..what a good story!!!
Thank you for reading!:)
Awwwwwww cute!!
reading and listening to the song "In Heaven" seriously match the's also sad it!! update soon
liveyoung #5
awwww!!!! SO CUTEEEEE!!! kyahhhh!!! PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!
awwwwww that's so cute of jaejoong... but i'm sometimes confuse cuz is says junsu also... hehehe but it's good!!! UPDATE SOON!!
awww..I'm so like in love with this much love just like the song "In Heaven" hehe update soon
awww!!! I was listening to JYJ In Heaven and somehow I started crying while reading brings so much sadness cause I miss them so much..update soon!!
wait I'm it Junsu or Jaejoong? I believe it's Jaejoong but at the end it says "Junsu changed"..confusing yet it's pretty great..