A Dance With the Prince

The Prince's Jewel

After the day ended, you said goodbye to your friends and headed toward the dance room. When you peeked through the window, you saw Taemin dancing by himself. He moved fluidly and gracefully, and it was just so awesome.

Hmm, you thought, isn't this the time for my dance help to start? You shrugged, and pushed open the door conciously. You placed your bag down on the chair and waited, watching Taemin dance.

The dance was amazing. It was like he and the music were one, winding together to compliment each other. He spun and flicked his wrist, gazing charismatically at his reflection in the mirror. Then he worked in his popping skills, the robotic and sudden movements matching the beat of the music. Switching coherently, he began using liquid dance moves again, making his dance seem like magic.

When the song ended, you stood up to approach him. As you walked, he noticed you in the mirror and smiled gently. "Would you like to dance?" His soft and gentle voice spoke out to you, almost as beautiful as his dancing.

"I'm not very good," you stalled, unwilling to embarrass yourself in front of Taemin.

He shook his head, and took your hand, pulling you closer to him. Then, he started the music. "Just follow me," he said. So you did. Taemin came up with very simple but impressive movements. He taught you the choreography in detail, showing you how to do it and then asking you to try it. If you got something wrong, he corrected you kindly and helped you to improve.

The song was ending, and Taemin used a more complicated move. You were sure you could execute it, but when you saw Taemin's eyes on you and his expectant expression, you started to panic. When you attempted the move, you drew back at the last second and fell.

You were afraid that the humiliation would hurt more than the fall itself. However, you never met the ground. Taemin had slid to catch you. Gratefully, you thanked him.

"No problem," he said smoothly. Then, he looked down at his ankle, which had been twisted.

"Oh my gosh, I'm really sorry!" You covered your face with your hands. Taemin just chuckled, assuring you that it really wasn't a problem. But then the click of heels sounded in the doorway, and you sprung up, nervous.

The girl sighed. "You can be so stupid sometimes, Taemin oppa." It was Sulli, and she shook her head. "Why would you hurt yourself so you could save her?" She nodded in your direction, showing that she meant you.

"It's not that big of a deal," Taemin replied. Then, he turned back to you. "Why don't we dance? Slowly." He eyed his ankle. "It would make me feel slightly better."

You were unsure of his logic, but you gave in. Besides, it wouldn't be like you would get another chance to dance with Taemin. So you nodded, and Taemin went to start the music. However, Sulli walked over to you, and made it clear that she wouldn't allow you to get near him. "Shh," she said. "Just leave it." She stepped past you to Taemin.

Dumbfounded, you nodded meekly and walked away. Before you left the room, you shot one more glance at them. They were dancing so perfectly together that it hurt you a little bit. But you knew you couldn't do anything, so you didn't. All you could do was walk away.


When you got back to your dorm, a note sat on your dresser. It was from BoA. You picked it up and unfolded it carefully, smoothing out the creases. The letter contained a simple message consisting of four words. You read them aloud. "Make me a star."

A huge flash, and you were temporarily blinded for a moment. Your necklace was now more like a pleather collar, and your sweatsuit was a leather minidress. When you rushed over to the mirror, you were surprised to see that you looked... different.

Your facial features were all the same, of course. But you had makeup that made your eyes look bigger, lipstick that made your lips a matte pink color, and your hair was suddenly dyed a bright platinum blonde color.

"This is so weird," you murmured. "Ah, I know. I'll go ask the principal if I can go see BoA." You nodded, approving your own plan. You started walking, leaving your dormitory. As soon as you did, paparazzi and cameras surrounded you, preventing you from getting anywhere. There were bright lights and flashes, as well as mics shoved into your face.

"Angel! Angel! Look over here!" The screaming voices of the paparazzi. "I love your new outfit! And the concept of that new music video was killer!" You looked around, and your eyes fell onto a huge poster of you. I'm... a K-POP star? "ANGEL! Where did you get the inspiration for that new song? What's the main concept?" "Angel, I hear that you and Minho had dinner last night? Any words?"

"I can't do any interviews right now," you said, suddenly full of confidence. "Sorry, but I'd love to sometime later. I've got to visit someone important." Already, the interviewers were writing furiously on their notepads. You stepped through the crowd and heaved a sigh of relief. That was only to be met with a crowd of screaming fans. They were running toward you. Your flight instinct kicked in, and you ran as well. When you rounded the corner, you hid behind a wall. It would give you cover for a few minutes.

"What was that?" You thought for a moment, trying to come up with a way to change back quickly. "Make me a star," you said. When you looked down after the flash, you were back to normal. "Thank goodness," you said, relieved.

"I see you've found out how to use that necklace." A woman stepped out from the shadows and smiled a pretty smile.

Your eyes widened. "Who- who are you?"

"I'm BoA." She pointed to your necklace. "And that necklace there- you have to wear it always. Never take it off. It's water resistant, so you can take showers or whatever," she said as she wrinkled her nose a bit. "Just don't take it off."

"Why?" You were really curious, and it was just about killing you.

"I can't tell you," she replied. "Just don't. Take. It. Off." With that, she slid back into the shadows. You knew that it was pointless to chase after her, so you gave up and turned around. On the way back home, you saw Key off by himself. He looked lonely, so you decided to approach him. When you did, all he did was ignore you.

You sat on the bench next to him. "Hey," you said. "What are you doing?"

He scowled. "Why do you care?"

"I'm just wondering." You didn't notice his scowl, so you just smiled warmly. "You seemed like you wanted company, and Taemin isn't really around, so..." You turned to look for Taemin, in case he was in the crowd. He wasn't though, so you decided to stay with Key. After all, some company is better than no company at all, right?

"Don't just wonder," he scoffed. "And stop acting like you know Taemin. You're not good enough to." He rolled his eyes. "Besides, I'm his best friend. I know more about him than anyone here."

You looked up at his face, confused. "Why do you act like you're so much better than everyone else?"

"You seriously don't know?"


He sighed, as if it was tiring just to talk to you. "I'm part of a group called SHINee, remember?" You shook your head. "Wow, you really haven't heard of SHINee? I bet you thought that people only like Taemin because he's pretty." You stayed silent, and Key laughed. "Boy, you're really something. Taemin's in our group, too. And Sulli's part of f(x), a girl group."

"I just don't really like K-POP. I don't keep up with it much. I've heard of SHINee, I just didn't know that you were in it." You shrugged. It was true. All those idols who were worshipped like they were something other than humans- it just made you feel uncomfortable. Sure, they were talented, but...

Key broke your thoughts. "Yeah, whatever." He waved your hand, showing that he wasn't interested.

You got up, not wanting to spend another minute with him. Then, you turned and walked away. Geez, what a jerk, you thought. However, you did notice a bunch of girls huddled off to the side, whispering excitedly at the sight of Key. When you walked past them, they glared at you, making it apparent that they didn't want you around him.

This is so weird! You thought. A school with stars, and one of them is me! What's going to happen now...?

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