
The Prince's Jewel

You entered the room and smiled at everyone, showing your usual happy and bubbly self. It was your first week, but you weren't worried. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that you had been given, and you weren't planning on wasting it being worried. Plus, making friends wasn't too hard for you- you were kind and always put others before yourself. 

"TAEMINNIE!" You heard a girl scream. "I made cookies! Do you want one?" You hid a smile behind your hand. You, like every other girl, had developed a crush on Taemin, the 'prince' of this school. He could dance so well that it made the girls' eyes melt, and he was super nice, although sometimes emotionless-seeming. 

"Ah, thank you," Taemin replied politely in his soft voice. Many other girls were crowding around him, and they had many other things to offer to him, like a lunch, or treats, or gifts... 

A voice scattered them all. "Excuse me." It was Sulli- Taemin's girlfriend. Every girl envied her with a burning fire- who wouldn't? She was dating Taemin, and that was every girl's dream. "Taemin-ah, how are you?" 

"I'm fine, thank you." You felt a little bit awkward at how the two were so formal and polite with each other. But at the same time, you looked up to how loyal they were to each other. 

Another voice scattered them even more. "Move. Give the guy some space. Jeez. You crazy fangirls." The equally-handsome but scary Kim Kibum, otherwise known as Key. He could dance as well. In fact, he could dance almost as well as Taemin, but there was a variation in their techniques. Key's movements were fluid, and Taemin's were explosive. But both of the techniques were amazing nonetheless. 

" YOU~~~! !" Your friends ran up to you, and you greeted them. They began talking about the newest trends, or the latest episode of their drama, or how Taemin was looking extremely pretty today, or how lucky Sulli was, or other things. You nodded, agreeing with everything, saying a simple "yes" or "that's true" every now and then. 

"Are you okay?" Your friend stared at you strangely and snapped her fingers in front of your face. 

You blinked. "What do you mean?" 

She laughed. "I just said, if you like Taemin so much, you should at least talk to him. And you replied "that's true" and didn't do anything." She shrugged and took a seat behind you.

"Bwoh?! No way!" you squealed, covering the blush that was beginning to form on the apples of your cheeks. "He's... Taemin, and I'm just... me. Besides, he's happy the way he is- dating Sulli, right?" You tried to come up with more reasons while giving your friend a chance to speak. 

Your friend rolled her eyes. "They aren't 'dating', they just hang out some times." As if answering a question, she added, "And no, that's NOT the same thing. Trust me," she placed a hand over her heart, "I would know." Upon hearing her say these words, you glanced over at Taemin, who seemed to be halfheartedly talking with Sulli. 

Just then, the teacher came in. "Okay, guys. I'm going to start the first period, so shut up and listen." The students laughed at the teacher's wording. He smiled along with them. "But seriously, we gotta get started. I'm not going to let you guys out late- and we've got a lot to do today." The students quieted down, and he began teaching. 


It was third period- and you had dance class. In this manner, you were still a "freshman", and Taemin, Sulli, and the rest of those people were "upperclassmen", although you were all the same age. Even though you didn't get to see them, you could still be with your friends. 

"Okay guys! One more time! We have time to go over this choreo another time before class ends, okay? So with spirit!" The choreographer's voice rang loudly through the room, and music blasted. Everyone laughed as Taeyang's 'I Need a Girl' began playing. "Okay, I'll give you guys a break. FREE DANCE!" he called. You looked through the window as everyone paired up- with Taemin and Sulli in the middle- and Key dancing passionately by himself- and began dancing. After a few seconds of dancing, Taemin went to dance with a few other girls. 

He's really nice to do that, you thought. You admired his dancing skills until finally their class was over. As the 'upperclassmen' filed out and your class crowded in, you couldn't get it out of your head. 

The choreographer went over the basic steps, but as you danced, you stumbled a bit and fell. Along with everyone else, you laughed it off and tried again. However, dancing wasn't your strong suit- and it was pretty obvious as the class continued. 

For what seemed like the billionth time, you fell, knocking into the choreographer. He sighed and said, "Okay, okay. You'll have to stay after school- you really need help with the dancing." When he saw your face heat up, he quickly added, "Not that it's a bad thing- you're just not really feeling the music, y'know? But don't worry, we'll improve." 

You nodded. "Okay," you agreed meekly, and sighed as you tried to follow the choreography. Finally, you got it, but it wasn't amazing. It was finally the end of class, and you were exhausted. 

"Don't worry," your friend told you, "it'll come naturally." Hoping that she was right, you smiled gratefully. 

"Thanks," you replied. As your classmates filed out of the room, you followed, slightly disheartened. At least it was lunch, you told yourself. I'll get a break, and be able to talk to my friends!

At lunch, your friends were talking about their drama again. 

"They're having the Jewel-theme episode." One of the girls squealed and clapped her hands together. 

"W-what?" you asked, confused. 

She rolled her eyes like it was common sense. "You know, the story of the prince, and the princess, and the raven, y'know?" When you didn't comprehend what she was saying, she began to explain.

"The prince was enemies with the raven- they were always enemies. And there was a princess, a hero-like princess. She was great at dancing, and could speak with movement. The prince was captured by the raven one day- and he was about to be killed. However, the princess was there. To save the prince, she had to confess her love- but by doing so, she sacrificed herself. Once she said the words "I love you", she disappeared forever." 

"That's the general plot- or at least, the most important part. There's also a part about a guy who's an animal, but he's a handsome flirt at the same time," she giggled. "But that's not important. I think the princess is awesome- she's pretty, with brown hair that's white at the tips, and she has this necklace that's just gorgeous." 

You looked down at your own necklace. A red gemstone was in the middle. It was a simple pendant, nothing special. For some reason, BoA had said in his/her letter to always wear it. 

"We'll have to take you to see the movie sometime." She grinned. "In the original book- it has illustrations, and the prince looks just like Taemin!" She sighed dramatically. "Oh well, lunch is over, I'll seeya later!" With that, your group of friends separated, and you all left to get to the next class.


Okay, so this is like an 'intro' chapter- not much, just giving you the idea of everything. ^^

It'll get better in the middle and stuff, I promise XD

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