Late start

Day by Day

It was hot. The sun was high up, and there was no cloud to be seen, at all. The only good thing about this was the breeze of wind coming through the window. Lookkaew was sitting in the back seat of their car, looking out of the window, seeing her childhood memories as they drove past the town.


A few years back, her dad got the opportunity to be promoted, if he could transfer into another town. After he debated with mom, they decided that it was too good of an opportunity to pass by but Lookkaew didn't want to move out of town. More because she was in her second year of middle school and didn't want to change class in the middle of it.


Lookkaew didn't want to move out in the middle of her studies, Lookmai wanted to start anew and their parents wanted to get the opportunities and to make their children happy. After some more debating her parents came up with a plan to satisfy everyone. 


The plan was to live separately for a few years. Her dad was going to move out first, with Lookmai and then after Lookkaew finished her middle school, she and her mom would move in with her dad and sister again in the new town. The time was up. She finished her middle school and would start her High school in the new town, where her big sister already is. 


“Little one, are you excited for your new school? Mai told me it was one of the most popular and prestigious schools in our country - I think you're going to love it” Her mom started a conversation, trying to cheer Lookkaew up a bit. She could tell from her look that she was a bit down. 


“I am a little bit excited but I am also a bit sad” Lookkaew said as she gave a big sign thinking back about her last months in her school. 


“Okay guys, The annual sports festival of the school is right around the corner and this will be my last event with you and this school. As you all know, I am going to transfer school, so Let's give it all and let this event be successful!!” Lookkaew stated to all the student council members with her head held high up. 


She has been the school president since her second year and she has been the most respected president of all time. All the students looked up to and respected her and all the teachers trusted her. She was the school's role model, so when they found out that she was going to transfer everyone felt devastated but at the same time they wanted to do all they could for the president until the last moments. 


The sports festival was a big success, no major accidents happened and everyone enjoyed the event. Lookkaew was satisfied with how her last event was held. She wouldn't feel sad to transfer because she did everything she wanted with no regrets. 


“Do you have any plans for what you wanna do in this school? Do you want to be in the council again or want to do something else?”


“Mmm ~ I think I wanna relax a bit, It was fun being the president and all, but I actually missed just doing nothing”


Believe it or not but Lookkaew is actually very shy around people even though she doesn't look like it. She has this very friendly first impression aura that makes people want to talk and befriend her but she panics, every time, inside when people start a conversation. The one thing that makes her calm is eating candy and gummies, especially lollipops. 


Lookkaew still staring outside, looking at buildings, trees etc. passing by, makes her a bit anxious. She reaches her bag and takes a lollipop out, unwrapped it and the familiar taste makes her calm again. The one thing that makes her calm is eating candy and gummies, especially lollipops. 


“If you wanna relax a bit and earn some pocket money, I could ask your aunt if you could work for her for some time” Her mom's suggestion was a good idea. Relaxing as you make money, how hard is it to scoop some ice cream?


“Thanks mom, I would appreciate it if you could give aunty a call” 





“Lookkaew, sweet heart. I know you'll hate it, but something went wrong with your paper and we need to fix it before you can start to go to school” Her mom broke the news. Ofcourse, It makes sense why they were ringing and calling all the time for a few days now. 


“What do you mean… school starts on monday, and today is saturday” 


“We know, but it's a small problem and you'll be ready to go next week. Think of it as a extended vacation, where you can relax a bit more” 


You could see a bit of panic in Lookkaews eyes. One of the things she doesn't like, it's the unwanted attention. Yes, she was popular in her last school and everyone knew her but that's the case. Everyone knew as the student council president. Not some student, who starts the school year one week after everybody else. That's not the attention she likes.


“Relax, little one ~ the first week is always a chaotic situation, because the club activities want to requite all the first year” Lookmai commented, as she walks by bringing her big bag along with her.  “Tell you the truth, I would take it as mom said, a vacation, because nobody is going to notice you haven't been there since the beginning. …….  Well. Later!! I'm off to practice”


Lookkaew took a moment for herself. If what her sister said is true, then it would be fine to have a bit more vacation and she could use that week to learn how to scoop ice cream. Then she would already master scoping ice cream before actually working and can focus on it without thinking about homework or school.   


“Fine, but no longer than a week, I don't want to be known as the one who came weeks after everybody else” The little one said looking at her mom with determination of fixing the problem in one week. 


Her mom didnt want to make her more nervous, said “Of Course sweetheart, here call your aunty if you could come this week to start working” hoping it would make her forget the situation she's in.


Lookkaew called her aunty to tell her that she could work starting on monday, but her aunty was very busy that day, so they agreed that she would come by tuesday to look and start working wednesday. This worked fine for Lookkaew because she then had time to organize her stuff in her room, and her stuff to school. Her thought was asking Mai if she could take a look at what she worked on in her first year, because she knew Lookmai would have it saved somewhere in her files. This was something they both did. Saving everything in our studies. 


Actually, Lookkaew and Lookmai are both really similar and different at the same time. They are both academically good, and like to be neat and organized all the time. The difference is just that Lookkaew is next level, she likes to study and read in her freetime. Being alone is more of a healing time for her. It makes you think how she could handle being the student council president for 2 years in her middle school. The school work was actually really fun for her, and it helped her social skills a bit. She can now communicate with other people without panicking or looking awkward. On the other hand her sister Lookmai, is totally the opposite. Mail likes to hangout with her friends and likes to do sports. Since they were little she's been busy doing club activities and that says a lot about her social skills. She is an extrovert.


[ Mai Mai ]



Can I take a look at your school stuff from the first year?



Sure, it's in my folder “First year” down the bottom of my drawer at my desktop

Just make sure to put it back after your finish looking at it



Okay, thank you





Lookkaew used her weekend preparing for her school through Lookmais notes and other past assignments her big sister had. She was making sure she wouldn't miss a single thing from being away from school for a whole week.  

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zetyaffendy #1
Chapter 4: Thank you authornim.. please keep updating ~
Bzzange #2
Chapter 3: YEEESS, thank you for updating author :))
Bzzange #3
Chapter 2: Author doing god's work with this storie, please keep updating it!!