New friends ?

Day by Day

The second day of the tryouts went smoothly and some girls, other than Noon, began to stand out more because Noon had a personal practice session with Anda and the assistant coach. The practice was almost the same as the others, just a bit more intense. You could really tell that Noon was enjoying it because even though the session was hard they both had a smile on their face and pushed each other’s limits. 


Like yesterday, the last 10 minutes of the game Anda could play with them but this time they would be in the same team. To balance it a bit, the captain would also play for the other team. You must think that it would still be unfair because they both have Anda and Noon and the others just have the captain but don’t underestimate her. The captain is the team's main playmaker and has a really good understanding of the game. She herself is also pretty well known in the basketball community as the genius playmaker.


The game was intense as yesterday and Anda and Noon showed everyone the beautiful play when you're both in tune with each other. They haven’t played with each other that long, actually just today, but they still perform well together. 


The captain didn’t make it easy for them even though that might be what it looks like. She really pushed their communication to the test, just like what the head coach wants. 


After yesterday's game, the head coach had a vision of how the team could be the best in this season with Noon. Noon was the missing piece the team didn't have. Someone who could understand Andas' game and be in tune with her and have the captain to feed them with plays. The head coach wanted to see if her vision was any good by making the 3th and the last day of the tryouts to be a game against the first string of the team.


The game was longer than before making it a 2x 15 min and a total of 30 min. The freshman team consisted of the best 6 players with 2 seniors, Anda and the captain. 


The game went as expected. The freshman team was leading the score and surprised the senior team with how Noon, Anda and the captain played but what the freshman team didn't have was experience. After the first half time, the seniors made a plan to stop the trio. They double team Anda, watch the captain closely and Noon… they gave her no space at all. This made Noon really frustrated and began to make mistakes which didn't help the team at all. The other players in the team didn't have a chance against the seniors without the other 3 but they did everything they could to stop the seniors. Experience and teamwork was what the freshman team was missing in the game. 


Just like the first time Noon played against Anda, she noticed that the seniors were not tired at all even though all the first years were trying to catch their breath. The seniors were all happily chatting with each other.


“OKAY! EVERYONE LINE UP!! - This was the last day of the tryouts and we have chosen the 6 players who passed. REMEMBER even if you didn't make it we do have a second team and we are always looking for talented people. So don't give up and make us see you!” Said the head coach to all the players in the gym, giving the first years player the chance to make it in the team. 


“Noon! congratulations. I am really looking forward to working with you and I am positive we would make a fantastic duo” Anda said as she was jogging to Noon right after the head coach was finished with the meeting. 


“Thanks! me 2. I am really glad I came to this school and met you all. This was not the basketball I expected, this is much better! THANK YOU AGAIN SENIOR ANDA!!” Noon said with much more respect than the first time she talked with Anda. 


"Seriously, you can just talk with me casually! I don't mind. I was just joking last time” Anda said while she was laughing. After she made Noon remember that she was a senior, Noon didn't dare to talk with her in an informal way. She was the most respectful junior Anda had met. 


Just like that. Noon and Anda spend the whole evening talking about basketball. Everything about basketball. From their favorite player and team to their favorite game. They just clicked really well.


“Noon where have you been! I have been waiting for you in the last 20 minutes and got tired so I went here hoping you'll be here” A girl said interrupting Noon and Andas small talk. Noon watched her phone, seeing the clock she knew she was late and made her wait. 


“So sorry Praewa, I forgot to check the time because I was so immersed in our conversation” Noon said, really sorry for making Praewa wait for her. 


“It's fine, I could tell when I found you. But Is this the famous senior Anda?” Praewa asked as she turned to Anda looking at her while she was smiling. 


Anda took a good look at her and something about her made Anda think. Has she seen or known this Praewa? She looks really familiar to Anda. 


“Oh - That's right! This is senior Anda. P’Anda this is Praewa, she is my childhood friend since elementary school” Noon introduced Praewa to Anda 


“Hello senior Anda, would it be fine to also call you p’ Anda? as an apology when you bumped into me in the hallway” Praewa said giving Anda a bit mischievous smile. 


Andas eyes went big. She was the girl from the other day, that's why she looked really familiar to Anda and if she really tried to think about it. The tall girl who came afterwards was Noon. 


“It was you, You were the girl and I am still sorry for bumping into you and of course you can call me anything you are compatible with. I don't mind” 


“And again I am really sorry, how about I treat you girls to ice cream?”

“Sorry p’ Anda but we don't really have time today, we are actually already late for our plans today because of my meeting. Though I still want to accept your invitation, how about tomorrow?” Praewa asked Anda. Noons and Praewas' family had planned to eat out today to celebrate both their school start and being accepted into their clubs. Both families became friends when Noon and Praewa became friends because they lived close to each other and they were always together. 


“Deal, then see you tomorrow” Anda said and bid them goodbye. 


“bye bye p’ Anda, see u” they said in unison. Before they started to walk towards the exit, Noon took Praewas bag naturally. This was something normal for both of them. they don't really know since when they started to do this kind of thing but they didn't mind it. 


Anda smiled for herself looking at them, she thought they looked cute together.




Just right outside the school gate, on her way home, she saw a familiar back. 


“Atom! ~ Wait!” 


Atom turned around and waved to Anda


“Your late, I thought your practice ended 2 hours ago”


“Yeah, I kinda lost track of time when I was chatting with a new member of the team”


“Ahh… That's right, the same person you told me about? Noon, if I remember correctly”


“Atom, she really is good, I tell you. She understands my play really well, that we don't need to communicate that much. We just do it and the other person knows” Anda said, overly excited talking about Noon. Showing Atom how much fun she had in practice.


Anda Walked Atom home even without asking or questioning. Just like Praewa and Noon have something they do naturally, this was Andas and Atoms normal. If Anda and Atom were together somewhere. Whether it be in school or some other places, Anda would always be sure to walk her home or knows that she will get home safely. Since they were little Anda and Ohm have always been a bit overly protective of Atom especially after their first year in middle school.


“Right ~ why are you late today and where is Ohm? I already told him that I couldn't go home with you guys today because practice would take longer than usual. I planned to just text you guys if you have time after school tomorrow”


“Mmm ~ We had a meeting today and it lasted longer than normal because there were a lot more students who wanted to be a member in TSC than we anticipated. We had to question those we thought might be potential and then discussed between us to make a choice. Ohm got a message and needed to go. He said he would tell you so you could wait for me but I told him not. I didn't know how long the meeting was going to end and I didnt want you to wait for a long time”


“Ahhh ~that makes sense, but next time just text me. I don't mind waiting for you, especially today, it's thursday and then you don't need to walk home alone ” 


“Stop. I'm not a little kid anymore, I am more than capable of walking alone anywhere but yeah.Next time I'll tell you” 


Anda and Atom were just quietly walking side by side as they chatted and laughed on the way home. Not long after they reached Atom's home, she lived just 5 minutes away from Anda, the same neighborhood just down the road. 


They bid goodbye to each other and Anda heads towards her own home still thinking about the practice and maybe she'll take Praewa and Noon to the ice cream store where she usually hangs out with her friends. So it will be good to go there tomorrow since they couldn't go today and she could introduce Noon and Praewa to the others. Anda sends a text message in their group chat. 


Chat room [ 3 brains and Anda ]



Do any of you want to hang out in the ice cream store tomorrow?

It's on me



Ohhhhh … I'm in!! especially if it's free ice cream!



ME 2!! Cant say no to free ice cream😆




@Tom, u also wanna come? 


Sure, but what's the occasion? you normally don't treat us😂  



I have to treat some first year tomorrow and thought I also could treat you guys because we couldn't hang out today


First year?  Do I know them?



AHhhhh It's Noon, I did hear you just got along well but why treat her?



You are really fond of her


  Technically it's not Noon

I bumped into a girl the day before and found out she was friends with Noon, so I said I would treat them to ice cream to say sorry and to congratulate Noon.



AHH.. The infamous Noon and her childhood friend, I heard about them



Same I also only heard, then we'll see them tomorrow







AHAHAH - see girls tomorrow. 

Atom I'll come and get you first and then we can pick up Anda on the way



Then i wait at my usually stop by the stop light



yes yes ~ then see you all tomorrow 


Anda shakes her head and gives a big sigh as she puts her phone down in her pockets again. She already knows that Atom would, 100 %,  scold her for running in the hallway and bumping into the other student. She can't say anything to it because she herself knows she was wrong for running.

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zetyaffendy #1
Chapter 4: Thank you authornim.. please keep updating ~
Bzzange #2
Chapter 3: YEEESS, thank you for updating author :))
Bzzange #3
Chapter 2: Author doing god's work with this storie, please keep updating it!!