
Day by Day


!!BEEP!! BEEP!! BEEP!! Anda woke up at the sound of the alarm telling her that it was another early morning. It was 6 in the morning and it's still a bit dark outside, so she quickly changed her clothes to something more relaxing because she needs to run her morning run. That's how Anda always starts her day. 


Running this early was something she enjoys a lot. There weren't many people outside, just some of the elderly who woke up early and did yoga or meditation. It was peaceful. 


“Anda you're running again this early~ be careful on your way” One of the elderly women shouted. She was one of those who she meets and greets every morning on her run. Anda has known this elderly since she was a kid, she was basically the neighbor's grandma that's why she is known as grandma Pyo. 


“I will and you too,  grandma Pyo!!”


After about 30 min she reaches her home and ends her 5 km run around the neighborhoods and greets her mom in the kitchen. Her mom was cooking breakfast and lunches for the whole family.


“Hi mom, good morning. What are we having today?”


“Just some eggs, bacon and toast, go quickly and take a shower…. your sweating”


“I know, I'm going know, I was just asking” 


Anda takes a piece of bacon and runs away from the kitchen and directly into the bathroom. Knowing her mom will scold her she took a piece before showering.


"ANDA!" “Take a shower first before you eat!” Her mom shouted


It was now 7 o clock, she has a bit more time to eat before the class starts at 8 and luckily for her the school was about 15 min on walk or 5 min if she runs. Sometimes she goes back to sleep after her run and wakes up late, ending with her running for her life to be on time but not today. She somewhat felt different. There was nothing but positive energy she felt, she wasn't tired or sleepy today, she can feel that something is going to happen. 


“Are you excited for today sweetie? It's your second year and you are a senior now. be nice to the first year” Her mom said to her. That's right, Anda is now a second year and a senior, the first year is going to look up to her, and she needs to be a bit more serious.


“I am a bit excited, especially if some of the first years are good in basketball, We're going to win this year's Winter Cup!


!Ding! [message]

[Are you ready? I'm in front of the door]


[Yes! 2 sek, I am coming out now]


"I'm going now mom, Atom is in front. bye bye see you later, and thanks for the lunch!”


“your welcome sweetie, and say hi to Atom for me”




Anda takes her bag and stops for a second to think if she forgot something, which she didn't and went outside to meet her friend. 


“Sorry, did I make you wait? I almost forgot that we were going to school together today. it's not that often she can walk to school together”


"It's fine, It's the first day, so I am not busy right now…. just wait til we get to school. The president will probably look for me and I'm back to being busy.”


Anda has known Atom for her whole life, because their parents are good friends so they ended up growing up together. She was her best friend even though they are a bit different from each other. Anda has been a bit tomboyish since she was little. She liked to play ball with the boys and run a lot, not caring if she fell and hit her knee and it didn't help when their bestfriend Ohm is the same as her. Atom on the other side was more quiet and careful. She often just looked out for her friend and tended their wounds when they hurt themself. Even Though she didn't like doing the stuff they did, she was always with them. 


“I'm more surprised you're not busy today than I am. Don't you have morning practice? Atom asked curiously. 


“Nope, Well I'm in the same boat as you. The coach said we have a day off today, because it's the first day and we are going to start practice tomorrow morning. But I can't say the same for Ohm. He's the team captain this year so he needs to be in school early today for a meeting with the his coaches ”


Ohm was another friend who grew up with them. Actually they grew up as a trio because they were the ones who are the same age, they learned to stick up for each other. 


Before they knew it, they were in front of the school greeting the teachers and some of the other students. It would be a lie if they said they weren't popular because they were. They are a famous trio in the school and everyone knows them. Who wouldn't know them, when you're talking about the icy beauty vice president Atom. She is known for her icy look at first glance but is actually very friendly and kind. Not to mention she is one of the top students of the whole school and everyone knows she is going to be the next president. Then There's Anda. She is a bit tall for a girl, but that's one of her charms. She is known for being very kind, funny and for her cool appearance especially when she is playing basketball. She has this cool aura around her that makes people attracted to her. We can't forget that Anda is the ace of the girls basketball team. To top it all Ohm is also the boys basketball team captain and ace. He's known for not only athletic but also very smart. He has never been under top 10 since they started High school in every subject and that makes him the perfect boyfriend material. 


“See you Later Anda, Me and Pin can't eat with you guys today but we'll see you after school! … oh remember to tell Ohm that we are gonna meet after school for ice cream!” Atom said to Anda and went her way to the student council room probably to help the president with the preparation entrance ceremony that will start in a few hours.


On her way to class she meets her best friend Ohm who looks very exhausted. This year their group has been splitted. Ohm and Anda are in the same class and Atom in another. Most of the time they would meet up in the cafeteria to eat because that's the only way for them to meet. their school was a bit big and their class room was not beside each other and being the ace, captain and vice president of the school didn't make it easy for them to meet up in school. 


Ohm and Anda have to come very early to school for morning practice, so most of the time they'll  walk to school together and meet Atom in lunch or afterschool.


“Heyyyy… you walked with Atom? sorry we couldn't go together today, I had an early meeting with the coaches” 


“It's fine, and yes I walked with Atom, and she told me to tell you that we are going for ice cream afterschool today with Pin. So don't make any plans for later”


“haha… It's kind of a tradition now… go for an ice cream every time we starts and ends a year”


Anda og Ohm went inside their classroom and said good morning.  Truth to be told they didn't know anyone in this class other than each other but that was fine. They didn't have any problem as they could talk to anyone and everyone knew they were very friendly. Of Course there were those who were a bit distant because they admire Ohm and Anda but most of them see Anda and Ohm as classmates. 




Soon enough could Anda see outside the windows the first years coming out of the gym hall. They are likely finished with the entrance ceremony and on the way to their individual class room. The first years department was actually not that far from her classroom, they are right beside. The first year and a few classes of second year share the same main entrance and Andas class saw one of them.They needed to pass by some first year classroom to get to their class room but that didn't bother her. Actually she really didn't care but she can remember last year some students were a bit intimidated by the second year. 


Anda heard the school bell which indicated that it was lunch time, so she started to pack her things. 

“Anda, go with me to the cafeteria. I didn't have time this morning to make lunch”


“Sure, lets go”


Anda and Ohm went to the cafeteria with some of their classmates. Looking around the cafeteria they spotted an empty table and started to chat and laugh. You could really feel that they were seniors because they laughed and talked to each other with confidence.


“Anda, have you heard? there is a basketball genius among the first years! .. there is a talk that she will take the ace title from you!” one of her classmate said


“Well she is welcome to try to take it away from me” Anda answered with confidence because something she can talk about with a lot of confidence is basketball. Anda is one of the most talented in basketball as a point guard. She is so good that she is a member of the national team. 


After lunch they had classes until the afternoon. It wasn't that hard today because they are only introducing every subject there is but it will probably be a living hell tomorrow. That's when the real school starts.


"Hii guys! How was your first day of school being a senior?” A girl with brown hair asked as she walked beside Atom. 


“Hey Pin, nothing much. we didn't really talked or noticed the first year to be honest, right Anda”


“True, it's their first day, so a lot of them were quiet”


Pin was also one of their good friends, they met each other last year in their first year. All four were in the same class, but this year she's in class with Atom. Pin is the most extroverted person they ever meet, she knows almost everything and everyone there is to know in the whole school. You could ask her anything and she could probably tell you the answer right away. 


They continued to chat as they walked to the ice cream store. It's one of their favorite places to hang out because first of all the ice cream is good, it's not that well known so there are not a lot of people and the owner is super sweet. They have been here since their first year and the owner knows them very well, so well that they are on a first name basis. 


The four of them chatted a bit more inside the store as they were eating ice cream but couldn't stay very long. Ohm needed to go back to school to prepare for the morning practice the next day. Pin had another appointment with some other friends and Atom also had to go back to school because the president just called her to help them out.


“Sorry Anda, I can't go home with you. Press just called and i need to help out” Atom said very sorry. We had agreed to go back home together today, but that's fine the student council is probably very busy.


“I also need to go back, see you tomorrow morning! Tom let's go back to school together”


“Also sorry Anda, I see you tomorrow”


“Yes yes, goodbye to everyone who left me alone. See you tomorrow”


Anda stayed a bit longer in the store to finish her ice cream while she was talking with the owner. Asking her where the others went and how was the first day of school being a senior. While talking about school, the owner also mentioned that her niece was going to be a first year student and that she will work part time in the store. The owner has a lot to do in this season so she was glad that her niece would like to work part time and that is why they probably wouldn't be able to see the owner that much. 


As Anda was on her way home thought it was a pity that the owner was going to be busy because they really liked to have small talk with the owner.




"I'm home!" Anda shouted as she went inside the house. 


“Hi sweetie~ did you have fun in school? I am about to make dinner, it doesn't take long before there is food so don't eat too much sugary” Her mom said in the kitchen preparing for dinner.


“Yes I know, I'm going up stairs to my room, so just tell me when the food is ready!” 


Anda quickly changed her clothes to something more comfortable and jumped on her bed. Thinking about how  she'll be very busy from tomorrow onwards. 

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zetyaffendy #1
Chapter 4: Thank you authornim.. please keep updating ~
Bzzange #2
Chapter 3: YEEESS, thank you for updating author :))
Bzzange #3
Chapter 2: Author doing god's work with this storie, please keep updating it!!