
SECRET : Third Ending
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“Madam, Jaeyeon is asleep. Should I put him in his cot?” The nanny said to Sooyeon who was reading by the sofa.

Sooyeon glanced at Jaeyeon who was asleep beside his toys. Sooyeon nodded and put her book down. Sooyeon watched the nanny carried Jaeyeon carefully. She then went out to the garden. It seemed like it had been a long time since she looked at her flowers. Sooyeon spotted Chansung who was talking to his phone by the pool, staying hidden. She let the man be. She knew her bodyguard was always near her and sometimes she wondered where he would be when she didn’t see him.

Sooyeon’s forehead crumbled to see her Azaleas turning brown. She inspected the area. Only 5 pots were affected. The Azaleas turned brown and withered while the pots nearby grew graciously.


“Yes, madam.” Chansung was beside Sooyeon.

“Any idea? You are always outside here.” Sooyeon looked at the tall man.

“I’m not sure, madam. Gardening is not my forte.” Chansung said and Sooyeon shrugged.

“Want me to move the pots?” Chansung asked.

“Not now. Later. When I plant something else.” Sooyeon said and Chansung nodded.


Sooyeon glanced at Yoong who was asleep on the sofa in the living room. It was Saturday and all day, Yoong was tired and sleepy. During lunchtime, Sooyeon even made his favourite waffle and fried chicken but he only took a bite and went to sleep.

Sooyeon sat beside her husband. It was already 10 pm. Yoong didn’t even wake up for dinner. Sooyeon kissed Yoong’s forehead. She touched his cheek.

“Hubby…” Sooyeon called softly.

Yoong didn’t budge.

“Yoong-ah…” Sooyeon called dearly again. 

“Hmmm…” Yoong opened his eyes.

He smiled to see Sooyeon staring at him with loving eyes.

“My wife.” He said and hugged Sooyeon’s neck.

“Let’s go to our room?” Sooyeon said.

“Let’s stay here. This sofa is nice.” Yoong pulled Sooyeon.

“Let’s go inside. I have a new gown. It’s pink.” Sooyeon nibbled Yoong’s ear.


“Hmmm.” Sooyeon bit Yoong’s earlobe. 

“Hehehe.” Yoong laughed funnily and sat up.

“Yoong!” Sooyeon yelped when his nose was suddenly bleeding. 

Sooyeon covered his nose and pulled him to their room. Yoong followed along.

“Hold this.” Sooyeon said to Yoong as he sat on the bathtub holding a towel to his nose.

“Let’s go to the hospital?” Sooyeon said as she helped angled Yoong’s head.

“Honey, people don’t go to the hospital for nosebleeds.” Yoong said through the towel.

“But the blood was dark, Yoong.” Sooyeon held up the towel to see if the bleeding had stopped.

“It’s nosebleed, Sooyeon. Don’t worry.” Yoong stood slowly.

Sooyeon looked at Yoong as he washed his face. He then dried his face with a clean towel.

“Turn on the air conditioner. Maybe it’s hot for me.” Yoong said as he pulled Sooyeon’s hand out of the bathroom.


“Sir, it’s 5.” Yoong looked at his secretary.

“5?”  Yoong nodded and looked at his watch.

Yoong pushed his hair to the back. 

All these years, he had never dreamed of Jessica. No matter how guilty he felt at first when he got married to Sooyeon, he didn’t even have the slightest dream of Jessica. Why now? And not to mention that Jessica was angry and upset in the dreams. 

Yoong glanced at the family portrait on the wall. He beamed as his eyes landed on Sooyeon’s smiling face. Yoong’s smile disappeared when the brunette Sooyeon suddenly turned to blonde. 

“You have no shame.” Jessica said, walking out of the portrait.

Yoong gripped his fists. Truthfully, he was terrified. He felt like screaming but his lips were heavy. He watched as Jessica turned dark little by little. 

“You love her? That wretched woman?”

“She’s my wife!“

“Wife? Hahaha. Does she know what we did in this very office of yours? Hahaha.” Jessica was then flying instead of walking.

Yoong could feel the cold sweat behind his neck.

“How wicked you were? The drugs? The toys and all?” Jessica grimaced widely, her eyes red, her teeth were sharp.


“Yoong…I’m asking you…” Jessica’s voice was haunting Yoong.

“What do you want? What do you want from me?!” Yoong screamed eventually.

He lifted the telephone on his table and threw it to Jessica but the flying woman laughed out loud. Yoong screamed as loud as he could.


Yoong opened his eyes to find Taecyeon beside him. He was on the sofa in his office.

“What happened? Why are you screaming in your sleep? Do you know what time is it, now? Sooyeon called you a dozen of times!” Taecyeon helped Yoong to stand up.

“I…I…fell asleep.” Yoong said as he walked to his table.

“Yoong!” Taecyeon caught Yoong as the man fainted all of sudden.


Sooyeon touched Yoong’s hand as the man was still unconscious. An hour ago, Taecyeon called her telling her that he was bringing Yoong to the hospital. Taecyeon said Yoong looked malnourished and his nose was bleeding. Sooyeon didn’t wait a second to ask Chansung to drive her to the hospital too.

‘Mr. Kwon is severely dehydrated.’

Sooyeon didn’t understand. How could Yoong was suddenly dehydrated? He said he ate well at the office. Sooyeon looked at the IV drip and back at her husband. Then Sooyeon looked around. There was a smell of something burning again. She stood.

“Sooyeon. Are you going to wait here?” 

Sooyeon turned to look at Taecyeon who was entering the room. Sooyeon nodded.

“I’ll ask for extra bed then-“

“Taecyeon, do you smell anything burning in this room?” Sooyeon cut off Taecyeon’s words.

Taecyeon’s forehead crumbled as he tried to find the burning smell Sooyeon was talking about.

“No. I don’t.” Taecyeon shook his head.

“I…” Sooyeon looked around not finishing her words.

“Sooyeon?” Taecyeon was concerned.

“I have been smelling this burning smell for a month now and I can’t quite tell what it is…” Sooyeon bit her lips.

“Sooyeon?” Taecyeon watched Sooyeon walking to Yoong and started sniffing her husband.

“It’s Yoong. Yoong is burning.” Sooyeon came to a realisation.

Taecyeon scoffed as he went to Yoon and sniffed his head.

“I don’t smell anything?” Taecyeon looked at Sooyeon.

Sooyeon looked at Taecyeon too.

“Yoong is cursed.”


Minjeong laughed out loud when she heard from her father that Yoong was hospitalised. According to her father who happened to be in the hospital at that time, Yoong was unconscious and was brought to the emergency room. Minjeong lied down on her bed and laughed again. 

“Soon, you will join Jessica in hell.” Minjeong giggled again.

“Finally, you succumb to the curse. Jessica is probably rooting for you to die fast so she can see you in hell. Hahahaha.” Minjeong cheered happily.

She got up and went to her wardrobe. She took a small bottle of vodka for some celebration. She opened the bottle and threw the cap away before chugging the liquor in one shot.

“Arghhh!” burned but she laughed out loud later.

“This is the happiest day of my life!” Minjeong played some music and started dancing happily.


“Curse?!” Taecyeon’s eyebrows crumbled, he was confused.

Who would do something like this in this modern world today? Taecyeon was shocked.

“If I’m not wrong. All the signs indicate that. The burnt smell, Yoong’s change in appetite, behaviour…” Sooyeon glanced at her still unconscious husband.

“How do you know all this?”

“My mother was in the same situation when we started selling our noodles years ago. When her business was booming, she suddenly became tired and lazy. I remember smelling something burning all of sudden in the middle of the day and night. And I was only

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Chapter 18: Minjeong gonna get the payback of what she had done
jjsooyoung #2
Chapter 18: Yes yoong send back the cruse to minjeong 😤
jjsooyoung #3
Chapter 17: I'm curious about what Soyeon has to sacrifice to get the curse off 🤔
Chapter 17: Black magic fight now 🔥🔥🔥
1134 streak #5
Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Damn now you believe her? You know your words to her earlier are hurts her feelings but luckily she did take it to heart...oh uh I don't have good vibes with what the old woman requires for the payment of her helping Sooyeon
jjsooyoung #6
Chapter 16: Minjeong won't stop bothering yoong and sooyeon 😤
1134 streak #7
Chapter 16: Damn* Jessica really won't let him be even in his dreams she started hunting him...
solaris17 #8
how to continue reading chapter 15?
Helarmonk #9
Chapter 16: Any hint for password?