
Our Little Source of Joy
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"Why the is she in your room?" I almost yelled causing her to flinch as she covered her ears. My expression softened a bit seeing her reaction but I quickly pulled on a cold face, she's cute but I still had to find out why she was here in Jungkook's room in the morning. wait could she be the same one we brought home....................................


Jungkook's POV

I decided to introduce Y/n to Tae after she'd had breakfast, I walked into my room and saw Tae holding Y/n in his palm and the poor little soul was there crying. I immediately dropped the plate of pancakes I was holding on the bedside table. 

"what the Tae?"

I grabbed her from Tae gently so I wouldn't hurt her, as I brought her crying figure up to my face to see if she was hurt or not

"Are you hurt?" she shook her head as no as tears were still flowing down her face, I gently started her back with my thumb as I brought her close to my chest

(A/n: Wow, the most brutal killer is suddenly being soft

JK: Keep quiet

A/n:Fine 🙄.)

I felt her body tense up even more as her sobbing increased at first I thought it was because of the closeness, but I felt her tiny fist hold onto my shirt as her sobbing slowly decreased, my phone dinged showing a message from Steve (One of our personal bodyguards) saying that they found a spy lurking around the building, I had to go check but I couldn't take Y/n with me, I was about to place her on the bed when I felt her arms wrap around my index finger like her life depended on it.

"P..please d..don't l..leave me,"  she said within her hiccups, my heart melted at her cuteness as I slid my other free hand under her legs now standing 

"Why?" I asked concerned

"H..he would hurt me," I glanced over to Tae, he looked hurt by her words, I knew he was just curious and didn't mean to hurt her

Tae's POV

The moment she said I was going to hurt her couldn't help but feel hurt cause I didn't mean to scare or hurt her i was only trying to figure out why she was here and I thought looking cold would do the job, but now she's scared of me, I noticed Jungkook glance over at me, as walks over to me before sliding her into my already cupped hands.

Y/n's POV

I didn't want t

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