It's the start

Secret Love


3 weeks later…

Ailee’s P.O.V 

I walked into the class, trying to get his attention. I could feel the hatred radiating off him, but I didn’t know why. My heart ached as I desperately tried to get his attention. I sat down tentatively, praying that he’d talk to me. I wanted him to tell me that it never happened.  I wanted to ask him why it happened, but these few weeks he just ignored me. There were no warning signs – it just happened, just like that. No matter how much I wanted everything to be normal between us again; I knew it would never happen. I sighed and pulled my textbooks out of my bag. Look at it this way - at least I won’t have any distractions for senior year. All I needed to do was get over him and not fall for anyone else. Ever again.

I put my head on the table and closed my eyes. I was tired of everything. I felt someone sitting down in the seat next to me, praying that it was Kikwang. I felt someone poke my cheek and I slowly opened my eyes to find it wasn’t him.

“Ailee! You know when you sleep in class, it’s so tempting for me to draw on your face?” he smiled.

“Well it’s so tempting for me to wear sunglasses with you smiling so brightly like that, JR,” I replied. 

He continued beaming at me  for a while before putting on a serious face.

“Are you feeling slightly better now?” he asked.


“Well being your best friend, I have the obligation to cheer you up again!” he cried as he put his arm around my shoulders.

“I don’t see how it’s going to help the fact that he’s in most of my classes…”

“Oh…BUT! Whatever classes that all three of us have, I’ll do my best to distract you! I can’t believe they had the guts to do that to my Ailee!”

Right at that moment, Hyosung came over and sat on the other side of me.

“Ailee! How are you?”   

I blankly looked at her, hiding the fact that I wanted to push her away. She was totally rubbing it my face – what did I ever do to her? I cleared my throat and put on the straightest face I could.

“Oh… I’m ok… why?”

She smiled at me. It looked more like she was baring her teeth.

“It’s good that you are,” she replied then abruptly stood up and went to sit next to Kikwang.

I glanced back at them. He shot me daggers and I had no idea why.

I bit my lip and turned around, trying not to tear up. What did I do? JR turned around to look at Kikwang before turning back and sighing.

“I think he’s giving us both dirty looks… He didn’t even say why did he?”

I shook my head. JR looked down and muttered to himself.

“What is wrong with that jerk?! Why on earth would he break up with you suddenly and give you dirty looks as if you’re the one who did something wrong?! And to think he got that Hyosung to do it instead of facing you like a man. GEEZ!”

I stifled a laugh. JR was even angrier at them than I was.

“Calm down… it isn’t your problem to deal with…”

“Yes it is! You’re my best friend and I need to get them back for you! Whatever your problem is, it’s my problem as well!” he insisted.

“I’ll get over it ok? Don’t even think about doing anything rash, like punching him or something… It’s not worth it.”

“Punch him?”  JR comically his chin.


Everyone turned around and stared at me.

I laughed nervously.

“NO! …. NO! I did all my homework wrong…”

Everyone who gave me weird looks turned back to doing their own thing while one person came and sat on my left and they mumbled to me.

“I’ll help you,” he said softly.

I turned to my left and saw a guy with platinum blonde hair looking at me.


“I’ll can help you… if you have any problems with your homework?”

“Oh! Um… D-d-daehyun? I was… just trying to… divert the attention…” I explained.

His face dropped.

“Oh… Well, if you need help, I can help you? Miss Han suggests for me to help other students with their homework if they have any problems,” he replied.

“Yeah, you being the top of the class. Thanks for the offer though,” I replied.

He nodded.

“It’s ok if I sit here right?” he asked.

I nodded.

After the class ended, Daehyun and JR walked out of class with me.

“What do you have next?” asked Daehyun.


“Music,” replied JR.

“I have Art too!” replied Daehyun.

“Room 26?”

He nodded. Thank You! This way, I’ll have someone to walk with and not have the fact that Kikwang is in the same class bothering me.  I had spoken to Daehyun a couple of times, but we weren’t that close. I think he was in a few of my classes, but I never really had the chance to notice, with this being a new year of school and Kikwang keeping me company. Normally, he’d walk to class with one of his friends or something but they were absent today so we decided to go to class together.

“Let’s go?” I offered.

Daehyun smiled while JR pouted as he went in the opposite direction to the Music Hall. As we headed off to Art together, Kikwang and Hyosung pushed past us, giving me dirty looks while they went by. I took a sharp breath. My heart lurched. Daehyun, who noticed asked me if I was ok and told me that he knew about the break up. Everyone knew about the break up.

“I’ll get over it.”

He looked at me apologetically, opened his mouth to say something, then closed it again. We then headed off to Art with an awkward silence lingering over us. Great. Somehow, I just had to ignore the fact that Kikwang was in most of my classes and get over him. But first, I needed to know why he broke up with me and why Hyosung keeps on giving me dirty looks and rubbing it in my face. This was going to be a long day. 

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Apologies for this... dodgy chapter :/


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bellansel #1
Chapter 24: Thank you for your hardwork. So this is the end of the story? I love this so much
when will you update? :3
rosieyynguyen #3
Chapter 24: Ohemgeee! Authornim I love your story. Please update soon. Don't give up! Hwaiting!!!
Updaaate <3
Chapter 24: Sweetest an cutest confession ever
Chapter 24: OMFG
They are too cuuute!!
jkt245 #10
Chapter 23: Writing from experience aye? XD ㅋㅋㅋㅋ