The Truth Comes Out

Secret Love

Kikwang’s P.O.V

I glared at her, fuming at the fact that I had believed her all this time. I shook my head, not wanting an explanation of what she did, since the few sentences I overheard said it all.

“Kikwang, I-“

I cut her off before she said anything. I honestly did not want to hear what she has to say, not knowing what to believe anymore.

“I can’t believe it. You’re Jeon Hyosung, my childhood friend, my closest friend; the kind-hearted girl I grew up with did all this. I cried in front of you, I’ve told you everything, I’ve trusted and cared for you all this time and you repay me by ruining the  best relationship I’ve had, with the girl I loved. I can’t believe you did this! Why?!”

She bit her lip, and looked as if she wanted to cry.

I felt slightly guilty and was about to open my mouth, maybe to apologise about yelling at her, or even just offer to talk about it, but before I opened my mouth, she looked at me, wiped away any tears and smirked.

“Why? Why? You’re seriously asking me that question? Don’t you see? I’ve liked – no, loved, you for so long. I’ve stuck with you through everything – your grandparents passing away, when you moved schools in middle school, when you had no friends, when you were upset, when you had your first break up. No matter how much pain I felt when I see you upset, I push it aside and make sure that you’re alright. I’ve always put you first, but when you get a new girlfriend, especially with Ailee, you ditched me all the time for her. I’ve always looked at you, only you but you’ve never seen it. You’re too busy wooing the new girl in your life. No matter how much it hurts to see that the person you’re into is not me, I put on a smile because Lee Kikwang, my best friend, the boy I’ve loved for so long is happy. I couldn’t take it anymore. Especially with Ailee! All you spoke about was her. Everything you did was because of her. Of course I would be jealous! I was freaking being replaced. We did everything together, but what used to be our thing became Ailee and Kikwang’s thing. When you believed me and broke up with her, I believed that we would have a chance, that you would forget about her and move on – “

“Forget about her? Did you think I could easily forget about her? Would it really be that easy? She’s freaking on my mind every day. I actually wondered why she cheated on me. Was I not being a good boyfriend? Was I not good enough for her? Did I bore her? I even hated her for it but it was all based on your lie. I was like an empty shell for months. I couldn’t focus and I thought that you were trying to make me feel better but instead, you were behind this the whole time! Just because we grew up together, it doesn’t give you the right to treat me as if I’m your property and that you’re the only person for me. I need my own space and I have my own life too!” I yelled, ignoring the fact that her friend was still standing there and that a small crowd had begun to form.

I wiped away my own tears. I didn’t care what I said to her. I was too furious, too upset, too hurt to care about the words flying out of my mouth. It was all her fault.

“I actually believed that you were trying to get me over her. That you were trying to make it all better, but obviously, it was all about you. It was all for your benefit, you didn’t think about me at all right? I knew that you liked me more than a friend the whole time, but I never saw you that way. I only said yes to this because I thought you would help me get over her, but in the few months we’ve dated, it all seemed to be about you. Not once did you think that I still cared about Ailee, not once did you ever consider how I felt about certain things. All this time, you were feeding me lies and stories. I don’t even know who you are anymore.”

“I can’t believe you! Not once did I think you still cared about Ailee? You freaking mentioned her so many times I lost track! Don’t you know how annoying it was for you to keep asking whether she has moved on, who ‘that Daehyun guy’ was and why she was over you already. Obviously I knew you weren’t over her, from how much you mentioned her but I put up with that ONCE AGAIN! When you finally stopped mentioning her after a few months, I was so relieved. When I saw how close she and Daehyun got, I made sure that you saw so you would shut the heck up about her. I’ve always hated her, ever since you guys started dating. I thought she would be like all those other girls, just dating and didn’t expect you guys to last! I hated her so much when you came to me after every date and told me how amazing she was, how much fun you had, how she was the most beautiful girl you’ve ever met. How did you think I felt?” she shrieked.

“A best friend would tolerate all this, they would accept that I would be happy and be happy FOR me and that I can have my own life! I’ve basically poured my heart and soul to you every time I spoke to you about Ailee because it’s not as if I can do that with the guys! I thought you would understand and be that one person I  could talk to about these things, but you hated it the whole time. You know what, I’m not sorry about whatever pain I put you through when I spoke to you about Ailee. Seeing the real side of you, the side you’ve kept hidden for so long has opened my eyes and you deserved it.”

“Guys… people are watching…” whispered Hyosung’s friend.

“So what? Just go away, I don’t need you!” snapped Hyosung.

For a moment, her friend looked hurt and dejected, but that soon turned into rage.

“Don’t need me? More like we don’t need you – we all don’t need you. We’re sick of your lies, your manipulation, your discouragement, your self-centredness. I’ve followed you around, made sure that you would be satisfied, no matter how much I hated it. So did Sunhwa and Jieun, but you’ve never genuinely cared for us have you? Would it hurt to consider how everyone else felt? Everything you do is all about you isn’t it? You used to be everything that Kikwang said you were- sweet, caring and kind. Now? You’re just a .”

As soon as those words left , Hyosung reached out and slapped her “friend”.

Along with everyone else watching, I stood there, partially amused. This seemed like it was inevitable.

The real Jeon Hyosung has come out of her shell.

I was still in disbelief at what had happened. The feelings betrayal and anger, still fresh.

After a few more confessions, arguments, accusations and exchange of profanities between Hyosung and those who were used by her, we left her, standing alone and in a mess.

I felt a slight urge to go and comfort her and apologise to her, after all, she was one of my oldest and closest friend, but after all she did, there was no way I could forgive her.  

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Apologies for this... dodgy chapter :/


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bellansel #1
Chapter 24: Thank you for your hardwork. So this is the end of the story? I love this so much
when will you update? :3
rosieyynguyen #3
Chapter 24: Ohemgeee! Authornim I love your story. Please update soon. Don't give up! Hwaiting!!!
Updaaate <3
Chapter 24: Sweetest an cutest confession ever
Chapter 24: OMFG
They are too cuuute!!
jkt245 #10
Chapter 23: Writing from experience aye? XD ㅋㅋㅋㅋ