my lover

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joohyun wants to be cleaning up bottles with sooyoung on new year's day.


short and sweet like irene

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Chapter 1: i love this so much 😭😭
Looking forward to this story!
Chapter 1: You threatening us to comment is the equivalent of someone who "looks like they could kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll" LOL sorry not sorry alsgsks

I loveeeeee how intense the emotions were! There's just something about the way you wrote the suspense leading up to how Sooyoung finally revealed her heart to Joohyun during the countdown. Their love is so precious and pure and they're both so supportive of each other 🥺

Thanks for this great piece! Always looking forward to your work!
hirysitsirys #4
Chapter 1: OH ANOTHER NEW FAVORITE! I really like how you write emotion, almost feels like I was in the bathroom with them as Yeri talks Irene down. Thank you for the wonderful joyrene!
Chapter 1: Short but beautiful and lovely i always like your writing style . Also thank you so much for this because there isn't a lot of joyrene stories so this is great .
Good job author-nim