C5. Jay POV - The Revealing

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This scene was in front of me when I came out rubbing my wet hair after showering – Two people were sitting on the sofa, watching TV, with loud music coming out from it. One of them, of course, was Sunghoon. To my surprise, the other was Hyung, I hadn’t seen him for a long time. He came back so silently that I didn’t hear him coming. 

He seemed to be sitting on the sofa initially, but he was standing now. His eyes were wide open, staring at the screen, clenching his fists. There were complicated emotions in his eyes, though I couldn’t understand them completely, I could tell from his lip corners that he was feeling sad. 

My focus turned to Sunghoon – his expressions made me even more shocked. He wasn’t looking at the screen as Hyung did but looking at Hyung himself curiously, full of interest to him – I had never seen Sunghoon being interested in anything, but this is his first exception – at least is the first one seen by me. His delicate eyes looked thoughtfully up and down to Hyung, as if observing his reactions to me. 

I had never seen calm and mild Hyung showing these exposed emotions, not to mention seeing Sunghoon’s lively expressions on his face ever. Both weren’t what they were like as they always were, which made me not know what to do, freezing at the place I was standing. 

“Hyung? Sunghoon?” After a while, I finally knew how to speak and made dry voices. Hyung seemed startled by me, turning his body quickly, showing a bright smile as he always did, “Jongseong? Long time no sees!” 

He gently jumped over the sofa and gave me a big hug. 

“Jay,” Sunghoon called my name, standing up either, seemed not happy with Hyung’s motions – I didn’t know how I could tell that, though his expressions had already turned into his daily pattern – he didn’t say anything, walked to the back of the sofa too, with his arms held and head leaned, looking at us. 

“Hyung, what’re you watching?” I put my chin on Hyung’s shoulder, warmness and softness of it made me felt at ease. He hugged me back with open arms, stuffy voice came close to my ear, saying something not relevant to the question, “What do you usually watch at home?” 

“Me...?” Thinking for a moment, I said, “I don’t watch TV often.”  

“Don’t watch?” Hearing my response, he turned his head and looked at Sunghoon for a second unexplainably. 

Sunghoon looked back to him either, the expressions in his eyes were still plain as water. 

“Sunghoon is really beyond my expectation. I’ll report it to the researchers,” Hyung let go of me, with ambiguous meanings in his words and made me felt cold on my back, “By the way, Jongseong, I’ve given myself a new name – Lee Heeseung. How is it? Isn’t it cool?”  

I became more nervous as he ended this topic awkwardly, but I had to control my expression to not show it too obvious, nodded my head, “This name is beautiful! So, can I call you Heeseung Hyung from now on?” 

“Of course, you can.” He tapped on my shoulder, smiling, “Well, it’s late now, and it’s time to sleep. Have you completed organizing luggage? Any help needed?” 

“No, Hyung. Have a sweet dream and good night!” 

Heeseung Hyung nodded, seemed to be sleepy, “Okay. Good night, Jay and Sunghoon.” 

He towed his steps and went to the main bedroom, closing the door gently too – he never liked to make loud noises when doing everything, this may be the habit formed accompanied by his training process. 


Now the door was closed, I immediately looked at silent Sunghoon standing behind me, “What was you guys watching on the TV just now?” 

“I discovered that you only watch the program with this dancer participating.” Watching me gradually approaching, Sunghoon stepped back for several steps, leaning on the wall, “I saw his Instagram’s post a few days ago, he said that he would be on the program released today. So, I the television and switched to that channel. But I don’t know Heeseung Hyung is coming today and reacted dramatically to him.” Seeing my astonishing expression, he added, “I’ve thought you’d already knowing he is coming, and you would watch with us soon after the shower.” 

Sunghoon was right. I am very concerned about Riki. But I hadn’t mentioned it to him yet, how did he know him? 

“I am concerned about him...But how do you know?!” I moved backwards and sat on the sofa – on the spot that Heeseung Hyung once sat on. Without responding, Sunghoon came toward me and sat beside me. 

“I’m also doing the same thing to you when you are concerned about him,” he said lethally, eyebrows dropping, as if feeling a little upset, but he – a robot - was supposed to be without any emotions. “Of course, I know how that person on your phone everyday looks. Such a famous person can be found all at once. You like him.” 

I had been the guard of Sunghoon for half a year, never hearing him saying that much – he seemed to say a week’s words in one night. But the most shocking thing was the last sentence he said.  

“I don’t like him!” I stood up at once, “What are you saying?” His tone was declarative while saying this sentence, which indicates how certain he was. 

“...Really?” Sunghoon sat on the sofa after hearing me saying this, “Okay.” 

Today’s Sunghoon was totally weird – from expressions to language. A half year’s stable life had a small crack in a moment (actually, it wasn’t that stable, but I can deal with it in my abilities), which made me anxious. I admit this is the result of my unsatisfying performance, but... almost everyone didn’t want their lives to change so much. And the source of all the changes in my life was Sunghoon. 

Biting my fingernails, glancing at him secretly, and right into his sight. He was staring at me. 

I avoided eye contact with him. Was he angry? I had never talked to him like this in the past six months. Although he was not an actual person, the institute treated him like a young master. Wasn’t that so rude to shout at him? Should I apologize to him? Though he didn’t always understand my words. 

In addition, focusing on a person’s daily schedule is truly an indication of love to that person. It was normal for Sunghoon to have this kind of association... Furthermore, “like” has multi-layer of meanings, and Riki was a dancing superstar, maybe he just asked me to know whether I appreciated that person, this couldn’t be any more normal. Conversely, my intense reaction to his question was more like intentionally concealing my true feelings. 

But, without a reason, I thought the true meaning of Sunghoon’s behaviors was exactly what I was thinking at first. 

Anyway, compared to intertwining for a long time, I gave up thinking. Thinking too much was useless. Maybe Sunghoon was generous and didn’t mind what I did just now anymore – Rather than making misunderstanding, I’d say it all. 

I sighed and faced Sunghoon. 

“Sorry Sunghoon, I was too agitated just now...” I slowed down my speed speaking and suddenly realized I was talking to him, assuming he was a true human – this made me goose bumped. I always separate him from ordinary people in daily life, what’s wrong today? I supported myself and continue speaking, “Want to hear the story of this dancer – Nishimura Riki?” 

“Riki is the youngest among us, entered the institute slightly later than Jungwon, but three years earlier than Jaeyun, who is the latest transformed person among us. But he is special – he is the only one having activities outside the Black Zone, instead of doing our dirty deeds, he has an identity of an outstanding dancer in the outside world.” 

“This is good, at least, he doesn’t need to worry about whether his head will be turned into two halves in the next morning before he sleeps. With these different living conditions, he is supposed to be the freest person among us, but we all know the thing wasn’t like what we think – although his body has not been controlled, he was “locked up” from sunrise to sunset. 

“The institute transformed his body, giving him all physical

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