Chapter 13

Time To Love [Hiatus]

Sunghee sighed as the cool water tickled her toes. A soft land breeze blew pass her onto the sea, playfully tugging on her hair. She giggled slightly as she scrunched her toes, the grains of sands rubbing her feet. The sound of the waves washing up against the shore was like a lullaby to her, camling her mind. Sunghee counted the people on the beach as she strolled along. Less than ten. There was usually more. 

Sunghee eventually settled on the end of the breakwater. She lay down, too tired, and shut her eyes. Sunghee felt both mentally and physically exhausted. She had just come back from the bulgogi shop where Infinite and she had celebrated her official entry into the hotel's staff and landing the job of a lifeguard.

When Woohyun was animately talking about how excited he was to have her in the staff, she had scoffed. Almost. From the corner of her eye, she had spotted Sungyeol and Sungjong struggling to hold back their laughter. Oh, he didn't know how wrong he was. She had always been on the staff list. Just not officially.

The last time she had so much time on her hands was before she had gone to America to study. Even before then, her parents had always forced her to study. They even had her going around the hotel with her brother to learn the ropes here and there. She hardly had enough time to make friends. The only reason why they had befriended Sungyeol was because his mother had been a chamber maid and she often brought him along.

She thought back at why she had come back. It was all because of Bum. Her friends had warned her against him but she had ignored them. A minute part of her did expect him to cheat on her. However, the pain from the fact that he cheated on her didn't hurt as much as the fact that he was with her best friend.

The two of them had been getting it on right out in the open on the sofa in their dorm on the day before their graduation. Half of their clothes were already off when she found them. The sound of her purse dropping on the floor had broken them apart. She had just smirked at her while Bum had looked somewhat sorry.

Not knowing how to react, Sunghee had run straight out. He hadn't even followed her to explain. She just figured that he didn't have anything to explain. She had run to her friends and poured out her sorrows, drinking them away as well. She had woken up the next day with a killer headache and a resolve to return to Korea.

Sunghee packed her bags and left without a word, only telling her friends just before she boarded. Her handphone had later found a new home in the dustbin.

Speaking of Bum, she still couldn't believe how much L looked like him. As time passed, she had realised that they were totally different people. Yes, both did have big egos. However, Bum was a cocky, arrogant player while L was a confident yet cold person. Nonetheless, he did show his warm side only when he was with Infinite.

Infinite had been singing Sunghee's praises since she saved the lady a while ago. She didn't understand why they did that. Haven't they all done something like this before? That was, except L and Sungjong. Fortunately for Sunghee and L's pride, they had toned down considerably.

Footsteps advancing to her broke her train of thoughts. Sunghee tilted her head backwards, too tired to sit up properly. To her surprise, it was L. SHe sighed inwardly as she got up into a standing postition, 'Speak of the devil.' L didn't seem to notice her, too engrossed in his thougts. She placed her hands on her hips.

"What are you doing here?"

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Updated! Argh, I have to go out now. I want to type more chapters...


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i found this chapter SUPER RUSHED. but overall doing good.
Please update^^ it's so good!
OMG, you're an amazing writer. Your talent inspires me to write:)
Vhevhe-kitty #4
I'm so surprise to see my name in your note. you're welcome! :)

Finally... I was waiting for your update!!! it's awesome, cute n so funny! <3
and I love how u chose Bali (I've went to Bali for my last school trip).
Can't wait for next chapter... fighting, chingu... <3 :-*
Vhevhe-kitty #5
I'm so surprise to see my name in your note. you're welcome! :)

Finally... I was waiting for your update!!! it's awesome, cute n so funny! <3
and I love how u chose Bali (I've went to Bali for my last school trip).
Can't wait for next chapter... fighting, chingu... <3 :-*
kikiiosz #6
please update more ^-^
minyoungunnie #7
They're so dumb...I thought they would find out that Sunghee and Sungjong are siblings. Then there will be a big "hoo haa". Turns out that she told them...but will there still be a big "hoo haa"?
p.s. hoo haa= fuss ^^
minyoungunnie #8
Lol. Sunghee's method of waking L and Dongwoo is so funny!! ^^
shhh_its_me #9

looking forward to their trip in bali :D
minyoungunnie #10
Please update!! I want to know what happens when they're in Bali!!
p.s you're an awesome author :D