"Get Her Out of Here!"

You're a Girl?!

  Yong Guk wasn't sure whether to leave or stay. He was waiting for Ji Min and her little sister to leave, but the order wasn't ready. "Get her out of here already!" He snapped quietly to Jongup.

  "I can't; she's a customer! What's wrong with you? Do you want me to get fired!"

  "No! But I want her out of here fast! I need to use the restroom!" He was holding it in for a good five minutes and couldn't handle it.

  "Just go! It's not like that little girl will recognize you!" Jongup argued. He may be younger than Yong Guk, but he was getting on his last nerves. Not only that, but he took up most of the space.


  "Get up!" He pulled into Yong Guk and managed to get him up.

  He turned where Ji Min was sitting, and she was staring right at him. He took a quick glance and noticed she was wearing a low, white top that revealed a tattoo on her chest. Yong Guk didn't stare long enough to know what it said and ran away.

  Ji Min watched him go.

  "Where did he come from?" Her little sister Tae Rin asked, tugging onto her shirt. She had forgotten the man's face who had scared her and didn't realize Yong Guk was that man.

  She shrugged. "I don't know. I've never seen him before. He's a strange one isn't he?"

  Tae Rin giggled. "Yeah, he is a strange man!"


  Yong Guk washed his face, shaking off these strand feelings. Is this what people call love at first sight? Or maybe it's admiration? That can happen, too!

  "Eish!" He shouted and washed his face once more. He patted his cheeks with eyes tightly closed. "Ah! WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME?!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. The good thing was, no one took a restroom break and heard him or else they would think he's crazy.

  "Okay! I got this! I just have to act tough. No, not act. I really am tough! Why should be afraid of a little girl and Ji Min! They don't know me and it's not like I'll see them again! Ha! Let's get this son of a over with!" He nodded and walked out confidently, ready to take on what came next. But when he arrived at the counter, Ji Min and her sister was gone.

  What the hell? I built my confidence up for nothing?!

  "Oh, Hyung! The girl left a moment ago! Now you don't have to worry about her catching you!" Jongup exclaimed as Yong Guk came closer.

  The closer he got, the more pissed off he was. He actually wanted to show a tougher side of him to her because he didn't want the impression of being a wimp. That wasn't his character, and he didn't want to ruin it now. What would people say if they heard about him running away because of a little girl? What will Zelo, his star pupil, say? He needed to keep that strong reputation!

  “Hyung… Kwenchana?” Jongup could he was angry and it was scaring him. Sometimes when he is angry, he would punch something as hard as he could and possibly break it. He didn’t want that to happen now since he was at work and didn’t want to get fired.

  “Yeah…” His cheeks flushed red as he was ready to take a swing on something, but he stopped, taking deep breaths. Now isn’t the time to get angry at something that isn’t important. It’s not like he’ll see her again, right?

  Jongup became worried. He wondered what was wrong with him and why he cared so much about one girl. He looked at the clock and noticed it was getting late. “I’m almost done with my shift and we’ll be able to go home.”

  Yong Guk nodded. Might as well stay for now.


  Jongup finished his shift and clocked out, meeting Yong Guk outside. “Okay, I’m ready.”

  Yong Guk didn’t even wait before walking ahead of him. He stuffed his hands in his pocket and slouched. This whole day was weird and tiring. At school, he had to study his off to get ready for a test. At home, he had argued with Himchan because they were fighting over the remote, so Yong Guk decided to exercise. When he got out, Himchan was sleeping in his room. Then he met Youngjae, who was thinking about whatever was in his mind. And now, he met a girl and was afraid to even talk to her! What’s wrong with him?

  “Yong Guk Hyung, do you think I should give up on Song Rae?” Jongup asked hesitantly.

  Song Rae was the girl he liked since his childhood years. He had known her in elementary, but it wasn’t until middle school when he realized he had a crush on her. No matter what she did, he thought it was cute whether other people think it was weird. Too bad his parents had him transfer into an all boys school because they wanted him to interact with people more. To him, it made him shier.

  Every weekend, he would see her at the café, but he didn’t have the courage to come up to her. Instead, she would come up to him and start taking. It wasn’t until last week when he found out she had a boyfriend. Hearing it made his heart shatter, but his love didn’t fade. He still liked her and couldn’t shake it off.

  Yong Guk shrugged. “Um… That’s your decision… You know I’m not good at love advice! Ask Daehyun! He has a girlfriend already, so he has more experience than me!”

  “I guess…” He bit his bottom lip. Should he let her go and find someone else or continue fighting for her? He didn’t know which one to choose. Either way, he would still feel a pain in his heart.

  The rest of the walk back was silent. Jongup was arguing with himself about Song Rae while Yong Guk was thinking about Ji Min. Then an idea hit him.

  "Hey! Do you see that girl often?" Yong Guk asked.

  "What girl?" Jongup was still thinking about Song Rae and had no idea what he was talking about or who. Is it the girl he was hiding from it what?

  "Ji Min! The one with the pretty voice and sister!" He waved his arms, thinking it would help Jongup's mind going.

  "That's the first time I've seen her. If she comes again, I'll tell you. Why do you want to know?"

  He cleared his throat and flushed red. What's wrong with him? "Uhm... I guess you could say I have taken an interest in her, but no like a crush! She just amuses me. And maybe the only way to get close to her is by working at the cafe."

  "We'll see. It depends if there's a spot available. Like I said, I'll tell you more later."

  The rest of the walk home was quiet once again. When they entered the house, Yong Guk threw himself on the couch while Jongup went straight to his room to do his homework.

  Youngjae heard the front door open. Thinking it was Daehyun, he left his room. When he saw it was just Yong Guk, he closed the door and decided to sleep for the night. Might as well give up for today. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to get some more information.

  Zelo came back from Hyung Seok's place before Yong Guk and was in the kitchen, grabbing something to eat. For his snack, he grabbed a banana and head to the living room where he found Yong Guk slouching in the couch, eyes closed. He sat next to him, munching in his banana and staring at him. Yong Guk was the while reason why Zelo joined his gang.

  Before he had entered high school, Zelo would always get picked on by other students because of his sensitivity. They would sometimes beat him up after school, but he would never report it for the fear of getting into more troubles.

  Then came the day when Zelo was walking back home, and was dragged into an alley, getting his usual beating. He fought back and was winning until someone had pulled out a knife. They had stabbed him on the shoulder and could have done more until a hero came.

  "Yah! What are you punks doing?" A deep, husky voice came.

  The bullies didn't reply and scrambled away.

  Zelo's savior didn't strike them since he knew it wasn't worth it. Instead, he came up to Zelo and examined his wound.

  Zelo leaned against the wall, groaning in pain. He clutched his bleeding shoulder as tightly as he could so the blood wouldn't escape so much.

  "Oo... That looks bad. Here, come with me. I know someone who can treat you." His savior said.

  "N-no." Zelo stuttered and groaned once again.

  "Yes! You need to go and that's final!" He exclaimed and roughly tugged him."

  "Ugh!" Zelo yelped.

  "Sorry, but you really need to get help."

  Zelo looked into his eyes and noticed complete sympathy from the stranger. He knew he could trust him, so he did. Zelo let him lead to where ever he was taking him. He soon realized his savior's name was Yong Guk and he had an interest in rapping like him. The person who treated him was Youngjae and he was nice too, but Zelo was more comfortable with Yong Guk.

  "Want to join our group?" He asked as Youngjae cleaned the wound.

  Zelo winced. "Join your group?"

  "Yeah, I'm recruiting a young man like you, that way it'll be complete."


  "Just because. I took an interest in you and I can see me in you. Maybe one day you can take my spot when I'm too old for this. We can also protect you."

  There was no hesitation in Zelo's answer, "Yes! I'll join!" He wanted a stop in bullying and maybe being in a gang would be good.

  "Alright, but there's one exception; you must go to my high school next year and dye your hair blonde or else you're not part of it."

  Zelo saluted with his free hand. "I can do that!"

  Yong Guk smiled, "Good. Welcome to B.A.P, buddy." He patted his shoulder.

  That's how Zelo met Yong Guk and Youngjae. Himchan saw him as he was leaving after being fixed while Daehyun and Jongup were added in later.

  Zelo stared at his near sleeping face and poked his nose.

  Yong Guk wrinkled his nose and opened one eye. "What do you want Zelo?"

  "Oh nothing. I was just remembering something."

  He closed his eye and sighed through his nose. In a slurred voice, he said, "You should sleep. You have school tomorrow."

  He stuffed his banana in his mouth and stood. "Alright. Good night."

  "Mhm..." He shifted but kept his eyes closed.

  Zelo threw away the banana peel and went to his room. Someday I'll have to repay Yong Guk for what he did for me. With that thought in mind, he was ready to sleep.


  Longer Chapter than usual and it might be like this from now on since the introduction is slightly over! So look forward to longer chapters from now on! (They're not too long, but maybe about this size.)

*New Characters Alert!

  Hwang Ji Min

  Hwang Tae Rin: Ji Min's little sister.

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Chapter 35: Should've said you were bi girl. Bi is the way to go for cross dressing females.(shakes head at her)
Chapter 35: Did you stop writing this fanfic? Hopefully not.
It's a really good story!! Please update~!
baozibunss #3
Chapter 35: Please update sooon !!
Chapter 35: Update please XD I'm totally hooked... I love this chapter lol~ are you gay? Uhm... Yeah.. like OTL
Chapter 35: "Are you gay?"


Chapter 32: LOL! "Asians look alike!" Haha~

This story is good! Keep it up! :D
Zeal95 #7
Chapter 35: LOL HAHAH yes youngjae you are gay for mi yeon LOL . I'm really shipping the youngjae mi yeon couple! Too cute xD this is like a better version of Hana Kimi cause mi yeon isn't hecka girly and that typical fragile weak girl image . Can't wait for the next update! :D
Zeal95 #8
Chapter 16: LOL "well I told him you died" LOL ROFL HAHAHA PRICELESS
Chapter 35: Haha poor Youngjae :D