be me: chronically online And have zero es


DAMN RIGHT i cant pick a struggle!


good timezones. your local loser is here again, with another ad. looking for 1 (one) maiden that i can get Down and Dirty, Hot and Bothered with. jk i know that's Too Much to ask. i just want some frens ... please...

to describe me; 

-i'm nice (frfr)


-Humongous Rizz

-a Gamer (only plays cookie run ovenbreak) (god i think cookie run deserves the oscar) 

-single (very much so)

-a weeb (i love my waifus and husbandos)

-switch and biual so come at me 

-loves to do those doodle dp and couple stuff

-mdni pls i don't want a cop suddenly knocking on my door at midnight 

-got permanent brain damage from uni so no plotting guys :/ I AM willing tho.... just... probably will use chatGPT...

-swear to god i wont ghost anymore... if ur not getting a reply its cuz im playing cookie run or reading manga...


for the love of god, i know this ad is not Much but please give it a try. i'm literally on my knees. :begging: available thru discord! so drop ur tag folks


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