Dork's Confession

Dork's Proposal




The next day… Suzy was about to enter on their campus gate when someone who she doesn’t know give her one piece of red rose.


“For me?” Suzy asked.


“Yes. Your Bae Suzy right?!” the guy responded.


“Yes,” She slightly nodded. “but why are you giving me this?”


“Someone just asked me a favor”


“Someone? Who’s someone?”


“Just go on your way, you’ll know soon”


Then the guy left. Then Suzy started walking again…

On the middle of their field…. Suzy received one rose again from someone whom again she doesn’t know. After handing it to her then that person just walked away from her.

She, then, continued walking. She opened the door of their Academic Building… then she received a piece of red rose again…


On the first floor’s staircase … red rose again.

On the middle of the staircase… red rose again.

On the 2nd floor … red rose again …

On the middle of the 2nd floor… red rose again…

On the 3rd floor… red rose gain …

On the middle of the 3rd floor … red rose again…

On the 4th floor… Sungyeol is the one who gave her a rose…


“Sungyeol?? what’s this all about?”


“Someone just asked me a favor”


Then Sungyeol gave her a signal to just go on her way to their room.


Their corridor was filled with red rose… She’s a bit nervous but the smile on her face didn’t fade away…


She’s now in the front of her room. Room of Class 3-A but the door was closed and Min was standing there holding a red rose.


“For you” Min handing her the flower.


Suzy just accepted it without questioning.. then Min knocked on the door and slightly peeked on the inside. After a second.. Min opened the door for her and pushed Suzy inside..


Then a guitar has begun to be played… Myungsoo is sitting on the desk, with bouquet on his side while playing the guitar.


He started to sing :


“ Now I must confess my heart to you

Only heaven knows my heart

I’ll tell you what I’ve kept so preciously in my heart

It’s hard to say it, tears are coming out

Memories are passing me by

There would be no today if it wasn’t for you


The day we met for the first time

I was bewildered and young

The times you waited because I asked you to trust me


Sometimes I broke your heart with my mistakes

Every time it happened, you never blamed me

It’s okay, It’s okay

You smiled and it made me strong


When I say I’m busy as an excuse and you get angry

You could have resented me

Don’t worry, Don’t worry

You believed in me while saying that


The memories you and I made together

The times we cried and laughed

I’ll remember them until the moment I die


Have I ever told you that I love you?

The only common way of saying it

I love you, I love you

I let them out because there are no other words

I’ll say it again, I love you

What my heart has inside

I’m confessing it today, don’t ever forget that I love you”


Suzy really appreciated it and can’t hide her smile.


After Myungsoo serenade her, he stand up from where he is seated and gave Suzy the bouquet of Red roses.


“ Bae Suzy, I love you sorry if – ”

He was cutted when Suzy hugged her.


“ I love you too, Kim Myungsoo”


Upon hearing that Myungsoo hugged her tighter.


----------------------------------------------------------- T . H. E . E. N . D --------------------------------------------------------------


Sorry if the ending was a bit disappointing.

Guys, thank you so much for reading my first fanfic that I was able to finish.

Thanks for all the lovely comments. 

Those are the ones that inspired me and pursued me to continue this story.











And also for all my silent readers <3

*hugs and kisses* *smiles*


                                                                                                                                                                         Love lots,

                                                                                                                                                                                   @yeahreginee :)


- • ◘ ♠ ♣ MYUNGZY FOREVER - ◘ ♦ ♠ • 




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MaaarieBiscuit #1
Chapter 6: Smiles all over my face. Myungzy truly daebak! ;) <3
kireinamao #2
Chapter 6: happy ending it ..
Chapter 6: Oh myyy lovely story!!! :) i love it!!! :D
chen1999 #4
Chapter 6: i love the ending
!!!!!!!!!!!!! really love it............
gelazen #5
it's kinda late but, this is as real as it get's in real life. good job!!! GO sis GO!
love the ending!! and you are most welcome...
@sayuri03 : thank you, thank you :D
@ByungHee_Wife : the song that Myungsoo sang is also the song that is attached in it. I confess by FT Island =))
nice ending, but may i know whose song it was?
sayuri03 #9
cute ending for a cute story.
Please Do write more in future.
they are funny.. love it!!