That rainy day

Dork's Proposal






Suzy and Myungsoo are classmates for 3 years now. So they’re kinda close …but not close enough for Myungsoo to have the courage to admit his feelings for Suzy and not close enough for Suzy to notice the feelings that Myungsoo has for her ^^ . For them being friends with each other is already enough, atleast maybe for now.





It was raining that day, there class is over. Myungsoo together with his friend, Sungyeol was walking at the school’s corridor on their way out to school. When they reach the campus gate Sungyeol was very surprised to see that his mother was waiting for him with an umbrella beside their car.

“Seems like you’re mother is here to pick you up” Myungsoo said to Sungyeol while looking at the woman holding an umbrella.

“Ahh.. Ne! That means you have to go home by yourself and enjoy the rain” Sungyeol responded. 

“Yeahh.. okay hyung! See you tomorrow” myungsoo said and then Sungyeol ran to his mother and immediately go inside their car. Myungsoo was still staring at the car as it was driven away… * if only my mom’s still alive * he thought while feeling the raindrops. After a while, it seems like the rain stopped for he wasn’t feeling any raindrops at all. He looked up and saw a something red, yeahh. A red umbrella on the top of his head. He look at his right side and saw an angel-like lady smiling at her :)

“Don’t you bring umbrella? It’s very obvious that it’ll rain today” Suzy said.

Myungsoo who was amazed by her smile wasn’t able to respond immediately. He just keeps on staring at Suzy’s face… Suzy kicked his right leg..

“Yah!! Im asking you, why are you not answering… Are you okay??”

Myungsoo who was back to his sense holding his right leg..

“I was okay a while ago but you kicked me and now Im not okay anymore” Myungsoo said angrily.

“Mianhe!” – Suzy.

“Im lazy to bring some” Myungsoo uttered.

“Huh?” confused Suzy.

“ You ask me if I bring umbrella right? Well, No im too lazy to bring one” Myungsoo said.

“Ahhhh.. where do you live? If you want I can share my umbrella to you until we parted ways” ….

“Sure” …

Then they started walking… they just keep in silence while walking…  They reached the street wherein they need to parted ways already…

“Im going left” Suzy said …

“Im going right” myungsoo said.

“Okay then, See you tomorrow. Bye….” Suzy said.

Suzy started walking already while Myungsoo is still standing right there watching Suzy walk her way. Suddenly, Suzy looked to him…

“why still there? It’s raining.. run now. I cant lend you my umbrella” Suzy said.

“I know.. just wanna say thank you.. I’ll go now. Take care!” Myungsoo said.

After 3 steps… he heard Suzy.

“Myungsoo!!” He then looked at her..


“Next time don’t forget to bring umbrella, you might get sick. Byee!!” *smiles*

*Aigoo.. what's with this girl.. Her smile.. Ahhhh*

Then she started to walk again.. and so he does. They walk on opposite directions.


*flashback ends* 


-Author’s POV-

That day when they walk together was also the first day Myungsoo experienced sleepless nights because of thinking of her.. He just can’t forget her eyes that smiles together with her lips… her strawberry scent, the way she walks, the way she talk.

 “Next time don’t forget to bring umbrella, you might get sick” –

those words just keeps on replaying on his ears and mind… and from that he just cant take away the smile on his face. It’s a strange feeling yet he just love it.

That strange feeling wherein he wants to see her more often.

That strange feeling wherein he wants to know her interests.

That strange feeling that he feel inspired without even knowing why.

That strange feeling wherein he blush everytime he saw her.

That strange feeling wherein she affects him more than he thinks she would.

That feeling that someone experienced when he/she’s in love. ♥ ♥ ♥ =)



Suzy's eyes whe she smiles =))

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MaaarieBiscuit #1
Chapter 6: Smiles all over my face. Myungzy truly daebak! ;) <3
kireinamao #2
Chapter 6: happy ending it ..
Chapter 6: Oh myyy lovely story!!! :) i love it!!! :D
chen1999 #4
Chapter 6: i love the ending
!!!!!!!!!!!!! really love it............
gelazen #5
it's kinda late but, this is as real as it get's in real life. good job!!! GO sis GO!
love the ending!! and you are most welcome...
@sayuri03 : thank you, thank you :D
@ByungHee_Wife : the song that Myungsoo sang is also the song that is attached in it. I confess by FT Island =))
nice ending, but may i know whose song it was?
sayuri03 #9
cute ending for a cute story.
Please Do write more in future.
they are funny.. love it!!