Chapter 5

The Hunter Or The Hunted?

(Fear and Uncertainty)

Lizzy wakes up when the sun's rays shine down on her from the window, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. She let's out a loud yawn. "I'm hungry..." she mumbles. Lizzy quietly leaves her room and heads for the kitchen. She grabs the jug of milk from the refrigerator and a box of cereal from the cupboards and sits down at the table.

Lizzy blankly stares at the milk and cereal box.

"Oh right... I need a bowl and spoon," Lizzy says to herself. Lizzy gets up again and walks over to another cupboard to grab a bowl.



The sound startles Lizzy, causing her to jump. "What the heck was that? That didn't sound like your usual knock," Lizzy mutters nervously. She gulps and cautiously motions towards the door. She looks through the door hole but sees no one outside. Lizzy opens the door, when the corner of the door hits something. Confused, Lizzy looks down only for her eyes to widen in horror as she sees the unconscious body of her blonde member.

"NANA!" Lizzy screams.


Jooyeon enters the hacker's room in the basement of the Hunters' Mansion. She finds Catch looking at a dozen computer monitors as he hacks into several public security cameras at once in search of Jisoon's movements. "I'm back," she says.

"Hello Hunter Jooyeon. If you're wondering, I made sure the security cameras at After School's dorm did not spot you as you dropped off your friend," Catch says, eyes still glued to the monitors.

"Thanks," Jooyeon says with a sigh.

"Joonwook and two other Hunters managed to capture the henchman you were in pursuit of before you were interrupted. They should be back to mansion shortly and then we'll begin the interrogation on Jisoon's whereabouts." Catch turns around to face Jooyeon who took a seat in a swivel chair with a dishearten expression. He eyes her carefully. "I see you're upset. Was it because you couldn't apprehend the man?"

She shakes her head. "I didn't want to punch her out cold like that," Jooyeon says miserably.

"You know it's for the best. In that situation, the worst case scenario would have been Nana being a victim. The henchman was armed and with her following you like she did... Well... you know what could have happened if you faced the henchman with her trailing along."

"I know that... But it was still just as hard for me to hurt her..."

Catch takes his mug of coffee next to him and takes a sip before speaking. "When I first joined the Hunters, I heard a lot about how ruthless you were when you were on a hunt, especially hunts concerning Jisoon. Looking at you now, you seem far more timid yet thoughtful at the same time."

"I've changed a lot these past ten years. When I was younger, I didn't have a family except those part of the Hunters. Haesuk, Joonwook, and..." Jooyeon bites down her lower lip. "Miya were more than capable of handling their own so I didn't have to worry about their safety as much. I was definitely far more ambitious because of that. When I left the Hunters, it was hard because I was leaving the people who cared for me... people who were like my family..."

Jooyeon's eyes cloud with sadness.

"But once I became an idol, I found a family within After School. Kahi unnie, Jungah unnie, Uee, Bekah, Raina, Nana, Lizzy, and E-Young... Even Soyoung unnie, though she's no longer part of the group... They care about me so much, despite all my flaws and knowing I'm hiding so many secrets from them. I can say that whenever I'm with any of them, I'm truly happy. I love them so much... I don't want to see them get hurt because of my past. That's why in order to protect them, I can't let them get involved by seeing me."

Nana's smiling face appears in Jooyeon's mind

'Especially her...' Jooyeon thinks sadly.

"It must be hard for you," was all Catch could say, sympathy in his voice.

"It is..." Jooyeon whispers.


(A Precious Memory)

Nana is laying on her bed, facing the wall on her side. She is feeling very depressed and doesn't want to talk to anyone. Her eyes are watery, but not a tear is shed. For the past hour, she's been alone in her room.

Nana hears her door open but doesn't react.

"Hey Nana."

Nana immediately knows it is Jooyeon but she remains silent, not bothering to shift her body. Her deep husky voice stood out from the rest of the members. She hears Jooyeon walking over to her and feels her take a seat on the edge of the bed right next to her. "What's wrong, Jinah?" Jooyeon asks softly. Nana flinches. Whenever Jooyeon says her real name, it means she's serious about something. The dorky, clumsy demeanor is gone as a concerned unnie takes its places. Nana hears Jooyeon letting out a sigh.

"I heard from Raina and Lizzy earlier that you weren't talkative during your radio show earlier. They said you looked really down," Jooyeon says. "Come on Jinah... Say something... What's wrong?"

Nana sits up and looks at Jooyeon with melancholic eyes. "I'm just really sad right now..."

"Well I could have guessed that!" Jooyeon laughs nervously, attempting to ease the atmosphere. When she receives no response from Nana, her faces turns soft again. "Sorry... If only Jungah unnie was here. As the omma, she probably would have words of wisdom for you. Too bad she has vocal training with Kahi unnie right now." Jooyeon smiles sadly. "I guess I'm not as great as Jungah unnie or Kahi unnie when it comes to comforting my friends."

Nana shakes her head. "Jooyeon unnie, it's not your fault. I'm just being troublesome right now... It's just I've been feeling so tired lately and I've snapped at the managers and stylists a few times already. Then I got a call from my dad a few days ago... My mom is sick. He says it's nothing serious but I can't help but worry... I've been physically and mentally exhausted and so I won't take out my stress on anyone, I decide to stay away from everyone..."

"And you've been feeling this way a few days now?" Jooyeon asks. Nana answers with a nod. With a frown, Jooyeon flicks Nana's forehead.

"Ow! What was that for?" Nana whines. Jooyeon suddenly, but gently, pushes Nana's head down sideways on her lap, surprising the blonde. Nana blushes as she feels Jooyeon her head. The simple motion comforts Nana.

"Pabo," Jooyeon lightly scolds Nana. "You should have told all of us sooner. Don't shut yourself away from us when you're in pain because it makes us worry...

"It makes me worry..." Jooeyeon adds more quietly.

Nana shifts herself so the back of her head is on Jooyeon's lap. She looks up into the older girl's eyes and saw how concerned Jooyeon was for her. Nana lifts her hand up to Jooyeon and gently cups her face. "I'm sorry," Nana says quietly. She chuckles when she feels Jooyeon's cheek getting warmer.

Jooyeon laughs softly and flashes a goofy grin. "It's okay. I know I'm not exactly the reliable type, seeing as I can't even take care of myself sometimes. But if you ever need someone to talk to when you're sad, I'll be there for you and do my best to protect your happiness. I care about you, Jinah."

Nana smiles back at Jooyeon. A single tear escapes from her eye.

"Thank you, Jooyeon unnie..."


Nana remains still.

"Nana! Come on... Wake up! Please! Nana!"

Someone shakes her.


Nana stirs and slowly opens her eyes. As her vision refocuses, she finds seven pairs of eyes staring down at her. "You're okay... Oh thank God..." Kahi says with relief and hugs Nana. The rest of the members voice out their relief and thanks.

"Where... am I?" Nana whispers in Kahi's ear.

"You're in your room," Jungah says.

"When I was in the kitchen I heard someone violently knocking on the door," Lizzy explains. "When I opened the door, I found you unconscious on the floor." Lizzy's eyes fill with tears. "I was so worried and scared..."

Nana gently grasps Lizzy's hand. "It's okay... I'm okay."

"What happened Nana? Who did this to you?" Kahi asks protectively.

Memories flash in Nana's mind.

A young girl in a black coat.

A gun pointing at her.

Sudden pain in her stomach.

Jooyeon's red eyes staring down at her.


Nana's face turns pale and her lips begin to quiver. Kahi looks at her, concerned. "Nana?"

"Jooyeon... I saw her this morning..." Nana says almost inaudibly.

"What?" Kahi asks, eyes widening.

"She's okay?!" Uee gasps.

"Did you talk to her?" Raina asks.

"She's the one who hurt me..." Nana mutters, choking back a sob. The truth was almost too much for Nana. Everyone looks at each other in shock, unable to imagine Jooyeon doing such a thing.

Jungah wraps her arm around Nana's shoulder. "Can you tell us what happened, Jinah?"

Nana slowly nods and tells her members about the events that happened after she woke up this morning.


(The Report)

Inside a business office with dim lighting, a middle aged man in a suit taps his finger on his desk impatiently. He hears someone knocking on his door.

"Come," he grunts loudly.

A slender women with her hair in a ponytail and in tight black clothing enters the office. "Jisoon," the women says, bowing.

"Eunli, what has become of the spy we dispatched earlier today?"

"I'm not able to reach him through his phone and he hasn't checked in since he left." Eunli pushes her bangs away from her face. "The rest of your men believe he was either captured or killed by the Hunters. Myself included."

Eunli raises a curious eyebrow as Jisoon chuckles at her report. Jisoon smirks. "I should have known since the group I sent to capture Jooyeon over a week ago didn't come back. I think she is aware we're after her. That damned Haesuk must have gotten in touch with her. Assuming she has returned to the Hunters, I believe it's time to go on the offensive." Jisoon grins deviously. "Eunli, I leave it to you to capture her. Bring as many of my men as you need and use whatever methods necessary."

Eunli's eyes gleam with interest.

"With pleasure."

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happybee93 #1
cool story!
i really like this story :D
Chapter 10: Your story made me bawl a lot of tears but I'm glad it ended happily ^^
On a side note, I love JooNa. They're so perfect <3
jjjyas #3
Chapter 10: thumbs up for this...wait for ur next jooyeon fanfic but please not a AS couple... :)
jjlt2208 #4
Nice fic You have here! I love it! Its so drama, best thing on earth!
xoxobaozi #5
:D I like the epilogue
HBK521 #7
I cried again...YOU DA BEST!!
bento19 #8
Thank u for the happy ending story. At first, I thought u would end the story with sadness. But u change it in this chapter. i love this fan fic. Please write more of JuNa fan fiction.