
A Dark Light (season2)

The sound of raindrops doubled the peace he had. He smiled and took a deep breath in the scent of Donghae's half-long hair by tightening his embrace.

-        "Is it morning?"

Donghae's sleepy hybrid voice widened his smile. They spent the beginning of the weekend making love for hours and finally fell asleep an hour ago after a short shower.

-        "Yeah. Anyway, it's my day off, let's just relax."

He felt the feathery touch of Donghae's thumb on the back of his hand, which made him want to cling even more to his bare body. Minutes passed with the sound of the rain that had become louder. However, as expected, something disturbed their peace; Or it would be better if someone said.

The phone rang and there was only one person who dared to call so early in the morning on a holiday. he sighed; Reluctantly, after separating from Donghae, he turned to the opposite side and connected the call without looking at the contact's name.

"Why did you answer so late?"

He rolled his eyes, but when Donghae's head was placed on his chest, a smile appeared on his lips again.

"Hyung, leave me at least this weekend!"

"I just wanted to remind you that in the evening we have to go to the newly opened coffee shop!"

Now that he had to answer the phone, it was better to leave Yesung alone.

"Hyung, that coffee shop we went to more than 20 times! If you were to make an offer to the owner of that coffee shop, you would have given it in these 8 months! We haven't even seen him up close until now, because Mr. Rais is not proud to personally appear in the cafe. Wait, when and where did you see it?"

Donghae's soft laughter was loud and caused his grin to grow bigger unintentionally.

The sound of Yisung's angry gasps made Paqi chuckle and accept Yisong's shouts and curses.

"Crazy , I will definitely propose to the boy today! That's why I told you two idiots to come! Now collect your money and come to the crime scene!"

Upon hearing the second part of Yesung's words, his hand that was caressing Donghae's hair stopped moving, and Donghae lifted his head from Hyukjae's chest and looked at him with tearful eyes upon hearing that he was going to be alone again.

Hyukjae gave him an apologetic smile and slowly got up from the bed, but with a greedy kick that hit his hip and made him jump a long step forward, he let out a loud laugh.

"Send me the address, hyung."

Saying this, he cut off the call and returned to the frowning Donghae with hanging lips with a smile that had not yet been erased from his face.

"I don't know how long it will take, but I will try my best to reach my evening appointment."

"Why do you prefer your work so much?"

He wanted to tell him that he doesn't prefer anything to him and all other romantic words, but as soon as he opened his mouth, something soft hit him hard in the face. When he removed that piece of cloth from his face, he realized that his underwear was worn and now he was standing in front of him, and he didn't even dare to swallow or move.

Don't give up! Don't give up!

Seeing his stiffened body, Donghae noticed his strong restraint and smirked.

"How long do you think you can resist?"

The answer was clear, he didn't have any resistance unless... with the thought that came to his mind, before Donghae could react, he quickly took off his clothes and in the blink of an eye, he ran down the stairs to the parking lot and into his car. delivered This was also one of the advantages of being a vampire, but if the guard thought to check the camera footage, he would definitely call the hospital when he saw a neighbor running towards his car with clothes in his arms.




He tried to open his eyes, but it was as if his eyes were closed with a cloth. He had experienced this feeling of fear 3 times in his life. The time of losing his mother, losing his father and his first love, and finally the day he came to his senses and realized that he was captured by Matthew again.

"Yes, you have captured me this time too!"

A voice that was not like Matthew's made his hair stand on end.

No! he is not! He is dead! Everything is over!

A touch that was more real than any other touch in his life sat on his face and crushed the truth in his head.

"No, our work together is not over. In fact, I doubt it will ever end, my love."

The coldness was the first thing he felt. But not a winter cold, but a deep freeze in his veins.

Matthew's aggressor's hand went down from his neck and drew rough patterns on his chest.

"Did you have fun without me? What do you think about the new Woohyun? what was his name? Sungmin? Do you want to go behind the scenes and recreate that memory this time with Sungmin? Hm?"

This is a dream, damn you, just wake up!


"When will you understand that you are only mine?"


Sungmin's loud voice finally brought him out of his nightmare and made him want to breathe in the oxygen his lungs didn't need. He turned to Sungmin with a blurry look and hugged him with trembling hands.


Kyuhyun's voice full of helplessness and hatred made Sungmin just silently tie his arms around his waist and hide his face in his collarbone.

"Who was Matthew you were calling?"

This question caused a shiver to go down his spine and Seongmin clung to him more tightly.

"N-Nobody! He was j-just a monster that got destroyed."

Sungmin moved his head slightly to see Kyuhyun's pale face and trembling eyes.

"Let's go have breakfast. Then I have to go to work."

Sungmin's emotionless voice, that faint smile, and his eyes... everything was strange. Little by little, he felt that he could not distinguish reality from fantasy. Something was limping and there was a problem somewhere, but he could not find an answer. Finally, he nodded and left the bedroom with slow steps and a disturbed mind following Sungmin.


He parked the car and put a hand on his neck. Due to the haste of his dressing, it was a bit messy but tolerable.

"Hyukjae! come here."

He saw Yesung leaning against the police car, frowning at the screen of a tablet that a soldier held for him.

He went to it and stared at the tablet screen curiously. In the CCTV footage, he saw a masked woman with a bloody knife carving something on the wall with his back to the camera. He moved closer to the tablet to see better, but at the same moment, the woman turned towards the camera and threw the knife directly at the camera, causing it to break. Hyukjae, who had taken a step back in shock due to the woman's sudden behavior, stared at Yesung with wide eyes.

"What kind of meat was this?"

Without saying a word, Yesung grabbed his wrist and pulled him into the house. Inside the house, everything was intact as if nothing had happened, but the scratched wall and the blood coming from one of the rooms showed everything differently.

When they stood facing the wall, Yesung released his wrist and stared at the wall.

"No one could read these sentences. For now, take a picture of it to see what kind of language it is. Whoever it was hated this family badly."

Hyukjae stood facing Yesung and waited for further explanations with a frown.

"Two boys and a girl along with their parents are stripped at the request of the thief and wear the old clothes that the person gives them and force them to begin one of the poor neighborhoods for a week."

Yesung tried to let out a sigh along with a deep breath to control his nerves to continue.

"In that one week, they were barely able to get a single meal by stealing, and they picked the pockets of many people so that they could survive. They are also beaten by neighborhood bullies and when a week is over, they wake up the next day to find a letter next to them."

Yesung held the letter, which was placed in transparent plastic, towards the confused Hyukjae and remained silent. The whole case was confusing. Someone had been found out of nowhere and had caused such emotional and physical damage to an innocent family. As far as he had heard from Dr. Shift, the victims had suffered from severe malnutrition in the same short period of time, and the condition of the mother of the family was deteriorating.

Hyukjae read the text of the letter carefully again to find at least one clue.

"Debased people forget their humble roots when they become powerful. Someone must come to remind them of their place. Give me back my property or this chain will continue forever."

"Which one?"

Yesung shrugged and moved closer to him so that the others could not hear him.

"This is the 25th family that has suffered such a calamity and-"


Hyukje's scream of shock was so great that their subordinates stopped working and looked at them curiously.

Yesung clenched his teeth angrily and took Hyukjae's wrist and led him out of the building and into the car.

"I spoke quietly so that no one could hear, you fool, then you are shouting?! This case is highly confidential and sensitive. Even the best detectives could not solve it, so they gave us the case because we have never left any case unfinished."

Hyukjae nodded in understanding and was answered when Yesung started the car before he could ask a question.

"We can't do anything special here, we have to go to the office and check the records of all the victims. There must be a pattern."

When Yesung pressed his foot on the gas pedal, Hyukjae closed his eyes so as not to see his crazy driving again. He was sure that if he hadn't become a vampire thanks to Kyuhyun, he would have had a many times by now because of such bad driving.


The darkness, smoke, and colored lights reminded him of the night when Hyukjae took his revenge on Donghae. How many years had passed since then? Ever since he brought Hyukjae and Donghae into his life, everything took on a different color and reminded him of his humanity, which he had forgotten for centuries.

"Another shot."

He pushed his empty glass toward the bartender and looked at his phone screen for the fourth time. He didn't receive any calls or messages from Sungmin, which made him laugh bitterly. What did you expect? Maybe just as Hyukjae's mental influence did not affect Sungmin either? But if that was the case and Sungmin remembered that he killed his wife, he must have retaliated many times by now. Or if he was looking for the best opportunity for revenge?

He picked up the filled glass, but before he could take a sip, a hand stopped him.

"Hey, hey, take it easy, friend! I have been looking at you for half an hour and you are drinking non-stop. Do you want to kill yourself?"

die? He had never thought of suicide. He raised his head to give the intruder an annoyed look. The face of the disturbed young man was more like the father of the clergy who have broken their penance for just one night. He rolled his eyes and laughed under his breath. He misunderstood his behavior as an intruder, so he chose the seat closest to him, pulled the glass from his hand, and took a drink.

"What brought you here? Fate?"

Kyuhyun laughed loudly. He couldn't remember the last time he had laughed so much. He gave an amused look at the intruder and was more precise this time. He was dressed in black from head to toe and his shirt buttons were ed up to his muscular stomach. Big black eyes that looked at him carefully and black hair that was decorated like rich people.

"What is the fate of Kufta?! I come to such celebrations once or twice a year to witness people's superficial and stupid behavior and to be more proud of who I am."

He paused and continued with a smile:

"Well, I'm also looking for bait, because such parties are only held by rich kids, and I like to meet this wealthy group. Those fools always act as if they can have everything with money. Even love! But the only thing they get is the hatred of people like me!"

He didn't know where he was from, he was talking about that day when he returned home with food, but he saw Daddario and his son in their house, but when he came to himself, he realized that the intruder was looking at him with raised eyebrows and pity. has been Why did he talk about vampires?

"I mean, I am writing a novel about such a silly story, I am a writer!"

He knew that his mental state was too bad to be able to penetrate the intruder's mind, so after giving such an embarrassing excuse, he got up to leave earlier, which the intruder preempted and grabbed his hand. He pulled it towards him.

-         "Let's dance!"

Without giving him a chance to digest what he said, he was dragged to the age and drowned among all the drunken fools who were lusting after each other. Grunting, he tried to find his way out, but the intruder grabbed his waist and held him close.

-         Just close your eyes and move with the rhythm of the music. Tomorrow you have time to think about your worries.

The disturbing warm voice that whispered in his ear made him unconsciously close his eyes and do something he never imagined.

Listening to a stranger.

He knew that the intruder was touching his body, but he did not do it in such a way that he felt bad. Maybe it would be better for him to admit that he was enjoying himself. He moved closer to him and locked his arms around the neck of the tall intruder. The wet and hot tongue of the man who no longer disturbed his account made him sigh with pleasure and tilt his head in the opposite direction. He was sinking into the pleasure and after a long time, his mind was empty of any thoughts that brought him back to the dark reality of his life.

-        "I know you are enjoying yourself, but why can't I feel your heart rate increase?"

Because a long time ago, a man who claimed to love me killed me.

This time he sighed sadly and raised his head to share a French kiss with him to distract him. As expected, the man responded to the kiss without a moment's pause and by holding his hips and lifting him, he forced him to wrap his legs around the man's waist.

-          "What's wrong with you-"

He angrily broke the kiss to protest, but the determined eyes of the man suffocated him.

-         "Let me make you forget that Kufti novel tonight. You also deserve peace and enjoyment."

When the man did not see any opposition in his hesitant eyes, he went to one of the rooms on the second floor with long steps and after locking the door, he gently put him on the bed.

-         "I'm top!"

Kyuhyun said sarcastically, causing the man to giggle loudly.

-         "Trust me if you get under me, you will be more satisfied!"

The man ed the remaining few buttons of his shirt and smiled at his admiring gaze on his body.

"What is your name?"


Why did he say his real name? As if under a spell, he answered unintentionally.

It's okay, I'll delete it later.

His thoughts were stopped when his t-shirt was pulled up, and Shuke stared at the t-shirt that was only pulled up halfway and covered his eyes. He was taking out his t-shirt when the buttons and pants were ed and his shorts were pulled down.

"Wait, you-ahhhh…"

His mind went white for a moment and he fell weakly on the bed with the wave of pleasure that rushed through his body. With difficulty, he was able to throw the cursed T-shirt to one side and stand up on his elbows to stare at the pleasant scene. The kneeling man opened his eyes and sent a stronger wave of pleasure by sliding his tongue under his .


Just as the pleasure stopped, he realized his stupid mistake. Why should he mention the name of someone he had never made love with? He sighed in shame and rose again on his elbows.

"Maybe this Woohyun is also the name of one of the characters in Romance?"

He deserved to be ridiculed, but being superior to others for hundreds of years had made him forget how to apologize, so he tried to convey the feeling of regret with his look, but as the man's frown deepened, he realized that he was not very successful in this task either.

-         "Call me Won. It is closer to your Woohyun name and less likely to make a mistake!"

Won said angrily and continued his work so that Kyuhyun felt his soul leave his body.

-         "Hey, calmer, it’s not candy that you are !"

He picked up the nearest pillow and hit the man's head with force, but he was not aware that it would land on his poor . Won fell to the side because of the speed of the pillow that hit his head, but he did not forget to bite Kyuhyun's at the last second and let out a painful scream.

If he was a human, he would probably be sterile, but the pain disappeared in less than 3 seconds, and now it was only anger that made him want to torture the person facing him in all the ways he had learned over the centuries. He didn't waste time to take revenge and attacked him with a jump, but his pants and shorts, which were pulled halfway down, prevented him from jumping, and he just fell on his knees in front of Won's feet like an idiot.

"You like rough, don't you?"



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