Chapter 6: hopeless abound

Corrupted dreams

Pibby was extremely confused as the ball had bounced off of her without making an impact. She had been expecting it to be a small explosive that would explode on contact or a cage that would activate but there was nothing. A few seconds later the ball opened and a red light began to pour out. Frightened and scared, Pibby tried to move but couldn't due to the pain in her leg. The red light consumed her whole being but instead of feeling pain like she was expecting there was a tingling sensation throughout her whole body.

In a few seconds that felt like hours her mind and body seemed to melt together and in what she could only describe as painless evaporation she had become a being of light. As her new form settled down she suddenly began to get dragged into the red and white orb that seemed to get bigger the closer she got to it. When she finally reached it her new form was into it. The bottom and the top of the ball clinked together and began to shake like there was an earthquake, Pibby in too much confusion didn't fight back and after three large shakes it stopped and Pibby felt a calming atmosphere beginning to form which made no sense because there was nothing around.

Never in a million years would Pibby have believed that it only lasted 8 seconds. In the blackness that was the inside of the weird orb she could hear the sound of the device saying "Pokemon has been registered to your pokedex". "Yeah but what is it?" the voice of one of the boys sounded." I don't know but it might be connected to the strange behavior of the psychic type Pokemon", "is it an ultra beast", "might be but if it is it's unlike any ultra beast seen before". The boy's conversation bounced against the walls of her prison but began to fade as her surroundings took on a new form. Instead of the black void before she was now in her original universe, the one she thought had been destroyed.

As she wandered through the green fields, the small town and through the flower fields she couldn't help but get a feeling of dread. She wasn't scared of the fact she was a prisoner, she wasn't scared of the fact the world she was in was fake, she wasn't scared that she was now owned by somebody. No, what scared her was how lonely she was. The universe she had lived in for most of her life felt like a torture chamber without her friends from before the war. Bunbun was her best friend and she missed his laugh, but now the only sound was the sound of her feet against the fake grass. After wandering a bit more she decided to lay down in the fields. This time however unlike before the grass made no noise in the non-existing wind, there were no birds chirping, there were no animals moving, there was only the sound of her breath.

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